30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
Good morning, all.
Great breakfast you prepared Man E. Just as needed now.
Can you guys believe it – November is here already.
Skiing season not too far away.
Love that SallyCat! I bought a great tshirt while on vacation at an organics/hemp clothing place. It says “Frodo Failed,,,Bush has the ring”. You all have a great day!
One very nice thing I learned some years ago while doing some work in Germany is the German word for hiking is “wandern” and the word for a hiker is “Wanderer.” I alway keep that in mind while hiking.
My thoughts on that pic., if this was photographed on Mars we would swear they must be man made, or at least I would, amazing how nature can form these very strange shapes…
Am I in the right place? Where is everyone? Where’s the raucous recalling of Halloween capers and where’s the whole wheat toast and grapefruit for all of us who stole our kids trick-or-treating loot and are now resolute about eating healthy FROM NOW ON?
Thanks, Eegee…but now that it’s almost lunchtime here on the east coast I think I need to consume something dripping with cheese and grease…oh, and salt.
Like on SNL this past weekend when they said McDonald’s was providing nutritional info on their packaging and trying to promote their salads as a deviation from their traditional 4 food groups of:
Tea and run today, getting ready for World Fantasy Convention this weekend. Hanging out in the lounge and drinking with editors and other writers. Hanging out in the hot tub with editors and other writers. Going to Madison’s many fine restaurants with editors and other writers. It’s tough work. Who knows, I might even go to a panel or two. So, just a cup of the Irish Breakfast and chocolate chip croissant to go if you would. I’m working. Career building don’t you know.
This map has clearly been gerrymandered by liberal activists, because there is if anything a higher density of tribbers in the rural red states than in other rural areas. Well, OK, not Florida, but that’s a technology-age thing.
We’re doing this again in the Sound. Some of those mountain views you occasionally see from us are back in the middle of all that grey.
I think one of the reasons the Pac NW is the least religious part of America is that the people here read the beginning of the Bible, got to the story of Noah’s Ark where it rained 40 days and 40 nights, and threw up their hands in disbelief.
Like, how could such ordinary weather ever float a boat? We’d all be in Tahiti now if it could!!
Damn, that breakfast burrito looks good…may be time time for a big lunch and a couple margs at the Rio Grande today…then a nice long siesta. :{)
Here’s a snow per Diane’s request, and for all who are looking forward to winter…not from this year, as we haven’t had a large snowfall yet…this little rock outcropping is about a 1/4 mi, as the crow flies, from me: Flatiron in Winter
Hi Dada and thanks for that pic…it’s nice to see on another hot california day. How are you doing btw.
I’ll take one of those burritos too, love them..
Gooooood Mooooorrrning, America…and most certainly my friends at Booman Tribune. Have coffee in hand. Am gonna make some chilli today. UMMMMMMM It, too, is a gloomy am here in the NW corner of TN. Cool and moist, just right for hot drinks of your desire. Got some rain here last night…and thought we would since it really warmed up yesterday to at least 75 degrees. Had precious few trick or treaters last night. All were teenagers and neighbors childrens. I do not kwow where the little ones were??!!!
1 Nov 2005, where has this year gone? The old saying, “time passes faster once you get older”, is so true!
Got my TV on mute for the bush man was on early this morning talking. I simply can not hear him without breaking out into a rash and behaving like a nut case by yelling at the TV.
My three cats are still asleep. I have been up now for over 2 hours and they are still snuggled under the blankets and together. I suppose I must get the house warm before they venture out….:o) My how spoiled these critters have become! :o) It was so warm here last night that I had two windows open and then when I got up this morning, I could not stand the air on my body…burrrrrrrrr…oh, silly me..
What will you all be dong now that Nov is here? Anyone going on a vacation? If so, where? If so, please take lots of pixs so we can see them here.
I take heart in acknowledging we have lost more ppl over in Iraq…;o( Please pray that this madness stops soon! My heart can not take any more of this death!
Hugs all around…I know you all nead a hug today…Love ya all…..
It’s better for your blood pressure. I don’t think it’s coincidental at all that two of the times in my life that I’ve pretty much quit watching TV were the Reagan years and now. It’s that yelling and throwing things at it. Couldn’t take it anymore.
Besides, Susan watches it so we don’t have to (Thanks Susan!) and she’ll direct us to the good stuff on Crooks and Liars.
(Well, I do understand TV-watching if you’ve got some good programs you like, but it sounds like most of the good ones are on HBO or one of those and I don’t get the premium channels. But so-called “news” — blech.)
Scalito is sitting up there! Pea soup is gonna start spewing here any minute. I got an email this morning asking if I had a young dog (the shepherds that I raise) that had been puppy tested and would be a good candidate for a therapy dog for an autistic child, and it set me on fire all over again! Alito is going to take away my daughter’s rights, but he is going to take away my disabled son’s rights too. Rights that believe it or not Bush 1 signed into law!
I thought about that too yesterday as I sat here alone… and I couldn’t really cry. It came out as a scream instead.
I have come to the decision and one that almost started an argument with Wayne this morning… We must take the war to our own government if we are going to save our children. I have come to the decision that the Bush Regime is our enemy. Is the world’s enemy. The USA is the terrorist of the entire planet.
Bush, Inc. just wants to kill and ruin as many lives as they can.
of it! First he sends my husband to a bullshit war, and now he will remove both of the rights of my children. I have bright shiney quarterback white boy to benefit from this fucker has brought to my country. Does that sound too far out there? That is how it feels to me! I have one disabled child and one female child and a soldier spouse and he is gunning for all of them!
Oh Tracy… I am so sorry!!!! I, too, have a daughter (a fiesty one at that) and a son who struggles every day.
But….. remember THIS Tracy: You have ALL OF US. We went to DC to march – and we ended up walking into the lives of several newfound friends. You are not alone. And you never will be!!!
Got that?!?! 🙂 We love you. We will continue marching AND WALKING … together.
back to Bushwipe… Now he wants martial law after natural disasters and for quarantines.
I worry that things will go too far and we won’t be able to get it all back.
I’m more pissed off with AMERICANS who have tolerated it with their
and… vengefull ways.
I feel like the other shoe is about to drop. Very anxious. The company just called and are calling Wayne at his job.
if anybody had told me ten years ago that I would know you and go to D.C. with you and have this crazy president and this crazy war and we would both have son’s with disabilities along with all the rest of the crazy……it sounds so crazy nobody would believe it. Truth is much stranger than fiction! I’m so pissed lately though everything I type is one big typo! I barely make sense right now!
I remember the first time I read one of your diaries.
It didn’t have all those fancy links and photos… it was just written from the heart. From the heart and with the heart ache of one who is screaming out with plain passion of one I knew who understood. From one I could identify with. From one I wanted to let know that they had a friend somewhere.
From day one I wanted to ask you two things:
I wanted to pull you aside and ask about your son’s outlook. Was it dynamic or static.
(I’ve already done this)
The second question?? I never had to ask it, Tracy. None of us have had to.
So far, the “no coffee until I take the dogs for a walk” is working. The desire for coffee in the morning is a powerful motivator.
Another resolution – no BooTrib until I read the local newsrag. There’s too much going on here in our fair/weird city that needs keeping up with.
So this morning, I find this. Way to go Ben Sargent! That pretty much says it. But even better, on the facing page is this one! That’s definitely a “cut it out and tape to the pantry door” keeper.
Click the links – they might cheer you up a little this morning. (I don’t know how to make the cartoons appear in the comment, and I have a feeling that if I could, they’d be too big anyway.)
We’ve done this once before while in the military and we didn’t even have our stuff delivered yet.
BUT.. Charlie Brown Christmases are always the best and most memorable.
Who wants to buy my house?? QUICK!!! $310 for a 3 bdr. 2bath 2/3 acre with creek. Full attached garage. oh and 3 freaking cords of oak!
