It’s going to take nothing short of magic – a very convincing illusion – for George W Bush to now steer the focus away from the corruption in his administration back to his big agenda issues for this term. Perhaps he should enlist David Copperfield to replace Karl Rove.
With the indictments of Scooter Libby and Tom DeLay, the investigation of Bill Frist, the withdrawal of the nomination of Harriet Miers after a massive implosion of the Republican Party’s base, an illegal war that is out of control, a pro-torture Vice President and the absolute inability to even utter one regret over any of it, this is more than just a “culture of corruption”. It’s a culture of lies. Corruption seems like far too gentle a word at this point for what the Bush administration has been perpetuating since it took over the White House.
While the Republicans will try furiously to refocus the American public’s attention back to Bush’s domestic agenda again this week, that same public is still reeling from what congress and the WH have wrought the past few months as a result of that agenda: a bankruptcy bill that will harm millions and protect the credit card companies, pandering to the gun companies by protecting them from lawsuits, cutting back on food stamps, proposing cutbacks to Medicaid and Medicare, the lack of a viable energy policy, the continual mismanagement of hurricane relief efforts, the flip-flop on the Davis-Bacon Act and the ongoing inability to manage the war in Iraq.
This is a failed presidency.
One only had to watch Bush’s statement to the press on Friday about the Libby indictments to see that he had lost that look of steely determination that has been his hallmark as the “war president”. He looked defeated – not defiant. That’s what happens to a man who refuses to allow anything but good news from the lips of his closest advisors to penetrate his daily reality. He has lost control of the message to an extent that we can be sure he never envisioned due to his stubborn insistence that he never makes mistakes.
The only way such a man can move ahead is to continue to deny reality by attempting once again to push his social security “reforms”, his war on terror campaign and his meme that “freedom is on the march” while carrying an approval rating hovering around 40%. It hasn’t worked before and it won’t work now.
Bush also faces the dilemma of again having to nominate a new candidate to the Supreme Court to replace the failed Miers candidacy. His only safe bet is to nominate a moderate who is clearly conservative. If he chooses to give his fundie base the red meat they’ve been salivating for, he risks another major battle with the end result being the use of the nuclear option in the Senate. He may believe he can afford that fight, and his base may believe it as well, but if he thinks things around him are ugly now – just wait until the Democrats bring down the hammer on that strategy.
It’s obviously going to take more than the power of a master illusionist like David Copperfield, who is quite capable of making real elephants disappear, to take away the stench that emanates from this White House. It’s going to take more than the business-as-usual right-wing smear machine to change things as well. What else does Bush have up his sleeve and, in the end, will he be able to pull off the trick without a hitch? He has a very cynical audience to convince and they will be watching his every move knowing what magic really is: just one big illusion.
I still believe War is the likeliest possibility.
I’d like to see David Copperfield open up “Bush’s Brain” and show us what’s inside.
It would be a repeat of Geraldo and Al Capone’s vault–nothing but some old gin bottles.
Sigh, it’ll probably be war and loads of BS hype about Syria.
… But, you know, I have to say that I was astonished by the quality of Bush’s statement to the media on Friday. It was very brief, but it was delivered well — unusual for him — and he hit on all the right points, including his thanks to Libby for his service, the seriousness of the investigation, and his own focus on the serious matters facing he country.
He scored on Friday afternoon, after a very bad week.
And this tactic — the brief, punchy statement — worked a lot better than his endless speeches on terrorism.
His speech was pretty good but I would have preferred one of the following:
Bush: I want to apologize to the American people. I’m a liar. I plan to keep lying in the future, as I really am incapable of telling the truth. I knew all along that Dick Cheney outed Valerie Wilson, but I never would have been reelected if we had let the American people know that, and John Kerry would have ended the war on terror and so I couldn’t let that happen.
Bush: Dick Cheney has given me his resignation. Lying to the me and the American people cannot be tolerated.
How about if Bush had said this:
I said I would not tolerate anyone in the administration if I found out they had leaked classified information. Now that we know that Karl Rove was involved in leaking classified information, I’m terminating his employment today. And since it is also clear that Dick Cheney knew that Scooter Libby lied to the GJ, I’m going to ask for his resignation as well.
Bush: “I am a liar, a murderer of thousands, and an election thief. I’m resigning, effective immediately, and the true winners of the 2000 and 2004 elections will be taking over the salvaging of the United States, effective immediately.”
Except for the apology part, thats exactly what he said.
I obviously saw Bush’s statement differently. Regardless, he’s still an impotent leader overall.
Too bad they haven’t invented political Viagra !
Now seriously, I thought it was a mistake to thank someone for his service when they they are being fired for, at best obstruction of Justice , and at worst betraying their intelligence service
I so want you to be right about this Catnip. But one area where I’m worried is what you said about Bush giving his base the red meat they’ve been salivating for:
“He may believe he can afford that fight, and his base may believe it as well, but if he thinks things around him are ugly now – just wait until the Democrats bring down the hammer on that strategy.”
