Fitzgerald Announcement: “11am PT / 2pm ET“
Patrick Fitzgerald will hold a news conference today at 2pm ET / 11am PT, according to CNN. I anticipate that many online outlets will air this live, including C-SPAN, Washington Post (no video link up yet), and NPR (can’t confirm) or Air America Radio.
“The grand jury was expected to meet this morning, with an announcement by Fitzgerald expected about midday,” reports the Los Angeles Times, via Daou Report.
Here’s the address for Fitz’s place.
Will the Froggy Bottom Cafe be open until Fitz shows up for his little speech? Or should we head over to Fitz’s? (His place is a bit plain looking — patriotic, but plain nonetheless — and I don’t see any party treats. Shall we get a hat and whistle for Fitz? ‘course, he’d probably rather have a stiff shot and a nap.)
No, this isn’t like a campaign party. Leave your checkbooks at home. This one’s on the government!
P.S. That’s the NYT photo of Scooter being driven to work this morning. Someone “Photoshopped” in a cardboard box. No idea why they did that.
The agony of having to go to work….
Do I have a fever?
Brunch drinks it is…Kir Royale, Mimosa champagne slushies…
And I have a special frogmarch picture too…too bad scooter isn’t in it.
Are you saving your pic for the big announcement?
You could use my frogmarch picture when the big announcement comes in, if you want…
Send it to me? Or is there a link? Will credit you and the boys (feeling better?)
I just sent it to you. The guys are still sick, but I think bronchitis boy might be feeling a little better. The little guy STILL has a sick stomach.
I hope they feel better soon; how can I miss them when they won’t go away? π
Ate some chocolate last night while I worked the duck pond at my son’s school fall festival. Woke up this morning with a migraine (my own fault). The meds are kicking in……..a bloody mary might finish the damn thing off.
I can’t wait but only because I’m really tired of the whole thing. To me, it’s just a distraction (and nice source of schadenfreude) from the really bad things this administration is doing.
I think I’m numb because there are too many questions and not enough answers. Also, I don’t think we’re going to get to many answers today. O, we’ll know who’s indicted and maybe the charges against them but we still won’t be told how the info about Plame/Wilson snaked its way from the CIA to the WH leakers. That will be on hold until the trial(s); otherwise, the potential jury pools would be polluted. There will still be months and months of leaks and speculations and, if plea bargains are negotiated, we may NEVER know exactly how it all went down because part of the deal will be sealing the evidence. ARRGH!
Sorry to be a buzz-killer but I think we’re all going to feel a bit of a let-down later today and might as well start getting used to the feeling. On the other hand, if the latest leaks are BS and Larry Johnson was right about 22 persons named in the indictment(s) then… good golly, I’ll be dancing in the street!
This is far from over but news today that Libby is indicted (if that’s what happnes) will rock the country and that will have a huge impact on the fate of the Republicans.
People who weren’t paying attention to the big picture before will start now.
come down, this still doesn’t represent for me anything important. The crap things the Bush administration and Republican congress do will keep right on happening. If the indictments do have any impact, it will mostly show up during the 2006 elections.
The indictments are an embodiment of “revenge is sweet” and I’ll be glad to enjoy that but I don’t see them as much more than that.
I’ll be very happy to be proved massively wrong.
Gotta agree with you there, Andi — I’ve been sitting around all week thinking: “ok, let’s say we get everything we want from this, then what?”
Brownie is still getting paid, the budget process still goes, people still die every day in Iraq….
The machine rumbles on….
Think of today’s indictment(s) as a first baby step toward getting our country back. Everything you said is true, but c’mon, the victories for the Good Guys have been so few and so far between that we should be enjoying this week — Bush is handed a big ol’ defeat in Miers (by his own people no less), Tom Noe is indicted in Ohio’s Coingate, Delay is still tanking in support and now a little baby Fitzmas.
Let’s enjoy what we can get and then look forward to more to come, $DEITY willing.
Oh, I’m not taking anything away from anyone who wants to jump up and down adn celebrate, don’t get me wrong!!
My heart’s just not in it.
