[From the diaries by susanhu.]

Exxon Mobil Corp. Chairman
and CEO Lee Raymond

Really look at this face. This is the face of greed. The face of the wealthy. The face of one who is pulling the strings in the world economy. This is symbolically the face of the devil.

To put Exxon’s performance into perspective, its third quarter revenue was greater than the annual gross domestic product of some of the largest oil producing nations, including the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. The world’s largest publicly traded oil company also set a U.S. profit record with net income of almost $10 billion, according to Standard & Poor’s equity market analyst Howard Silverblatt.

Last night on CSPAN I watched a colloquy between Rep. Bernie Sanders of VT and Defacio of Oregon. They were telling us exactly what was going on with this administration- the gutting of America and democracy.

One statement they put forth was the widening gap between the rich or top 1% and the rest of us. One tenth of this 1% have more money than 2.5 billion people combined.

The only good thing I felt after listening to them was that they are as aware of the financial crisis that those of us at the bottom of the barrel are and will face for a long time to come because of the greed of a few. They are aware that many of us will have a cold difficult winter because of the high price of fuel.

I use to have to choose between food and medications. Now I will have choose between, food, fuel and forget the meds.

It chilled my heart.