30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
That’s what happens when you have a left-coaster(ish) cafe host. 🙂 I think we may have actually won the spin on this too, which is the icing on the cake.
It’s great.
Just back home from work, where I had been refreshing quite regularly. Hope to catch up more now – Olberman is also on in 30 minutes.
Newscycle totally changed!
I have one of these right next to me – cheers again!
I hope you’re right about the spin, ManE. I saw Frist say he felt like he’d been “slapped in the face” and he totally came off like a whiner. (Of course, I’m biased, so I was shouting at the TV, “Yeah! Hit him again, Harry, hit him again!” Hee.)
What a nice photo. His hands look so big and eloquent. Like Lincoln’s on the D.C. Memorial statue. Not saying Harry is to be confused with Abe, I just like the look!
Has Kansas declared a winner in the Book Club poll? And, do we have a date? I would like to come — had to miss the Bayou Farewell discussion though I caught up with it in the diaries.
Oh Pure and Radiant Heart by Lydia Millet is our winner, fer sure. I haven’t announced it “officially” because we’re waiting to see if we can get a wee price break from Powell’s. I may have to run a diary asking nothing but: will you be buying your book from Powell’s?
If you weren’t planning on buying from Powells anyway. . .maybe getting yours from a library. . .go right ahead and grab it.
All right! At long last, I can stand up today and say I’m proud to be a democrat (and in Texas, that’s a bit of a dangerous thing to do)!!
I am so proud of “Give ’em Hell” Harry Reid. Absolutely brilliant move! Turning the “obstructionist” spotlight on Repubs (like Roberts) and placing the most important issue in this country today smack dab front and center!
Wasn’t it completely refreshing to hear our leadership take the liemongers to task for their failure to hold the White House accountable? Let’s see how fast Frist calls the investigation now that the ball is in his court…
C-span will cover, according to their website, I don’t know if corporate media will do more than “peeks.”
Rosa Parks’ funeral and procession at a glance
–Greater Grace Temple, 23500 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit.
–Doors open to the public at 9 a.m. Long lines are expected.
–Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.
–General admission is from the doors facing West Seven Mile Road.
–The service begins at 11 a.m. and is expected to last three hours.
–The temple seats 4,000, with 2,000 seats available to the public, plus 800 more in an overflow area equipped with a television feed.
–The Rev. Jesse Jackson will perform the eulogy.
–Aretha Franklin will sing.
–Dignitaries, including former President Clinton and U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, are expected to attend.
–Public parking is restricted on church grounds. Surrounding parking lots may be used.
–West Seven Mile Road will be closed between Telegraph and Lahser roads starting early Wednesday, except to vehicles participating in the processional.
–Access to West Seven Mile Road will be restricted at the following intersecting streets: Lahser, Telegraph and Berg roads; Shiawassee Drive; Appleton Street; and Cooley, Houghton, Northrop, McIntyre, Redfern, Beaverland, Glenhurst, Shiawassee, Riverview and Dale avenues.
–Parking will be prohibited on the following streets: Shiawassee Drive between Telegraph and Verdun Avenue; West Seven Mile Road between Lahser and Telegraph.
–After the service, Parks will be taken by horse-drawn carriage to Woodlawn Cemetery at Eight Mile Road and Woodward Avenue. The procession will travel on Seven Mile Road to Livernois Avenue to Eight Mile Road.
–Only family members are allowed beyond the cemetery gate.
E.J. Dionne of the WaPo is on Keith O’s show talking about his column today. It connects the dots regarding TreasonGate and their stonewalling until after the 2004 election.
last week (when Al’s book came out), and he mentioned early on in the show’s history, he had Al and Janeane Garofalo on consecutive days…and that the MSNBC brass expressed concern.
I’d say with Keith’s ratings, he could feature an in-depth interview with Satan and no one would bat an eyelash…
Been a l-o-n-g day. (Time changes and now it’s so dark too early. Yuck.)
Looks like exciting stuff happened down yonder today. Nothing like a surprise parliamentary rules slap to get the blood rushing! Didn’t realize that Reid had that kinda chutzpah. Should we get our hopes up?
I just mailed off the copyedited manuscript of my new book that’s due out in mid-April. A good copyeditor is a treasure! This one caught my remaining plot holes and inconsistencies and did so with lovely tact. I love this book but it is time for it to leave home, for god’s sake, and earn a living. I’m tired of cleaning up after it!
Dragging off to watch Amazing Race to see people with a lot more energy than I have right now.
Did I hear correctly, that Feingold is going to be on that bi-partisan team to look into the lead up to the war? An actual anti-war Democrat investigating the lies that took us to war. Hot damn!
