My daughter gave out candy to kids all afternoon at the downtown storefront for the company she works for. She took photos of several of the children, including this toddler in a fancy spaceship costume:
BELOW: See what happened next … and this IS an OPEN THREAD!
My daughter says the child couldn’t get up for about two minutes.
Hilarious…It’s 8 here in L.A. and I have had over 100 kids come to the door. They were very polite, say their Trick or Treats and said Thank You..however I am almost our of Candy…Almost time to close. Great costumes too.
Wow! You must have decorations up, or all your lights on… we were also laughing about half the houses have cute pumpkin lights leading up their walkways, while the other half of the houses have NO lights on at all!
You know..I don’t…I mean I didn’t. I have regular pathway lights leading up to the front door with 2 regular lights out front for our big trees. White picket fence and a gate you have to come through..All I had was a pumpkin in the window and I picked up a funky strob light and put it in one front room. I am convinced that Bush has scared the shit out of our country and people are scared to trick or treat, so they come the the upscale areas cause they feel it will be safe and they won’t be attacked by a terrorist. I have never had so many kids, teen and adults in my life. At one point they were waitin on line to get up to the front door. (Which is painted red). I do live in a great area, urban/cosmo, Sherman Oaks in the foothills. I think word got out also that I was giving out fist fulls of great candy and I achieved really good word of mouth on the streets.(Bad move) After I ran out of candy and closed, there were still kids wandering the streets for at least an hour and a half. I felt so guilty. But the best, youngest, cutest, most amazing costumes came early. Between 5:30-7:30 after that it was a lot of teen hooligans dressed in sheets or wearing jeans and teeshirts w/ sunglasses saying they were james dean. I did have several older woman (very odd).maybe over 65 that came alone, didn’t speak english and were dressed in a bathRobe and slippers. They held out a pillow case and mumbeled something in what I think was Armenian or jibberish and stood there till I gave them skiddles, a hershey and then finally a peanut buttercup. After I gave one many different kinds of candy..she laughed a wicked laugh and ran away into the night..I kid you not…the woman was alone and pushing 70. Halloween isn’t what it used to be. What happened to Holidays. What happened to Fun?
Houston, we have a problem! The lively boran2 boy went as a ninja, very cute.
Did you take any photos?
The boran2 boy is on the left:
Awwwwwww … is he still eating his candy?
Did you steal any of it?
A piece or two (or three).
it is perfectly acceptable, even if only for one night, to open one’s door and scream
“What an absolutely horrifying infant! Maybe this candy will ward off an attack!”
Are you sure this spaceshipcrash wasn’t in Roswell, NM?
It’s hard to tell, isn’t it…. and i bet that kid didn’t really fly in space.
Read all about it:
I and the boran2 boy have actually been to this “fine” institution.
Did you see this guy while you were there?
OH NO! “Star Wars” has been outsourced!
One wonders if Lucas can find people with enough of a thriving and independently creative imagination in a place like Singapore to run his new venture there with the kind of intuitiveness they’d need to stay on the cutting edge.
I’ve only been to Singapore once, and I found it to be an antiseptic and overly repressed, unimaginative place. Maybe it’s changed since then, but somehow I doubt it.
With any luck, they won’t crap up any future SW projects as bad as Lucas did with Ep. 1-3
Dick Cheney?
Are you suggesting that Bush is a witch and Cheney is his familiar?
I am not aware of any evidence to disprove such an allegation.
OMG! You are right! Please do not let Ashcroft see this! He will declare level 20 on our radar for terrorism!!!!!!!! :o) Maybe the cat caught a glimpse of cheney on the TV or something like that….I would be upset too, if I had seen him….and I were a cat! ;o)
That kid’s got more flying experience than Bush.