Perhaps it’s somewhere in between. Most of my liberal friends will be surprised if there are any indictments, period. So, I think it will perk up the ears of many people.
People are sick of this war — and the polls suck for Republicans. We have been abused for so long by this administration, though, I know I have a hard time even trusting a possible flickering of hope or justice.
However, the optimist in me believes that even if this is just a little snow ball now, if it keeps rolling, it’ll just build upon itself into something much bigger.
Today, the right wing controls fucking everything, because they get to make wars, and appoint judges, and pass laws and amendments. They control most of the money. So even if it’s just a nick, I’ll take it. Enough nicks could really hurt. This may be the way we bring these people down — one nick at a time.
Sorry for the rant. It’s more about me than you.
Yay! I can go back to bed.
As if.
The morning shows are all saying that Karl Rove WILL NOT be indicted today! Without Rove, this round of indictments doesn’t do much to Bush.
They are not ruling out the possibility that he will still be under investigation….
Katie Couric says? (Although she is very perky, isn’t she?)
Perky and matronly at the same time…how does she pull it off? π
I wasn’t watching Katie Couric — Imus, CNN and Fox News….there are also more than a few print sources that say the same thing.
So who’s giving them this info? Rove? Certainly not Fitzgerald. The GJ is meeting now, so who the hell really knows what they are deciding?
I want to wait until 2 pm. Lots more to come.
Well, when Rove is telling everyone that he is going to have a “wonderful weekend” — I’m pretty sure that he has slimed his way out of another one. We’ll see in few hours though, you’re right.
They are saying that Karl will remain under investigation. Perhaps we’ll have something to celebrate (about Karl) another day.
Rove stays under investigation, Fitz is moving into new bigger digs across the street . . . much as I’d like to see Rove in international orange today, I like the sound of what I’m hearing.
I just had the worst night’s sleep. Imus(who I really don’t care for) just read the riot act to the people handing him notes saying what has been said here. Tim Russert was on the phone with him and Tim asked Imus, “As an American citizen what would you like to see happen”. Imus relied, “I want to see Bush, Rove, Cheney, Libby, Matlin, Hughes and the whole bunch frog marched out of the White House”. WOW! He is really pissed.
If Rove is not indicted today but is still under investigation I will be a happy camper. Fitzmas for Libby today, New Year’s for Rove? I can live with that.
Chris Mathews just said that if they are to enpanel a new GJ no one is safe. Don’t count anyone out.
Somebody on MSNBC just said Rove won’t be indicted, but he does remain under investigation. Do you think he’s “cooperating”?
I shudder to think what Karl’s idea of cooperating is.
Fitz has been meeting with Rove’s lawyer. I am sure he is trying to make a deal. Fitz did give him that opportunity earlier in the week but Rove said no. Maybe he has changed his mind.
I will forgive your lack of amazement. π
“terra bleat”?? Has someone reported that they have something suspicious in their car again? Is it Karl Rove’s driver?
From where will he bleat?
Fitz to hold press conference at 2pm eastern
Woohoo! Now I can schedule my shower.
David Ensor on CNN said it would be very unusual for a prosecutor to schedule a news conference if he didn’t plan to announce any indictments. I don’t know what the logic is there.
A very nice long shower Catnip….enjoy!I know it has been a few days…lol! We can smell you all the way out here in Calf. <snark>
We can smell you all the way out here in Calf.
No doubt! I’ve had to wear noseplugs here.
What an amazing story this will make. All I care about is that the right people get to write the history. I’m so conflicted over trying to figure out which of the criminals this administration cannot function without. Pretty sure little george is gonna have to bring Condi and Karen back to him real soon. He’s lucky that Harriet is back in her place now.
Please, Pat, don’t make us endure the big Dick’s presence on the stage much longer.
from NBC via Atrios: Release of documents at noon along with previously announced press conference at 2pm. So Fitz is going to let the reporters read the indictments beforehand. Very nice of him to let them prepare their questions.
Should have known I couln’t beat Susan to the punch. har.
Excellent – then we can read them too, hopefully!