Do you really think the Democrats are ready to bring down the hammer? I hope so, I just haven’t seen it yet.
I have confidence that the threat of the nuclear option this time will not be met with last-minute compromises by the Dems. The Dems know they have more power now, especially with Campaign 2006 nearing and the implosion of Bush’s agenda.
From Saturday’s WaPo:
“people on all sides of the political spectrum wanted the highest quality, and that’s what the president will deliver”
That’s laughable, considering that Bush thought he had done just that with the Miers nomination.
My take, there was a cabal with Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rove (+others), they pulled in Bush to be the figurehead, now Bush has had it shoved in his face….and he has no choice but to see it…I think he will distance himself even further from Cheney as he seems to have, and maybe even Rove as he has now seen some big mistakes…My prediction he will fall. Bush that is, unless he brings in a whole new group and that may not help, especially if he is implicated in any way with the current leak investigation.
I doubt he’ll pull a rabbit out of his hat but I have no doubt he’ll continue talking out of his ass.
My only guess is he’ll continue to beat the drums about Syria and Iran and how well Iraq and Afghanistan is going. I hope he continues with his idiotic statements also about how swell the economy is going-more and more people are realizing how out of touch that sounds…and probably more so when winter heating bills starting coming due.
Speaking of corruption-no one ever mentions that other top bush official that was arrested for lying and obstructing justice in a criminal investigation. David Safavian was the head of White House Procurement Office for the whole government. He resigned sometime in Sept. and was arrested the next day. This is tied to Abramoff’s dealings with the government. Also Safavian who is only 38 used to be partners with Grover Norquist then worked with Abramoff before bush appointing him as head of Procurement Agency.
Not likely the press will even talk about this-they can’t get right what they do blather on about.
On Meet The Press, one of the panelists, Ken Duberstein said that in order for Bush to overcome the bad image that he has said that we are going to see the President going abroad to build the foreign policy that America needs.
Next week he is going to Argentina to take part of the America’s Summit. That is going to be his next big defeat.
Chavez already said that it is going to go down the toilet.
Vice Chancellor Taiana , a bit more diplomatic said that “under pressure we will not negotiate.” Thus, the America Free Trade Agreement,has very little chance of succeeding.
In addition, nearby (security forces will cordon off about 250 blocks)stadium there will be a Counter Summit. Plus massive protests will take place.
Finally, don’t think the world is going to help Bush a bit in improving his image: he is failing nationally, as well as internationally
I wouldn’t be surprised if he suddenly cancels that trip which is sure to be a PR nightmare. Then again, he is such a pompous ass, he’s probably not even worried about it.
The problem is that the Free trade aagreement is at stake. He doesnt go, and it will go down the drain.
If you live abroad that sounds even more insane. Everybody is at least, how shall we say, eh a little wary of us. Even insane governments that still want to back Bush in all his misdeeds are a bit scared of their own people’s reaction so dont expect too much on the foreign policy front unless you mean the great strides that China is making all over the world at our expense.
Bush: As we have learned from our astrologers, ahem, astronomers, Mars has altered its usual orbit and has taken this opportunity to travel dangerously close to our own planet, um, earth. I know its called earth.
This attack on our freedom is the direct result of the obstructionists who hate america and who have determined to undermine my visionary plan to send freedom fighters to the Red Planet. let me finish.
As a result, we now have no choice but to declare war on Mars. This solar system is no longer big enough for the both of us. I challenge all the other planets: either you are with us or against us in this battle against interplanetary terra-ism.
i wanna see the trick where they cut bush in half!
If the opportunity ever comes up for the supreme court to name a president in the future I sure hope they give him an IQ test first and demand he score higher than 50.
To quote Jeff Foxworthy, They should at least be certain he didn’t go to school in one of those “small buses.”
(And I see this mistake all OVER the place):
“It’s going to take nothing short of magic – a very convincing illusion – for George W Bush to now steer the focus away from the corruption in his administration back to his big agenda issues for this term. Perhaps he should enlist David Copperfield to replace Karl Rove.”
We cannot fight this administration until we QUITE CLEARLY recognize that the “Bush” administration is not only a failed administration…it is a FICTIONAL one.
In fact, not only is it fictional, but according to its own secret inner logic, it has not failed. It has continued the disruption of the Islamic world (making a united Islam less possible for years to come), continued the US in its role as the dominant power in the most oil-rich area of the world, and made its members and backers even more fabulously wealthy and powerful than they were before they came to power.
All this from a fictional regime fronted by a lame, incompetent figurehead.
One who can in the last analysis be taken down without any great loss to the truly interested parties.
“George W. Bush” doesn’t steer this ship of state. He is about as powerful as the king in a game of chess, except that when if you capture THIS king, they just replace it with a new one.
Ditto Queen Cheney and all the little rooks, knights and bishops.
