Month: October 2005

The Torture Administration: New Evidence

A new article by NEWSWEEK’s Michael Hirsh, “Truth About Torture”, is bound to make your blood boil. It confirms what we have all long suspected: that the use of torture by the military in Afghanistan and Iraq has been more widespread than those in charge have let on, that soldiers are still in the dark about what the policy of the DoD really is and that Donald Rumsfeld has been lying about it all.

NEWSWEEK has obtained corroboration for Fishback’s central point in the Army’s own files. According to papers released by the Defense Department in September in response to a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union, supporting documents for an inspector-general probe in July 2004 show that abuses were much more widespread than the Army acknowledged. In one IG document, an Army sergeant testifies that putting detainees in stressful positions and pouring water on them “seemed to be something all interrogators” in the Fourth Infantry Division were doing.

Fishback, headlined by NEWSWEEK as a “courageous soldier” and “plainly a very brave man. Crazy brave, even” sounded the alarm on the systemic torture he witnessed and participated in by contacting Senator John McCain and Human Rights Watch after several attempts to contact the Pentagon failed to garner a response.

McCain, of course, is one of the authors of an amendment attached to the latest defense appropriations bill to prohibit the use of torture – an amendment that had caused Bush to threaten to veto the bill with Cheney and CIA head Porter Goss backing his opposition by proposing a waiver: “…with respect to clandestine counterterrorism operations conducted abroad, with respect to terrorists who are not citizens of the United States, that are carried out by an element of the United States government other than the Department of Defense. . . if the president determines that such operations are vital to the protection of the United States or its citizens from terrorist attack.”

That’s a helluva lot of power to give to a miserable failure of a war president.

McCain is defiant and he’s not alone:

“We aren’t going to allow any weakening of language,” McCain told NEWSWEEK. If the present bill is vetoed or watered down, he adds, “we will certainly put it on another piece of legislation. I think we could get 90 votes tomorrow.” Even at senior levels of the Pentagon, some officials are uneasy about the administration’s opposition to the McCain amendment. “The uniformed military is appalled by Cheney’s stand,” says a Pentagon official who would talk only if he were not identified.

It’s up to the Republicans in congress now to prove whether they are purveyors of torture or not and whether they will allow their leaders in the WH to define them and the US as such in the eyes of the world.

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The Twelve Days of Fitzmas

On the first day of Fitzmas my AG gave to me . . . . . .
The indictment of Scooter Libby

On the second day of Fitzmas my AG gave to me . . .
McClellan wets his pants
And the indictment of Scooter Libby

On the third day of Fitzmas my AG gave to me . . .
Karen moves to France
McClellan wets his pants
And the indictment of Scooter Libby

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Bob Woodward, Lost in Cronyism?

by Larry C. Johnson (bio below)

How is it that one of the most revered investigative reporters of our generation is such a dunce when it comes to outing a CIA officer? If you had a chance to watch Woodward’s “dazzling” performance on Larry King Live this past Thursday, you would have been treated to the spectacle of incurious Bob dismissing the leaking of a CIA officer’s identity as gossip run amuck. Nothing more, nothing less. Yep, nothing to report here, move along.

Yet, for those more in touch with the inner workings of Washington, Woodward’s vain attempt to downplay this matter sure smacks of someone trying to protect his sources. In a recent Washington Post puff piece on Lewis “Scooter” Libby we are told that Scooter:

attends the weekly gathering of Bush’s top economic advisers and — according to Bob Woodward’s book “Plan of Attack,” about the Bush administration’s run-up to the Iraq war — was one of two non-principals who attended National Security Council meetings with the president after Sept. 11, 2001 (the other was Condoleezza Rice’s then-deputy, Stephen Hadley).

Isn’t that special? Is it possible that Scooter has been a source that helped Bob Woodward get his inside scoops?

Nah, I am sure it is a coincidence. A few years back our intrepid investigative reporter Bob Woodward was on the cutting edge of information about the Clinton Administration and China. In the spring of 1998 Bob broke the story that China was trying to influence the U.S. election through carefully placed campaign contributions. Don Lambro of the Washington Times said:

Continued below:

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Samhain – a Time to Remember

Samhain (pronounced Sow-in or Sahm-hayn), known most popularly as Halloween, marks the end of the third and final harvest, is a day to commune with and remember the dead, and is a celebration of the eternal cycle of reincarnation. Samhain is the most coveted sabbat by many Pagan traditions.

A little background on Pagan holidays. The Sun marks the year at four clear points called the Quarter Days – in the Northern Hemisphere. These days: Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumnal Equinox. The Celts divided the year in to eight by inserting the four Cross Quarter Days at October 31st (Samhain), February 1st (Imbolc), May 1st (Beltane) and August 1st (Lughnasad). These points are roughly half the number of days between the Solstices and the Equinoxes. Each of these days is considered a sabbat. A sabbat is a holy days among Celtic Pagans.

Pagans believe in both a Goddess and a God. The focus of most pagans is on the Goddess and she was found in trinity in the Celtic world. As a Virgin, we first see her at Imbolc as Bride. She has a Mother aspect, both Beltane and Lughnasad – times of fertility and harvest. It is here at Samhain that we meet the Goddess in Her third aspect, one that causes the most problems for many of us: the Crone.

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"Evangelical Liberal"

Balance the Power to Stop The Abuse of Power.

Is there any other way?

I agree, there isn’t, and that is why I am running for Congress.  Please take a moment and look below.

Also posted on kos and My Left Wing

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