So said Dana Milbank at the start of Howie Kurtz’s now hour-long Reliable Sources on CNN.

The panel’s first topic: How careful we (the WaPo) were about the Karl Rove indictment story … as opposed to some other careless journalists. (The implication, of course, is that the “responsible” journalists have concluded that Fitz is essentially done. Fitz doesn’t have a knuckleball, they’re smugly certain.)

“The mainstream media was responsible,” says Dana Milbank. “… as opposed to some of the wacky stuff by the ideologues and the blogs.” (FU, DM.)

Update [2005-10-30 12:31:25 by susanhu]: Via Crooks and Liars‘ Blog Round-up, “”On or about July 10, 2003, LIBBY spoke to NBC Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert to complain about press coverage of LIBBY by an MSNBC reporter.” Guess who that reporter was.

I can’t guess who the reporter is — David Shuster? — and I haven’t looked yet It can’t be Norah O’Donnell. No way. Can you guess?


If you’re watching, comment away … i wonder how many more distortions and falsehoods will be spun. If you’ve watched Meet the Press or This Week or other Sunday shows, report in. Even though we’re “wacky,” we are curious little buggers.