Subtitle: Indictments? What Indictments?
In case you missed it, Senator Barbara Boxer played therapist to her patient Rep. David Dreier on Friday nite. I think he’ll be needing a lot more sessions before he’s able to make a breakthrough though.
Transcript of Friday’s CNN Larry King Live Show, “Libby Indicted, Resigns”:
KING: We’ll start with the elected officials first. Senator Boxer, surprised?
SEN. BARBARA BOXER (D), CALIFORNIA, FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Oh, on some levels but it is very disturbing, not only the fact that we are facing this terribly difficult time for our country with such a high level individual being indicted on five counts of lying and all the rest and we’re talking about lying to FBI agents, lying to the grand jury. We’re talking about obstruction of justice, which means there could be a lot more to this case than meets the eye.
But the bigger picture, which is why did all this happen? It’s because this administration we think, and we don’t know how deep it goes, wanted to punish a man’s family. That’s what happened.
Joe Wilson, he told the truth. He said there was no truth to the fact that Saddam Hussein was trying to restart his nuclear weapons program by getting uranium from Niger.
And so, to punish him, they in fact outed this CIA agent and ruined her career and hurt our national security and who knows who they put in jeopardy and that is kind of like the enemy’s list that I remember from the Nixon years and it’s very chilling to me.
KING: Congressman Dreier, as chairman of the Rules Committee, how much trouble is your White House in?
REP. DAVID DREIER (R), CALIFORNIA: Well let me say at the outset I disagree with most of what my friend Barbara has just said. Scooter Libby has not been charged with disclosing the identity of a covert agent. We know that he’s been charged with providing purportedly false statements to a grand jury. And, I will say this, everyone in this county…
BOXER: And obstruction of justice.
DREIER: Excuse me. Everyone in this country is presumed innocent until proved otherwise and I will tell you that I’ve worked with Scooter Libby for many years. He is a phenomenal individual and he’s someone who has worked long and hard dealing with our nation’s homeland security and I think that we still need to have respect for him.
Now the president, Larry, has accepted his resignation and we have to move ahead. We have to deal — so that is an issue that those of us who serve in the United States Congress have nothing to do with.
We need to continue to do everything we can to focus on the success that we’ve had with 78 percent of the Iraqi people voting in that referendum, rebuilding following Hurricane Katrina.
KING: Is the party in any trouble?
DREIER: Let me just tell you how I can make sure that the party is not in trouble and that’s for us to continue to do out work, cutting federal spending, making sure that the phenomenal news that we got today of 3.8 percent GDP growth, I mean incredible even in the wake of the hurricane we have incredible economic growth. And so I think that if we can focus on our work then to answer your question directly, Larry, the party and the country are not in trouble.
BOXER: Larry, David is in denial.
KING: No, Barbara don’t interrupt. Let me get everybody in.
BOXER: He’s just in denial.
KING: OK. The headline in the paper, David, tomorrow is not going to be about the GDP.
DREIER: You’re right. That’s why I’m talking about it, Larry, because I know the headline tomorrow won’t be about the GDP and somebody needs to talk about that.
KING: David Gergen it says that Karl Rove is still under investigation. What does that mean?
Libby is a Phenomenal Individual..That is Phenomenal news. Wow. Well, I think Dreier is Phenomenal for saying that. Thanks Gayvid Dreier….Sides that….I love my Boxer.
Republican concerted effort and PR strategy to limit damage for Bush, his presidency and the White House. This is of course an evil mind set, to permit 5 counts of felony to be off-set by so called hard work in getting the U.S. to invade Iraq on false evidence.
Oct. 28, 2005 — Mr. Libby has informed me that he is resigning to fight the charges brought against him. I have accepted his decision with deep regret.
Scooter Libby is one of the most capable and talented individuals I have ever known. He has given many years of his life to public service and has served our nation tirelessly and with great distinction.
In our system of government an accused person is presumed innocent until a contrary finding is made by a jury after an opportunity to answer the charges and a full airing of the facts. Mr. Libby is entitled to that opportunity.
Because this is a pending legal proceeding, in fairness to all those involved, it would be inappropriate for me to comment on the charges or on any facts relating to the proceeding.
Bush Statement »»
Disgraced - Libby moving away seen between US flag banner
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
I don’t really believe they are in denial at all. They KNOW the truth and think they can continue to spin their way out of this mess. Not this time boys. The ONLY reason Libby was not charged with outing Valerie is because he obstructed that from happening by lying. This is not over. The more I hear the other sides talking points the more I know they are scared shitless. I flipping love it. Look out Karl…Fitz isn’t done with you yet.
I am so proud of my Senator Boxer. She is always on the forefront of calling the criminals out.
This wouldn’t be the first time Dreier’s been in denial. He’s not gay, you know.
Rolling on the floor laughing.
Drier will not allow himself to be on the same show with Barbara anytime soon. Barbara pulls off an inside joke on him on National TV as the Pols and political junkies all laugh. That’s a ‘score’ in the labyrinths of Washington and California politics. Don’t mess with Babs.
There are those who don’t see Boxer as the sharpest knife in the drawer, and in an academic sense she often isn’t (she willingly adopts the reasoning of others). It’s when the infighting starts that Boxer is the sharpest knife.
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What Barbara Boxer did is great, but why stop with “denial”?
The Republicans are all singing the same tune. Very openly, members of the press are joining them.
So next time one of our guys and gals hears the Republican Talking Points like
Why don’t they simply say: