The statement of Sen. Jay Rockefeller, ranking minority member of the Senate intelligence committee, on Oct. 28, following the indictments of Scooter Libby:
… “To date, Congress has completely failed to answer these critical questions. The fact is that at any time the Senate Intelligence Committee pursued a line of questioning that brought us close to the White House, our efforts were thwarted. If my Republican colleagues are not prepared to undertake a full and serious congressional investigation into the potential misuse of intelligence, then I regretfully conclude that we have no choice but to pursue an outside independent investigation. The American people deserve answers and they want the truth.”
“We must send a strong message to all the patriotic Americans in our intelligence agencies who continue to serve their country at great personal risk. Our government and our judicial system will not tolerate those who leak classified information and put the lives of others at risk.”
Update [2005-11-1 17:18:11 by susanhu]: Below the fold, Sen. Rockefeller’s statement on October 5, 2005, titled, “Rockefeller expresses outrage that majority leader frist cancels intelligence briefing on Iraq.”
Sen. Pat Roberts just asked “What’s Phase Two?” (re the intelligence report), and I instantly thought of South Park:
Underpants gnomes build a business based on “Phase One: Collect underpants. Phase Three: Profit.” [The missing critical element: Phase Two]. […]
Kyle: So what are you gonna do with all these underpants you steal?
Gnome 1: Collecting underpants is just phase one. … Hey, what’s phase two?!
Gnome 2: Phase one: we collect underpants. … [P]hase three is profit. Get it?
Stan: I don’t get it.
Gnome 2: (Goes over to a chart on the wall) You see, Phase one: collect underpants, phase two-
Gnome 2: Phase three: profit.
Here, PHASE ONE is GATHER (and make up) INTELLIGENCE … PHASE THREE is GO TO WAR and REWARD Corporations! (Where’s Phase Two?) Watch a MOV clip, and you’ll see just how Bush and the Neocon cabal planned their war, and why Sen. Roberts is dragging his feet on holding hearings. (Thanks for the link, Maynard.)
Sen. Rockefeller’s statement on October 5, 2005, titled, “Rockefeller expresses outrage that majority leader frist cancels intelligence briefing on Iraq”:
— Senators were expecting detailed classified briefing today from the National Intelligence Council –
Washington, DC — Today, all Senators were invited to attend a classified briefing organized by the Director of National Intelligence that would have included the latest intelligence assessments on Iraq by the National Intelligence Council. The request for the briefing was made in a letter last week to the DNI from Minority Leader Harry Reid, as well as the top Democrats on the Intelligence, Foreign Relations, and Armed Services Committees.
“Senator Frist’s action today to unilaterally cancel a briefing that would have provided all Senators, Republicans and Democrats, with a better understanding of the problems we face in Iraq is indefensible,” Rockefeller said.
“The National Intelligence Council was fully prepared to brief Senators on the latest Intelligence Community assessments on the insurgency, the reconstruction efforts, the status of Iraqi security forces, and the affects of destabilization on neighboring countries.
“My colleagues and I requested this briefing from the intelligence community because, to date, administration policy makers have not been completely forthcoming about the situation in Iraq. They have been unwilling or unable to articulate what the strategy is for success in Iraq. And, I’m concerned that this administration continues to paint an overly optimistic picture of events on the ground.
“Democrats and Republicans alike want unvarnished information and we want answers. The American people deserve answers.
“To suggest that this briefing cannot and should not happen because it was initiated by Democrats is politicizing our national security.”
- Cafferty Goes Wild (VIDEO) — I couldn’t get the page to open / C&L must be getting slammed
RAW STORY: More Than 20 Inquiries Blocked
- KERRY: GOP “afraid to share the truth“
i dont get it
wait i think i get it
its funny
phase 4 is shit in underpants when blue gnomes grow balls
It’s one of my favoriate all-time episodes …. it also makes fun of Starbucks, etc.
Something just dawned on me. Remember the Teddy Kennedy diary over at Dkos? Was his hinting at that time that this was coming? Sure seems that way to me.
And I hope this is only the beginning. Even Republicans want to see my Party fight instead of continually being battered.
I think I worked for a company like that once.
We never did get to Phase Three, though they kept planning for it diligently…. come to think of it, I don’t recall them having a Phase Two plan, either.
Judge Perkins has been removed from DeLay’s case
Judge shopping, anyone???
What kind of precedent does this set if this ruling is upheld?
