Month: October 2005

A Devil’s Night Ghost Story

I am a rational man.  I believe in science.  And in my present phase of life, I am almost an atheist.  Anti-spiritual.  There is only the world.  And my thoughts about it.  And I’m comfortable with that.

But I wasn’t always this way.  I was raised a Christian.  With all the charming myths of that faith.  My brain was reared in a world with a Devil.  Angels.  Spirits.  Life after death.  Good.  And Evil.  And all that believing in the supernatural in church on Sunday, meant also that the folk tales of ghosties and ghoulies and monsters and the like.  They were all possible.

And in the trap doors of my mind, those spaces where I have not exorcised all things irrational, these concepts lurk.  Who among us hasn’t lived a full-life and encountered something difficult to explain in rational terms.  A miracle.  An unexplained phenomenon.  A chill in the night.

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GOP Pie Fight: "Scowcroft Hates Democracy!"

[From the diaries by susanhu.]

Charles Krauthammer, for the second week in a row, has turned his dripping venom against another Republican. This time, he has turned his fangs against former Bush I National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft.

Krauthammer knows very well that the GOP is in tatters from the recent run of bad news. So, he is now on a self-righteous crusade to restore order by whipping reluctant Republicans back in line with the same kind of venom that right-wingers so often use on Democrats. However, Krauthammer is not without his venom towards the left. First, he takes a cheap shot towards Cindy Sheehan:

Now that Cindy Sheehan turns out to be a disaster for the antiwar movement — most Americans are not about to follow a left-wing radical who insists that we are in Iraq for reasons of theft, oppression and empire — a new spokesman is needed. If I were in the opposition camp, I would want a deeply patriotic, highly intelligent, distinguished establishment figure. I would want Brent Scowcroft. … Continued below:

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CARTOON: On the Ropes, Off the Wagon

Everyone on the talking head shows has been calling for Bush to clean house.  I’m not sure he’s even physically capable of such a thing.

They say you shouldn’t kick someone when they’re down, but that’s what cartooning’s all about!  Hope you like it.

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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!

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The Last Word On Framing

Recently there has been much written here about framing.  The discussion began with a posting by BooMan and was followed by several others.  Here is my four cents.  (with inflation.)

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