SallyCat, we haven’t got the materials yet so reason we haven’t made a firm committment. Right now we’re running around with our hair on fire!! 🙂 I’ll call you tonight with Wayne at my side. Maybe then I can get him to committ 🙂 If the offer is still there.
I’ll be home about 5:30. We are good for Sat 11/5, Sunday 11/13 or all weekend 11/19-20. We can also pick up stuff down here…bigger hardward store selections.
I am so excited for both of you! That is so awesome! Now I’m really going to push for retirement to Southern Oregon!
If we do the weekend of the 19th I can bring boxes and stuff. We can drink hot chocolate or wine and help get you started!
but I am way too consumed with jealousy that you get to go live in a liberal place with gorgeous mountains, dramatic rivers, great hiking, and the best bookstore in the country. ‘-)
Yeah, $310K and lots of redneck wingnuts. But… due to housing skyrocketing all over more and more families are moving up here from Marin, Sonoma and Napa. So in a few years this place will change.
Slow day again in the household; got to bed too late again…
Debating whether to (a) go out and do errands again today or (b) stay home and start tackling the boxes of sweaters I brought in over the weekend. (B) actually sounds like a better idea — they’re taking up a lot of space in the living room. And if I get that done today and get to bed on time <clunks self on head>, I can get an earlier start tomorrow. (When one has to rely on public transit to to errands, an early start is advisable.) Heck, I might even do a couple loads of laundry this afternoon too, at least jeans and shirts.
infiltrate by calling himself Allan Lichtman. Just kidding, but something has to put me in a better mood. I called an insurance company first off this morning to fight and they folded immediately and I must transform myself into someone who can paint with a calm steady hand thinking smiley celtic knots!!!! First off though, no more coffee…….I think I over did it on the coffee!
I have to step out for an important meeting. I will be back around 3:45pm EST. If it gets out control in here with diary size, can someone put up a new one for me? Otherwise, I’ll see you on the flip. Paz
I’ll have a cup of Hot Chocolate and one of those yummy waffles!
Nice spread for us Manee!
Thanks for keeping the maps going.
Good morning to you! They were a great idea, glad you started one for the pond. 🙂
Good morning, all.

Great breakfast you prepared Man E. Just as needed now.
Can you guys believe it – November is here already.
Skiing season not too far away.
How beautiful. Thank you. This is the way a maple SHOULD look in autumn.
I’m running behind and I have to start getting ready for work, but just had to stop in and say HI!
I Love you all and I’m hoping to have time to hang out tonight.
Nothing like thinking of places I’d like to be to take my mind off all the things that are pissing me off.
Wonderful and weird badlands — the Bisti Wilderness in New Mexico. No trails, just bring your compass and topo and starting wandering.
Saw a great t-shirt for that last sentence…
“Not all who wander are lost”
Perfect for some of us…shall we go wandering today?
Love that SallyCat! I bought a great tshirt while on vacation at an organics/hemp clothing place. It says “Frodo Failed,,,Bush has the ring”. You all have a great day!
I’d love to find that t-shirt.
One very nice thing I learned some years ago while doing some work in Germany is the German word for hiking is “wandern” and the word for a hiker is “Wanderer.” I alway keep that in mind while hiking.
My thoughts on that pic., if this was photographed on Mars we would swear they must be man made, or at least I would, amazing how nature can form these very strange shapes…
like something you’d find in the Hirshhorn’s Sculpture Garden.
Might be living there soon…..a new hole in the wall gang!
in New Mexico or somewhere else with badlands?
Wherever it is I hope it is somewhere you’d like to be. You deserve it.
Morning, All. I think I’ll grab a pile of work and head off to a restaurant that is reputed to have the best chorizo in town. See you later.
Am I in the right place? Where is everyone? Where’s the raucous recalling of Halloween capers and where’s the whole wheat toast and grapefruit for all of us who stole our kids trick-or-treating loot and are now resolute about eating healthy FROM NOW ON?
the bread is still in the oven, but here’s something to get you started 🙂
Thanks, Eegee…but now that it’s almost lunchtime here on the east coast I think I need to consume something dripping with cheese and grease…oh, and salt.