Let’s estimate, on the low end, that at 12 noon EDT, somewhere around 20,000 netizens will click on Fitz’ site simultaneously. Could it be more? Could we crash the whole .gov network? Do you think they’ve got a clue as to how many of us are paying attention?
I want to have his babies.
Getting scared Joe?
The beauty of my job is living where I work and the office is just steps from my apartment. Looks like I will be taking an early lunch today. Is anyone going to be live blogging this for those cubicle dwellers?
Is anyone going to be live blogging this for those cubicle dwellers?
Yup. I think it will go something like this:
oh! There’s Fitz…looking tired…wearing a nice grey suit…making his way up to the mikes…silence greats his arrival…okay…here we go…(geez this is nerve wracking!)…alright…”Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. After the culmination of two years of invetsigative work and the tireless work of the grand jury and my colleagues Jane, Sally, Tom, Frank and Spot (my dog), I am here to announce that the grand jury has decided to indict I. Lewis Libby, Vice President Darth Vader’s Chief of Staff…pardon? Did I just say Darth Vader out loud? I’m sorry. It’s been a long two years…”
Fitz has a cat, not a dog. That’s about all we know about his personal life.
Yeah, but one look at his cat tells you all you need to know!
That is scary looking.
and more than that I’m not sure I want.
I showed it to my granddaughter. She asked what it was, I told her I think it’s a mutant cat. She said I was crazy. I’m not sure what her point was.
I thought this was his cat – all dressed up for today’s frog-marching:
Aha! Good man that Fitz!
Definitely Libby indicted today, Rove will be held off until later
I had lost faith in Fitzgerald. Despite living in Chicago these past few years, it seemed as if his announcement would come during the White Sox celebration.
Your updated timeline indicates the announce will occur after the Sox event.
Wow, two celebrations in one day!
From the NYT — Scooter on his way to work today.
Hope he brought a box with him. (snort)
IF ANY OF YOU see other sites that will be showing the press conference online, please e-mail me so I can add links…
Catnip, if you see any, pop into my story and edit it. TY!
I assume this is what you have all been waiting for . . .
Sorry for the error there.
Anyway, is this what you are looking for . . .
I pulled the photos out (both here and below) because I find nothing funny in the events of today. Although I am solidly in the minority, I am convinced that justice was not served today, and that we are truly fucked.
Anyone watching Bush propaganda? Someone was shouting out in the audience. Did anyone catch what he was yelling? They never showed it but he was booed and then a second or two later applause as he must have been escorted out of yet another staged event. How do these poor soldiers stand this crap!?
Oh No! A change in plans! Emily Litella has taken over the investigation!!
1 Isn’t th ebox so he can clean out his office?
2 Reports differ but iirc there is a difference between being a GJ indictment and a suspect’s charging. Guess: GJ indicts Rove. Indictment sealed. GJ expires. Rove later charged with indictment.
What’s he waiting for? More evidence, to be derived from those who have been charged. Why? Has enough evidence for indictment but is waiting for enough evidence to convict, a higher standard being wise in the case of one of the President’s men.
And/or Rove has given up something and they are evaluating it.
There will be enormous pressure for George to issue pardons earlier than end of term. Watch for talking points to be directed toward justifying such an action. Minimization is just the start. +Cheney’s heart condition. +Rove only lied, faithful employee etc. THis will become the focus. WHich is probably why COnyers is already on this although it might have seemed a little ahead of the game, he’s right on the ball with it.
Confession: That box wasn’t in the original photo. Someone i know well added it.
It’s going to be tumultuous. You raise some very good points that haven’t been discussed enough. Cheney’s health may be major.
I’d guess WH is evaluating:
1 How much damage to George would arise from a pardon and how much of that damage would dissipate over the next three years.
2 How much damage Cheney, Libby et al, could do in plea bargains if they are not pardoned right away. ie Do they have the goods on Bush and would they sing.
3 DOubt if personal history even figures in to this
4 What excuses could they come up with to justify early pardons.
5 The legal issue. How absolute is the pardon power? There is no review, but could a prosecutor usse a pardon to charge obstruction by Pres as unindicted coconspirator.
Thanks, knew about the photoshopping, thought the diary comment was on the level.
I would like a mimosa please. Thanks