He sounds like a sweetie. I wouldn’t want to go back either!
Just started one new class tonight. Lots of old friends, so that was fun, but they have put our class in (get this) a conference room made for maybe 8 people. There are 12 in the class, plus the teacher, and no a/v equipment, so we had to keep sliding the teacher’s laptop back and forth to see the slides! Unbelievable!
And this from the first pharmacy college in the US. Where we’ve had a 30% increase in tuition since 2003.
I’m looking forward to writing my letter to the head of the program and the president of the college tomorrow. “We are in a graduate program for medical professionals, and this is an abomination. Passing a laptop back and forth because there is no a/v equipment? In 2005? Crowded around a table intended for a small group of faculty to eat lunch? Considering that you have collected over $12,000 in tuition for this 6-week class, is it too much to ask for a proper classroom?”
On the subject, I’ve taken to stocking up on chicken (especially our staple, boneless skinless breasts), then freezing them in single serve (2 breasts/pkg) using my FoodSaver(tm). Reminds me — I used the last of the chicken last week, better check this week’s ads and see if anyone’s got a good sale…
I’ve been thinking about getting one of those FoodSaver devices. They seem like a great investment. I’m guessing by mentioning it you give it a thumbs up?
They featured a report on safety precautions being taken by the poultry “industry.”
She was taken to a secret location somewhere in “Arkansas.” Had to scrub, wear special clothes & masks, etc. to be allowed into the chicken-raising factory farm.
The reporter’s concluding sentence sounded exactly like one of those fake “Karen Ryan No Child Left Behind” reports. Consumers can rest assured there’s no risk of infection from their chicken.
Tyson Foods either distriubted an infomercial outright, or arranged for network TV to create an infomercial-news-story for them. They’re worried about something.
On a side note, anyone interested in how those poultry farms and chicken processing plants are run should read Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. I highly recommend it.
“Riverbend”, who writes “Baghdad Burning“, won third place in a literary award for her blog journalism, and received not only recognition for her writing, but money. Good on you, Riverbend!!
Brilliant move by Senator’s Reid and Durbin. They refocused the nat’l debate on pre-war intelligence deceptions by the Bushistas.
An unusual time – but a very welcome happy hour!
We have every reason to have one.
Cheers to all, first round on me.
That’s what happens when you have a left-coaster(ish) cafe host. 🙂 I think we may have actually won the spin on this too, which is the icing on the cake.
It’s great.

Just back home from work, where I had been refreshing quite regularly. Hope to catch up more now – Olberman is also on in 30 minutes.
Newscycle totally changed!
I have one of these right next to me – cheers again!
I hope you’re right about the spin, ManE. I saw Frist say he felt like he’d been “slapped in the face” and he totally came off like a whiner. (Of course, I’m biased, so I was shouting at the TV, “Yeah! Hit him again, Harry, hit him again!” Hee.)
Thanks, I could use a cold one to cut through the Halloween sugar overdose.
One of the above (see reply to Man E)?
Coming right up.
Yes! That hits the spot.
What a nice photo. His hands look so big and eloquent. Like Lincoln’s on the D.C. Memorial statue. Not saying Harry is to be confused with Abe, I just like the look!
because he speaks very eloquently. This is a great picture, makes him look like he’s in command.
Has Kansas declared a winner in the Book Club poll? And, do we have a date? I would like to come — had to miss the Bayou Farewell discussion though I caught up with it in the diaries.
Oh Pure and Radiant Heart by Lydia Millet is our winner, fer sure. I haven’t announced it “officially” because we’re waiting to see if we can get a wee price break from Powell’s. I may have to run a diary asking nothing but: will you be buying your book from Powell’s?
If you weren’t planning on buying from Powells anyway. . .maybe getting yours from a library. . .go right ahead and grab it.
Thanks for asking, Lil.
All right! At long last, I can stand up today and say I’m proud to be a democrat (and in Texas, that’s a bit of a dangerous thing to do)!!
I am so proud of “Give ’em Hell” Harry Reid. Absolutely brilliant move! Turning the “obstructionist” spotlight on Repubs (like Roberts) and placing the most important issue in this country today smack dab front and center!
Plus, it made Frist look like the cry baby he is!
We want our country back!
Wasn’t it completely refreshing to hear our leadership take the liemongers to task for their failure to hold the White House accountable? Let’s see how fast Frist calls the investigation now that the ball is in his court…
If you’ll pardon my saying so, I think today all the “balls” are Reid and Co.’s!
As soon as I can get out of here (work), I’m definitely having a little celebration!
as we say in my family, Reid kicked some ass con ganas today!