(I had posted this on the other thread, just as you opened this one, sorry for the double posting)
for donating to MoveOn, then any SCOTUS judge who’s donated to “pro-life” causes should recuse themselves from ruling on any cases related to abortion.
Yeah, like that’s gonna happen…
Um, getting your traffic judge removed if he has a clean driving record, because he’s biased towards slow drivers?
Getting judges removed in crimes that are also proscribed by the ten commandments if they tithe to churches?
The possibilities are endless!
Rate these articles up:
Yahoo News
I love Frist’s face. What a n00b.
Done deal Manny!
makes me feel like I’m working. Thanks, Man Eegee.
At least in Yahoo’s system, that counts for more than ratings.
I think the MSNBC article is actually well done and balanced. Despite the headline focus on Frist’s anger, the article’s content definitely gets our message out.
“They do NOTHING without orders from the White House.”
“I have no regrets, NONE!”
“If Sen. Frist is upset about me following Senate procedures, then he’s upset”
“This Republican Senate does NO OVERSIGHT, NONE!!”
Wow, Harry Reid.
I know!!!!!!!!! I sat thre with my mouth wide open. Harry was taking the whip to the reporters on this one!! I am so very proud of him today.
Me too, I was blown away — I want to hear MORE LIKE THIS!! MORE MORE MORE!
Then, I turn to Fox and we have to listen to them to see what they are saying about this:
Trent Lott:
“Waste of time, breach of protocol, interrupted our work on fiscal policy, publicity stunt”
“The democrats are very frustrated, last week was supposed to be great, everything is not falling apart for the President the way it is supposed to, so Harry Reid is angry and frustrated. This is bogus….blah, blah, blah”
brinnainne, the spin is now on! I do not believe this for one minute. They are all liars and we all know it…
WE all do, no doubt, we have since early 2003 — my worry is about those who still believe…..
Oh, good god, I hate Mehlman…what a fucking tool. Imust change the channel.
Sen. Reid referred to Rockefeller’s statements, so I looked them up and added them to the story above…. those are two of his statements.
For more, explore
Harry, Bless you. One thing I love in this is that Harry is doing the fight backing up Senator Rockefeller, a Senator who’s the old style statesman, and has thus been a bit ineffective in the current bully boy environment. Haryy’s pugnaciousness has energized Rockefeller’s increasing protests over the non-existant intellegence report long promised. So we get Rockefeller back in the fight. Harry makes moves which have synergystic multiple consequences. Bless you, Harry.
What an excellent day for an old yellow dog. Rumble.
“Consult with the leader?! Consult with him??”
“What are you talking about, consult with him? So he can….something I couldn’t hear…and stop me from getting what I needed to get done?!”
Great reporting, Brinnainne!
Here is the whole quote, from MSOC’s diary, called, happily enough Harry Reid: YIPPEE KIYAY, MOTHERFUCKERS, I love that woman:
The media shills kept trying to ask why he didn’t consult with Frist (the gist of Frist’s complaint was, essentially, that he wasn’t consulted).
Finally, when asked one more time, Reid sighed exasperatedly and said, forcefully, “CONSULT with him? CONSULT with him so he could SHUT IT DOWN before it got to the point? WHY would I do that??? You guys need to learn a little bit about Senate procedure. We wouldn’t be standing here talking about it if I had CONSULTED him.”
Did Reid really say that? It’s perfect.
I got to watch it LIVE — what a feeling!
you bet he did and how he said it was not kind to say the least. He was actually forceful with it to the reporters. I could hardly control myself when he came off all angry and less tempered they way he always is. I wished he could sound off more like this. Tell the gop to stand down a few more times and he might make some headway. You bet he got in their faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!
making the case now. Hammering White House and Senate Republican on Obstruction.
TURN TO CSPAN2 — CNN is too erratic with its coverage.
Now I’m back to CNN.
Sorry… it was on CSPAN2. He followed Roberts (man was he pissed)(I loved it) who had followed Frist, who had himself back under control.
I missed parts of it as I am still at the office but he was pulling in all the pieces and really hammering away at the White House and the Senate Republicans for their actions, their lies, their white washs, cover-ups, and inaction on oversight. Basically called Senate Republicans lapdogs of a treasonous bush administration (my words not his – he was more politic but no less strong).
boy, is c. matthews on a roll. he is gtting to lovable ken mehlman…;o) ken is really falling on his face…I love it…I have to hold on to my bladder here for the excitement is getting more than I could have imagined. I do not think I have ever seen anything like this ever before from this! I am simply blown away!!!!