Take them ALL down and see what happens.
I’ll TELL you what will happen if we do not begin to understand what is up here.
Another centrist (read “corporatist”) government will “happen”, one that will continue the exact same policies of military and covert action-backed economic imperialism that have gotten us into this pickle in the first place.
Only subtler.
BushCo Lite.
You want “fighting Democrats”?
Follow the money.
Follow the rhetoric.
The more corporate money that comes into ANY politician’s coffers, the less he or she is likely to do about the immense mistake of economic imperialism and Blood For Oil wars. That’s why the corporate media offed Dean in 2004. Had he been elected on popular money he would have owed them comparatively little. Scared ’em to DEATH. Small K kerry, on the other hand…hell, he’s MARRIED to corporate America.
Literally AND figuratively.
So…who ran “in opposition” to BushCo again?
Say it loud enough so that YOU can hear it.
Who is saying “Out of Iraq NOW!!!”?
Who is saying “Our misguided energy policies are the root of our problems”?
Find out who is saying these things; ascertain if they are lying and really in the pay of degenerate, repressive elements of Corporate America (Read “Almost ALL of Corporate America), and work for THEM.
Simple, huh?
Then how come no one is SAYING this?
We read column after column of pundit blather about “Bush this”, “Bush that”. Pro and con.
“Bush is in trouble.”
“Bad week for Bush.”
And so on.
“Bush” is not the President.
Bush is not the boss.
Bush didn’t even really get ELECTED.
Not the first time OR the second time.
“Bush” is like the hypnotist’s “Now you are a chicken” thing. And here we all are, flapping around the stage like the flock of potential Kentucky Frieds that we are liable to become if we do not wake up to what is happening.
“Approve” of the NY Times or WAPO?
Think that they are “getting better”?
These rags that led the rush to war against Iraq?
HELL no!!!
What? Do they have different owners now? Different interests?
Not until a lead editorial states that the entire adminstration should be impeached and tried for treason and war crimes can we even CONSIDER that they have figured out the errors of their ways.
That their OWNERS have figured it out.
Their REAL owners
Wake up before it is too damned late.
Wake the fuck up.
We need a revolution.
Nothing less will save us.
It COULD be peaceful.
I hope it is.
But we have to get out from under these interests or eventually we are going to go down.
This Libby thing is a farce.
He’s a gofer.
For a hired hand who’s running the ranch in the employ of the REAL owners.
BET on it.
We’re about to bring to trial a guy in charge of putting up fences.
NOT the bankers who funded the range war.
Look at the OTHER hand, not the one waving a red handkerchief.
Hey Arthur – long time no see!
The shape-shifter returns to his original form…
This is a failed presidency
Had it not been for 9/11, which it was Bush’s job to prevent, we would have been saying this in 2003, and the Bush reign would have been truncated. But now we have 39 months more to go, and we are fucked.
Bush could go a long ways towards fixing his mistakes by apologizing to the American people for the problems in the Whitehouse, cleaning house and trying to move on. But he seems to be unable to acknowledge error, plus he cannot ignore the war which is going badly (and is the root cause of the Whitehouse problems). I’m sure we’ll hear a whole dung heap of poop about how nothing bad really happen from the wingers, but it’s going to take the monkeys flying out of his butt to pull the rabbit out of the hat so I say the odds are pretty low he’ll turn things around. Look for the Repubs running in 2006 to continue scurrying off this sinking ship.
The one thing that will actually work for Bush is to get us embroiled in a shooting war in Iran.
The PNAC agenda calls for it, just as it called for a “Pearl Harbor-type incident” to get us rolling into shooting up the Middle East.
All Bush needs is an incident, a la the Gulf of Tonkin incident that got us rolling into Vietnam. We’ll call it the Strait of Hormuz incident.
Or the Israel just bombed Esfahan so whattawe just gonna stand here incident.
Wars don’t end when news that it was all a mistake arrives. That simply sends them into a death spiral search for renewed meaning, renewed dedication to our cause, more bombing, more shooting, oo-rah and God it hurts a parent to bury their child.
In a covered casket.
Yeah. Bush will have war, or resign himself to resigning.
Pick your odds. My money’s on war.
Syria is probably high on his list for at least a bombing or invading, and it would be easy to create a border incident. It is unlikely however that the Chinese or Russians will let his pet Bolton get a chapter seven UN resolution through the (No) security council.
Iran and its bumbling new leader will maybe give him a quick target for nuking although if anyone points out the leverage the Iranians have in Iraq he may not be so quick on the draw and ditto Chinese and Russian reactions above.
Supreme court neo Nazi appointment followed by nuclear options and the good old media back on side blaming the dems for gridlock in a time of crisis.
The forgotten play of cabinet reshuffle with the media back on side saying strong prez shakes up his team and is back on track. However old King George is known for his loyalty.
Hmmm interesting times as the old chinese curse goes.