Like on SNL this past weekend when they said McDonald’s was providing nutritional info on their packaging and trying to promote their salads as a deviation from their traditional 4 food groups of:
brown, dark brown, tan, and salty.
I thought the four basic groups were sugar, salt, grease and caffeine.
I’ve brought along my son who will now play the guitar while a bird prepares to peck his eyeball out.
to concentrate on his music while under attack promises a great future playing before the mosh pit crowd.
Great photo.
Howdy all, gotta run, see ya later!
To all that came by yesterday to learn about Samhain – thank you for sharing and learning.
Today is New Year’s Day for me! A time of new beginnings and a time of hope. From now until Yule will be a time of preparing and hope and fun….
So – enjoy the day and think of a brighter year.
Sending positive energy for change to this country and all who care about her.
Tell your kids you are sorting through their candy to make sure it is safe…
But what you are really doing is looking for the best candy for yourselves?
This is one of those parental benevolent lies, like the true existence of Santa and the tooth fairy, that must never be uttered.
I don’t know how many Nestle Crunch bars and Reese Cups I had to break apart to check for razor blades…
Tea and run today, getting ready for World Fantasy Convention this weekend. Hanging out in the lounge and drinking with editors and other writers. Hanging out in the hot tub with editors and other writers. Going to Madison’s many fine restaurants with editors and other writers. It’s tough work. Who knows, I might even go to a panel or two. So, just a cup of the Irish Breakfast and chocolate chip croissant to go if you would. I’m working. Career building don’t you know.
Hope you’ll give us a report when you get back — who you met, interesting discussions, interesting books.
Mornin’ folks.
This map has clearly been gerrymandered by liberal activists, because there is if anything a higher density of tribbers in the rural red states than in other rural areas. Well, OK, not Florida, but that’s a technology-age thing.
We’re doing this again in the Sound. Some of those mountain views you occasionally see from us are back in the middle of all that grey.
I think one of the reasons the Pac NW is the least religious part of America is that the people here read the beginning of the Bible, got to the story of Noah’s Ark where it rained 40 days and 40 nights, and threw up their hands in disbelief.
Like, how could such ordinary weather ever float a boat? We’d all be in Tahiti now if it could!!
Morning everyone. Gray, dreary weather here, so that hot chocolate looks delicious. Andrew is sleeping, so I’m enjoying a little down time.
Damn, that breakfast burrito looks good…may be time time for a big lunch and a couple margs at the Rio Grande today…then a nice long siesta. :{)
Here’s a snow per Diane’s request, and for all who are looking forward to winter…not from this year, as we haven’t had a large snowfall yet…this little rock outcropping is about a 1/4 mi, as the crow flies, from me:

Flatiron in Winter
Hi Dada and thanks for that pic…it’s nice to see on another hot california day. How are you doing btw.
I’ll take one of those burritos too, love them..
You are safe from this.
Gooooood Mooooorrrning, America…and most certainly my friends at Booman Tribune. Have coffee in hand. Am gonna make some chilli today. UMMMMMMM It, too, is a gloomy am here in the NW corner of TN. Cool and moist, just right for hot drinks of your desire. Got some rain here last night…and thought we would since it really warmed up yesterday to at least 75 degrees. Had precious few trick or treaters last night. All were teenagers and neighbors childrens. I do not kwow where the little ones were??!!!
1 Nov 2005, where has this year gone? The old saying, “time passes faster once you get older”, is so true!
Got my TV on mute for the bush man was on early this morning talking. I simply can not hear him without breaking out into a rash and behaving like a nut case by yelling at the TV.
My three cats are still asleep. I have been up now for over 2 hours and they are still snuggled under the blankets and together. I suppose I must get the house warm before they venture out….:o) My how spoiled these critters have become! :o) It was so warm here last night that I had two windows open and then when I got up this morning, I could not stand the air on my body…burrrrrrrrr…oh, silly me..
