History repeats itself? What goes around comes around? Or Halloween eve.. We now have a new Tricky Dick.

Will Cheney be indicted?
I sure hope justice will do its duty.
Better late than never.

Truisms- ya gotta love ’em.

In Indictment’s Wake, a Focus on Cheney’s Powerful Role

Many Republicans say that Mr. Cheney, already politically weakened because of his role in preparing the case for war, could be further damaged if he is forced to testify about the infighting over intelligence that turned out to be false. At the least, they say, his office will be temporarily off balance with the resignation of Mr. Libby, who controlled both foreign and domestic affairs in a vice presidential office that has served as a major policy arm for the West Wing.

Vice President Dick Cheney, shown last month after a luncheon in Washington, has played a major role in setting Bush administration policy.
“Cheney has had a tight, effective team, and they have been an incredible support system for the presidency,” said Rich Bond, a former chairman of the Republican National Committee. “To the degree that that support system is weakened, it’s a bad day at the office. But no person is indispensable.” For now, David Addington, the vice president’s counsel, is the leading candidate to replace Mr. Libby.

Mr. Cheney’s allies noted that there was no suggestion in the indictment that the most powerful vice president in American history, with enormous influence in all important corners of administration policy, had done anything wrong.

Please feel free to add your truism.

This indictment was a nice Halloween surprise as the MASKS come off.