I was so excited, I almost posted this comment on the wrong diary!!!!
So we will close the doors and talk about secrets where the American people cannot hear us.
Sadly, this will impress many devotees of the millionaire politicians, so impressed will they be that they will send them more money.
for five years there has been virtually no opposition, of any kind…and it is, indeed, sad that this has to occur behind closed doors.
That said, it shifts the discussion back to the important issues and counters the manipulation of the ‘news cycle’ by the WH.
You may be of the opinion that it should be kept secret from you, and you are certainly entitled to that opinion.
However, it is important, I think, to make the distinction between what politicians decide and what has to be.
Acknowledging that would be a start. 😉
I can only assume you misread my original post. I am clearly not of the opinion that it should be kept secret, quite the contrary. I believe that these issues should be front and center in the public discourse.
I have no disagreement with your underlying premise that there may be ulterior motives; ie: political. Nonetheless, it is encouraging, at a very basic level, that this action may signal the beginnings of an opposition to the status quo. That, IMHO, is the first step towards changing the existing paradigm, and should be acknowledged as such.
It remains to be seen whether this is merely showmanship or the real beginnings of a serious questioning of the reasons and circumstances leading to the situation we are now embroiled.
least possible in order to avoid jeopardizing obligations to corporate sponsors, while making a gesture that will be enthusiastically welcomed by a voting class who is so resigned to the lack of any real opposition to the status quo that they will, as planned, perceive it as a brave act, and not even notice the irony of making grandiose declarations about how the people deserve answers and then closing the door.
I can understand the desire to see some hint of actual opposition, obviously, I am not entirely immune to it, or I would not even have commented at all, as from my perspective, US domestic political shenanigans are about as relevant to actual events in the world as Paris Hilton’s choice of evening sandal on any given evening.
If at any time, the politicians, or for that matter, the voters, find themselves seriously opposing US military aggression, I am confident that there will be no doors to close, and no pundits to spin, as the fact will be immediately and visibly and continuous coverage live feed apparent, debunking your sig.
And the C-130s will load up to repatriate the gunmen, torturers and sexual predators from their various theatres of operation, as others load up and fly off to the Hague, bulging with their nasty cargo, which will include the vast majority of the corporate lackeys who are as we speak, receiving lavish praise and fat checks from their devotees.
You can see a clip from the scene susanhu discusses in the “Underpants Gnomes” episode right here:
THANK YOU! I love that so much … just watched the clip you linked.
We are finally getting them to stand up and do something for crying out loud. Let’s see how this plays out. I for one am very proud of what they did today and harry Reid is one hell of a leader. They didn’t just think this up today. It is something they have been working on and had to wait for the right opportunity. The public opinion and polls are finally getting to them. They know if they don’t do something right now, they may never get this chance again.
Steve Clemons has a very good rundown on what happened — via Daou Report, which is also updating its links
Pat Roberts is currently lying his ass off on my TV….
HE has said the phrase “most unfortunate” about 17 times in the last 5 minutes…
HA HA, great quote from Harry Reid in a Washington Times article I found via google:
This gives the dems who voted for the war cover as the public tide turns against Bush.
“Yes, I voted for the Iraq war. But my vote was based on lies told to me by this administration.” If I had only known the truth, at that time I would never have voted for this fiasco.”
Expect some of the moderate Repubs to join that chorus.
well, well, well…I’m impressed!
Go Dems!!
(too bad I flipping missed it by having a nap!)
It was so great I may just watch it again!
This is beginning to look like a Democratic Tet offensive!!!
Pile on, fellas…they’re just about ready to break and run.
Listen closely…you can hear the spinning blades of the escape helicopters rumbling through the mediasphere as we speak. Ratpubs ad DemocRats…the ones who collaborated…alike. “Let me on!!! Let ME on!!! I was SO fooled!!! LET ME OUTTA HERE!!!
Spin spin spin spin spin spin spin…
I LOVE the smell of media napalm in the evening!!!
I might even tune into the network news tonight.
This is GREAT!!!!
This is also Senator Reid’s response to Bush not consulting him on the Alito appointment. Two can play the ambush game.
Frist has been out manuvered again as well.
A three point shot from the baseline.