back from Trader Joe’s because I needed some manzanilla tea (chamomile); I was amused by the numerous Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers still affixed to the cars in the parking lot (including mine) 🙂
We’re boycotting Trader Joe’s because they won’t carry eggs from cage-free hens … only the horrifically caged hens. Sigh. HSUS has been trying to work with them, but they’re very unresponsive.
It’s really a puzzler because even the Safeway here in this small town has at least three brands of eggs from cage-free hens.
… last night on Bill Maher’s show Tony Snow was trying to sell the talking point that Libby had been indicted for “the crime of talking with reports.”
Maher missed his chance to really nail Snow on it but Billy Connally was on and he hammered Snow throughout about perjury. I thought Connally was going to jump across the table at Snow at one or two points. He wasn’t letting Snow get away with shit at all.
I watched most of that show but lordy, I couldn’t stand fair and balanced ‘Tony Snow’ who as ‘unbiased newscaster’ sure had a lot of odd factoids that seemed straight out of talking points for the Reps. I really could not understand either why Meyer let him get away with what he was saying but I have to add that hardly anyone on any of the cable news shows has the facts right about Wilson and they keep repeating the same old mistakes…
It’s like we have this down, ‘no new info please’. I am aghast at their lack of research constantly and it’s kind of harks back to the Kerry (Swift Boat) thing last year.
Did you hear me yelling at Tony Snow? It went like this:
“SHUT UP! LET the others talk!”
And I was sore with Bill for letting Snow dominate. The woman in the middle — from Fortune magazine — sounded very interesting, but she barely got a chance to speak.
It was kind of obvious though that Snow had them on the details, the reports, etc…. and they couldn’t rebound against him because they didn’t have counterpoints. Sigh.
The grand jury has now concluded that at least one of the president’s men committed crimes. We are heartened that our system of justice is working and appreciative of the work done by our fellow citizens who devoted two years of their lives to grand jury duty.
The attacks on Valerie and me were upsetting, disruptive and vicious. They amounted to character assassination. Senior administration officials used the power of the White House to make our lives hell for the last 27 months.
But more important, they did it as part of a clear effort to cover up the lies and disinformation used to justify the invasion of Iraq. That is the ultimate crime.
No clock-adjusting for me!
I get an extra hour’s sleep. Yay! 🙂
have you seen this? There’s a diary over on dKos about it (organic grocery delivery, basically).
I thought it was cool, anyway 🙂
Cool. Thanks. Now if only I could afford to order from them. 🙂
back from Trader Joe’s because I needed some manzanilla tea (chamomile); I was amused by the numerous Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers still affixed to the cars in the parking lot (including mine) 🙂
We’re boycotting Trader Joe’s because they won’t carry eggs from cage-free hens … only the horrifically caged hens. Sigh. HSUS has been trying to work with them, but they’re very unresponsive.
It’s really a puzzler because even the Safeway here in this small town has at least three brands of eggs from cage-free hens.
You deserve an extra hour, Catnip!
… last night on Bill Maher’s show Tony Snow was trying to sell the talking point that Libby had been indicted for “the crime of talking with reports.”
Maher missed his chance to really nail Snow on it but Billy Connally was on and he hammered Snow throughout about perjury. I thought Connally was going to jump across the table at Snow at one or two points. He wasn’t letting Snow get away with shit at all.
I watched most of that show but lordy, I couldn’t stand fair and balanced ‘Tony Snow’ who as ‘unbiased newscaster’ sure had a lot of odd factoids that seemed straight out of talking points for the Reps. I really could not understand either why Meyer let him get away with what he was saying but I have to add that hardly anyone on any of the cable news shows has the facts right about Wilson and they keep repeating the same old mistakes…
It’s like we have this down, ‘no new info please’. I am aghast at their lack of research constantly and it’s kind of harks back to the Kerry (Swift Boat) thing last year.
Did you hear me yelling at Tony Snow? It went like this:
“SHUT UP! LET the others talk!”
And I was sore with Bill for letting Snow dominate. The woman in the middle — from Fortune magazine — sounded very interesting, but she barely got a chance to speak.
It was kind of obvious though that Snow had them on the details, the reports, etc…. and they couldn’t rebound against him because they didn’t have counterpoints. Sigh.
Connolly’s disgust was a relief!
I loved Helen Thomas. She looked pretty too.
It took an activist Supreme Court one year after Rosa Parks’ arrest before it ended the legal battles and struck down Montgomery’s racist bus-seating laws.
It’s a diary at dailykos, I will cross-post it here in awhile.
In today’s LA Times. (a snippet below)
one of the president’s men
Good, not-so-subtle reference to Nixon’s White House.
This prez can’t even tell a mother why her son died in this stupid war.
Democrats 2006:
“Either you’re with the traitors or you’re with us!”