Would you like some cheese with that
I’ll have a whiskey, single malt, straight up, if you will…
Preview is my friend, ohmmmmm.
C-span will cover, according to their website, I don’t know if corporate media will do more than “peeks.”
E.J. Dionne of the WaPo is on Keith O’s show talking about his column today. It connects the dots regarding TreasonGate and their stonewalling until after the 2004 election.
Two liberals on the same show in the same hour? Has that ever happened before in this century?
last week (when Al’s book came out), and he mentioned early on in the show’s history, he had Al and Janeane Garofalo on consecutive days…and that the MSNBC brass expressed concern.
I’d say with Keith’s ratings, he could feature an in-depth interview with Satan and no one would bat an eyelash…
Been a l-o-n-g day. (Time changes and now it’s so dark too early. Yuck.)
Looks like exciting stuff happened down yonder today. Nothing like a surprise parliamentary rules slap to get the blood rushing! Didn’t realize that Reid had that kinda chutzpah. Should we get our hopes up?
I just mailed off the copyedited manuscript of my new book that’s due out in mid-April. A good copyeditor is a treasure! This one caught my remaining plot holes and inconsistencies and did so with lovely tact. I love this book but it is time for it to leave home, for god’s sake, and earn a living. I’m tired of cleaning up after it!
Dragging off to watch Amazing Race to see people with a lot more energy than I have right now.
Time for the happy dance!
Accomplishments rock!
Did I hear correctly, that Feingold is going to be on that bi-partisan team to look into the lead up to the war? An actual anti-war Democrat investigating the lies that took us to war. Hot damn!
Oh, that would be sooooo cool! I can hardly believe what happened today!
How’s Andrew?
He’s great. He fell asleep while taking his bottle tonight. He hasn’t done that in weeks. He was so cute.
I can’t believe that I go back to work in 3 weeks. Have your new classes started?
He sounds like a sweetie. I wouldn’t want to go back either!
Just started one new class tonight. Lots of old friends, so that was fun, but they have put our class in (get this) a conference room made for maybe 8 people. There are 12 in the class, plus the teacher, and no a/v equipment, so we had to keep sliding the teacher’s laptop back and forth to see the slides! Unbelievable!
And this from the first pharmacy college in the US. Where we’ve had a 30% increase in tuition since 2003.
I’m looking forward to writing my letter to the head of the program and the president of the college tomorrow. “We are in a graduate program for medical professionals, and this is an abomination. Passing a laptop back and forth because there is no a/v equipment? In 2005? Crowded around a table intended for a small group of faculty to eat lunch? Considering that you have collected over $12,000 in tuition for this 6-week class, is it too much to ask for a proper classroom?”
It turns out that it is Feinstein, not Feingold.
Oh, poo.
What is up with the price of chicken these days?
I went to the store tonight, and it has nearly tripled since I went last time (about 2 weeks ago). So I didn’t buy any 🙁
Don’t these poultry peddlers perceive that prohibitive prices preclude people, particularly poor persons, from purchasing product portions?
On the subject, I’ve taken to stocking up on chicken (especially our staple, boneless skinless breasts), then freezing them in single serve (2 breasts/pkg) using my FoodSaver(tm). Reminds me — I used the last of the chicken last week, better check this week’s ads and see if anyone’s got a good sale…
Thanks…Sometimes you just have to P. 🙂
I’ve been thinking about getting one of those FoodSaver devices. They seem like a great investment. I’m guessing by mentioning it you give it a thumbs up?
Punny, E.
Chicken farms = Louisiana
‘Nuff said.
They featured a report on safety precautions being taken by the poultry “industry.”
She was taken to a secret location somewhere in “Arkansas.” Had to scrub, wear special clothes & masks, etc. to be allowed into the chicken-raising factory farm.
The reporter’s concluding sentence sounded exactly like one of those fake “Karen Ryan No Child Left Behind” reports. Consumers can rest assured there’s no risk of infection from their chicken.
Tyson Foods either distriubted an infomercial outright, or arranged for network TV to create an infomercial-news-story for them. They’re worried about something.
On a side note, anyone interested in how those poultry farms and chicken processing plants are run should read Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser. I highly recommend it.
Hey westcoasters, is anyone watching Commander in Chief…
Other than that, what’s up….anyone around in the cafe.
Wed Oct 26th, 2005 at 07:33:13 AM PDT
“Riverbend”, who writes “Baghdad Burning“, won third place in a literary award for her blog journalism, and received not only recognition for her writing, but money. Good on you, Riverbend!!
Book – Riverbend in Baghdad
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”