“I think the president should fire [Karl Rove] … these are firing offenses,” Joe Wilson told NBC Today show’s Katie Couric.
MSNBC has the Today show video. “Wilson said Rove also had a role since Time magazine reporter Matt Cooper has said it was Rove who told him about Plame.” Wilson also told Couric that Rove is a “party to the compromise of national security of this country.”
On ABC’s This Week yesterday, Sen. Minority Leader Harry Reid also called on President Bush to fire Karl Rove and apologize to the nation. Crooks & Liars has Reid’s statement on video. Raw Story links the WaPo story on Reid’s remarks.
Wilson, who appears today on CNN’s Situation Room between 3pm-6pm ET, told Ed Bradley of CBS’s 60 Minutes last night (article / 60 Minutes video) that “[i]t was the White House that decided they were going to go after me, and the tactic they decided to use was to go after my wife.” Crooks & Liars also has excerpts of the 60 Minutes segment.
This was done to silence others. This was a shot across the bow to others. The message was if you do to us what Wilson did to us, we’ll do to you what we just did to Wilson’s family.
“Her career has been ended,” [former CIA agent Jim Marcinkowsk] said on 60 Minutes. The MSNBC article also quotes another former CIA agent, BoomanTribune contributor Larry Johnson, a CIA classmate of Valerie Plame, who he knew only as Val P.:
For all intents and purposes out at the CIA, she’s like a leper … she’s radioactive.”
For more talking points on the CIA leak case, read Larry’s recent stories here:
- Bob Woodward, Lost in Cronyism?, Oct. 30
- Update on the Lies of Ambassador Wilson, Oct. 30
- A Good Start, Oct. 28
- The Marriage Canard and Valerie Plame, Oct. 27
Update [2005-10-31 10:59:14 by susanhu]: Larry Johnson is Amy Goodman’s guest for a major segment today on Democracy Now!. You can listen or watch, dial-up or broadband. On DISH satellite, I watch DN! on both Free Speech TV and LINK TV. LINK TV is also on DirectTV satellite.
Susan…thank you for keeping Treasongate front and center. Rove MUST be fired. The louder we yell this the more people will pay attention. The MSM may be able to only concentrate on one story at a time but I know that the blogs will not allow this to happen. Great work, as usual. I count on you and Boo and Catnip to keep us informed. Booman has become an absolutely fabulous place to keep up to date. Thanks to all of you for your tireless work.
I saw Wilson on the Today Show this morning and all I could think about was how tired he looked. It’s been a rough couple of years for him and his family and it looks like it is taking its toll on him.
I hope that he sues the pants off the WH for slander and libel and civil rights violations on behalf of his wife.
I so agree with you. He looks exhausted. What this WH has done to them is an obscenity and a huge over reach of power. If I read Mr. Wislon correctly he will pursue all legal avenues possible against these egomaniacs.
Yeah, I flipped back and forth between 60 minutes and Dateline last night – Dateline had an interview with him that was from late 2003 I think (?) – on 60 minutes he looked like he’d dropped a lot of weight. Drawn and exhausted.
seems to me to be particularly damning of the Bush Administration behavior on this. I would encourage those who missed 60 min to watch the C & L excerpt.