Bonddad just e-mailed this Fox News shocker to me. Do you also — like Bonddad — find Hume’s putdown of Juan Williams to be “racist and insensitive”?

Via Crooks & Liars, which has the video:

Juan Williams should know better than to go after the Bush administration on Brit Hume’s watch.

Think Progress has the story:

JUAN WILLIAMS : “You can try to minimize it, but the fact that you have Scooter Libby, so involved in justifying going to war, and in the posture of trying to smear a critic of that justification. I think is pretty revealing and pretty damaging to the Bush White House….”

BRIT HUME: Juan, somebody needs to hose you down.

Skiddlybop diaried this exchange at Daily Kos, drawing on a good discussion at Democratic Underground: “Of course, this house slave might just say, ‘Thank you Sir, may I have another’… or maybe he will say that this kind of neo-con racism proves that he all along has been unworthy of being called a journalist or an American.”