This must be a milestone for dKos PropaGannon team members and a reward for their effort to establish facts around the CIA leak of Valerie Plame to the U.S. press, and the effort by the WHIG group to discredit Ambassador Joe Wilson.

  «« click on pic for bio Fitzgerald

Patrick J. Fitzgerald

A memorable day, let’s hope all facts are turned into solid indictments to the culprits roaming the Colonial Style White House in Washington DC.

Continues »»
Without diminishing the effort of the team, two outspoken persons are SusanG and NyBri – thank you for motivation and relentless job well done!

  • Who’s Who in the White House
  • WH West Wing Org Chart »»

    May this day bring his good bye …

    Power of the Punditocracy

    By Howard Kurtz
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Friday, October 28, 2005; 7:18 AM

    In a few short weeks, Harriet Miers may be as dimly remembered as G. Harrold Carswell, and as the battle rages over a new nominee, some folks will wonder what all the fuss was about.

    But Miers’s 24 days in the searing spotlight demonstrated many things. One, that the conservative punditocracy is a powerful force, and never more so than when it decides to break with a Republican president. Two, that the normally disciplined White House can look amateurish when it makes as many mistakes as it did on this nomination. Three, that a Supreme Court candidate may be able to survive a thin resume, but not also a bungled questionnaire, unimpressive meetings with senators, an attempt to sell her on religious grounds, gushing letters to her boss, and no trace of ever trying to seriously address constitutional issues. Four, that nominating cronies is risky business. Five, that the party seems divided (former senator Jack Danforth told CNN that the activists’ attacks were “mean” and “outrageous,” though they simply used the power of their words to undermine a shaky nominee). Six, that presidents really do seem snakebitten in their second terms (see Watergate, Iran-contra, Lewinsky).

    Since I patrol the media beat, here is my report on Issue No. 1, the punditocracy:



      «« click on pic to enlarge

    LEAVE … Iraq to the Iraqis

    “Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
    For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”

    ▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY


  • Rhode – Wurmser – Larry Franklin – AIPAC – Abramoff