Fitzgerald Announcement: “11am PT / 2pm ET

Patrick Fitzgerald will hold a news conference today at 2pm ET / 11am PT, according to CNN. I anticipate that many online outlets will air this live, including C-SPAN, Washington Post (no video link up yet), and NPR (can’t confirm) or Air America Radio.

   “The grand jury was expected to meet this morning, with an announcement by Fitzgerald expected about midday,” reports the Los Angeles Times, via Daou Report.

Here’s the address for Fitz’s place.

Will the Froggy Bottom Cafe be open until Fitz shows up for his little speech? Or should we head over to Fitz’s? (His place is a bit plain looking — patriotic, but plain nonetheless — and I don’t see any party treats. Shall we get a hat and whistle for Fitz? ‘course, he’d probably rather have a stiff shot and a nap.)

No, this isn’t like a campaign party. Leave your checkbooks at home. This one’s on the government!

P.S. That’s the NYT photo of Scooter being driven to work this morning. Someone “Photoshopped” in a cardboard box. No idea why they did that.