What will you all be dong now that Nov is here? Anyone going on a vacation? If so, where? If so, please take lots of pixs so we can see them here.
I take heart in acknowledging we have lost more ppl over in Iraq…;o( Please pray that this madness stops soon! My heart can not take any more of this death!
Hugs all around…I know you all nead a hug today…Love ya all…..
It’s better for your blood pressure. I don’t think it’s coincidental at all that two of the times in my life that I’ve pretty much quit watching TV were the Reagan years and now. It’s that yelling and throwing things at it. Couldn’t take it anymore.
Besides, Susan watches it so we don’t have to (Thanks Susan!) and she’ll direct us to the good stuff on Crooks and Liars.
(Well, I do understand TV-watching if you’ve got some good programs you like, but it sounds like most of the good ones are on HBO or one of those and I don’t get the premium channels. But so-called “news” — blech.)
forgot to return the hug. Thanks for yours, Brenda. I did need one.
Scalito is sitting up there! Pea soup is gonna start spewing here any minute. I got an email this morning asking if I had a young dog (the shepherds that I raise) that had been puppy tested and would be a good candidate for a therapy dog for an autistic child, and it set me on fire all over again! Alito is going to take away my daughter’s rights, but he is going to take away my disabled son’s rights too. Rights that believe it or not Bush 1 signed into law!
Dear Tracy!
I thought about that too yesterday as I sat here alone… and I couldn’t really cry. It came out as a scream instead.
I have come to the decision and one that almost started an argument with Wayne this morning… We must take the war to our own government if we are going to save our children. I have come to the decision that the Bush Regime is our enemy. Is the world’s enemy. The USA is the terrorist of the entire planet.
Bush, Inc. just wants to kill and ruin as many lives as they can.
We must stop them.
of it! First he sends my husband to a bullshit war, and now he will remove both of the rights of my children. I have bright shiney quarterback white boy to benefit from this fucker has brought to my country. Does that sound too far out there? That is how it feels to me! I have one disabled child and one female child and a soldier spouse and he is gunning for all of them!
Oh Tracy… I am so sorry!!!! I, too, have a daughter (a fiesty one at that) and a son who struggles every day.
But….. remember THIS Tracy: You have ALL OF US. We went to DC to march – and we ended up walking into the lives of several newfound friends. You are not alone. And you never will be!!!
Got that?!?! 🙂 We love you. We will continue marching AND WALKING … together.
back to Bushwipe… Now he wants martial law after natural disasters and for quarantines.
I worry that things will go too far and we won’t be able to get it all back.
I’m more pissed off with AMERICANS who have tolerated it with their
and… vengefull ways.
I feel like the other shoe is about to drop. Very anxious. The company just called and are calling Wayne at his job.
if anybody had told me ten years ago that I would know you and go to D.C. with you and have this crazy president and this crazy war and we would both have son’s with disabilities along with all the rest of the crazy……it sounds so crazy nobody would believe it. Truth is much stranger than fiction! I’m so pissed lately though everything I type is one big typo! I barely make sense right now!
Typos?? You and I always post with typos 🙂
I remember the first time I read one of your diaries.
It didn’t have all those fancy links and photos… it was just written from the heart. From the heart and with the heart ache of one who is screaming out with plain passion of one I knew who understood. From one I could identify with. From one I wanted to let know that they had a friend somewhere.
From day one I wanted to ask you two things:
I wanted to pull you aside and ask about your son’s outlook. Was it dynamic or static.
(I’ve already done this)
The second question?? I never had to ask it, Tracy. None of us have had to.
“Can I be your friend?”
I wuv you!
I just got an image of you stuck in my head:
That cat cartoon.
And I will love him
and hug him
and squeeze him
and call him my friend. 🙂
“I’ll love him
and pet him
and hug him
and squeeze him
and name him George.”
He calls Sylvester George in some cartoons. Thyl-VETH-ter objects. “But I can’t say ‘Sylvester,’ George.”
I thought it was the Abominable Snowman who caught Bugs and called him George.
“I will love him and squeeze him and I will call him George”
Hmmmmm, I wonder if the scene was recycled over several different episodes and characters. Puzzling.
his name was Hugo (the Abom. Snowman)! That’s a good trivia question.
Can I get in this love fest too….I wuv both of you!!!!
What about me???
I’ve been working on projects this morning, popping in to BMT when I can, and I missed the whole love fest! (sniff)
There goes work, interfering with my life again.
It’s a Booman Smooch fest. Everyone JUMP IN!!!!
gawd, where’s my Altoids!?!?! 🙂
(((Diane & CabinGirl))))
You all had me at “hello”.
So far, the “no coffee until I take the dogs for a walk” is working. The desire for coffee in the morning is a powerful motivator.
Another resolution – no BooTrib until I read the local newsrag. There’s too much going on here in our fair/weird city that needs keeping up with.
So this morning, I find this. Way to go Ben Sargent! That pretty much says it. But even better, on the facing page is this one! That’s definitely a “cut it out and tape to the pantry door” keeper.
Click the links – they might cheer you up a little this morning. (I don’t know how to make the cartoons appear in the comment, and I have a feeling that if I could, they’d be too big anyway.)
Start date for my husband is 12/19
It’ll be a Portland Christmas.
We’ve done this once before while in the military and we didn’t even have our stuff delivered yet.
BUT.. Charlie Brown Christmases are always the best and most memorable.
Who wants to buy my house?? QUICK!!! $310 for a 3 bdr. 2bath 2/3 acre with creek. Full attached garage. oh and 3 freaking cords of oak!
SallyCat, we haven’t got the materials yet so reason we haven’t made a firm committment. Right now we’re running around with our hair on fire!! 🙂 I’ll call you tonight with Wayne at my side. Maybe then I can get him to committ 🙂 If the offer is still there.
I’ll be home about 5:30. We are good for Sat 11/5, Sunday 11/13 or all weekend 11/19-20. We can also pick up stuff down here…bigger hardward store selections.
I am so excited for both of you! That is so awesome! Now I’m really going to push for retirement to Southern Oregon!
If we do the weekend of the 19th I can bring boxes and stuff. We can drink hot chocolate or wine and help get you started!
That is freakin’ awesome!!!
The spouse sends his felicitations as well… 🙂
Yippee! I’m so excited for all of you!
but I am way too consumed with jealousy that you get to go live in a liberal place with gorgeous mountains, dramatic rivers, great hiking, and the best bookstore in the country. ‘-)
I suppose you meant $310K…and in the interest of full disclosure, you forgot to mention the hot and cold running wingnuts…
I totally missed that Cali 🙂 Doh!
Yeah, $310K and lots of redneck wingnuts. But… due to housing skyrocketing all over more and more families are moving up here from Marin, Sonoma and Napa. So in a few years this place will change.
Slow day again in the household; got to bed too late again…
Debating whether to (a) go out and do errands again today or (b) stay home and start tackling the boxes of sweaters I brought in over the weekend. (B) actually sounds like a better idea — they’re taking up a lot of space in the living room. And if I get that done today and get to bed on time <clunks self on head>, I can get an earlier start tomorrow. (When one has to rely on public transit to to errands, an early start is advisable.) Heck, I might even do a couple loads of laundry this afternoon too, at least jeans and shirts.
Okay, time to get stirring…
infiltrate by calling himself Allan Lichtman. Just kidding, but something has to put me in a better mood. I called an insurance company first off this morning to fight and they folded immediately and I must transform myself into someone who can paint with a calm steady hand thinking smiley celtic knots!!!! First off though, no more coffee…….I think I over did it on the coffee!
I have to step out for an important meeting. I will be back around 3:45pm EST. If it gets out control in here with diary size, can someone put up a new one for me? Otherwise, I’ll see you on the flip. Paz
[chirp chirp] [chirp chirp]
Where did all these crickets come from?
Head on over to HAPPY HOUR!