(apologies cause this wasn’t aimed at Booman peeps…but more at dk and elsewhere…and i should have mentioned that)
Crossposted at Why Are We Back In Iraq?
Just what the hell do some of you bloggers think you are going to accomplish by calling Samuel Alito a Nazi or a motherfucker?
I’ll tell you what you’re going to accomplish.
You’re going to help him get confirmed.
Every single one of you that uses such words – over and over and over again – or links to others who do so will be responsible for helping confirm a radical right winger who believes in strip-searching ten-year-old girls, in compelling women to get the approval from their husbands before getting abortions, and that racism isn’t racism unless the word itself is employed.
Enjoy your free speech while you got it.
You’re making all of us look bad.
And you’re making them look more reasonable and (dare I say it?) “reality based.”
Show some responsiblity, please.
Because you’re not doing anything at all but helping them win.
You’re making a tough fight for a minority party even tougher. You’re damaging our credibility. You’re giving reasonable folks a reason to tune us out.
And when it’s done…when SCOTUS is radicalized to the hard right…will you be able to look into a mirror and recognize the motherfucker who helped make it happen?
Yeah. I admit it. Off the record and off the Worldwide Internet I’d probably use the M-word to describe his type.
But certainly not to the extent that some bloggers have chosen to do so.
And if you haven’t realized by now that using the N-word is political suicide then I suggest you find something else to do with your free time because you haven’t got a clue.
You’re doing exactly what they want us to do.
Please. Stop. And. Think. Before. You. Blog.
And playing footsie under the table with republicans has worked real well the last decade? I’ll call the Farrrr right wing nuts whatever I want. And unlike Dem supporters I’ll call out weak-kneed right wing moderate Dems for what they are. (You know? the Dems that got use where we are by being so polite and thoughtful.)
Sure I’ll reach across the aisle to the conservatives… And grab them by their ties and choke the fuckin’ life out of the Corporatist/Fascist/Nazi MoFos. Call them what you want.
No offense to you personally, BUT PFFFFFT! lol
Don’t try and tell others what they should think or do. We get enough of that from the right-wing-nuts.
well…if you’re trying to tell me what not to do or say then aren’t you being a hypocrite?
and there ain’t no difference between a right wing nut and someone who freely uses the word nazi.
who the hell said anything about playing footsie or reaching across aisles (though i’m not necessarily against the latter)?
i said don’t use terms like nazi or motherfucker repeatedly (one motherfucker per article wouldn’t be as nutty looking) because you scare away reasonable people
and god help us if reasonable people is a codeword for republicans…cause i certainly don’t think so…i tend to think that the vast majority of gopers are unreasonable
I am very clear about what I am saying.
Call them what you want. Call me what you want. Call me a hypocrite too. Just don’t tell me or others what we have to think or do.
You are splitting hairs on a bald man with your hypocrite remark.
So you think Clinton meant we should call Republicans motherfuckers and nazis…
i never said lay down and play dead…just choose your words wisely
Ron Brynaert,
Can you please point out examples of where BooMan Tribune members have used the words “Nazi” and “motherfucker” in reference to Alito?
absolutely none…
i just don’t post at daily kos anymore…and a lot of people linked to rude pundit
maybe i should have said it had nothing to do with the bloggers here….my bad
thanks for clarifying Ron.
I would accept your mea culpa and we could be friends again.
But since you’ve admitted you made it all up and have no citations, I can’t. This whole thing is very disappointing.
i didn’t make anything up….not sure why you’d say that
guess i thought people would agree with what i wrote here…i didn’t want to put daily kos link or mention atrios or rude pundit or other blogs cause i assumed that people wouldn’t be calling me a liar before technoratiing it for themselves…also booman’s complained about anti-kos diaries anyway
didn’t want to piss people off or inflame
wanted to try to get my point of view across strong…but i really should have said it wasn’t directed at the people here
You point to what is basically a satire blog, The Rude Pundit, for doing this… Yet I fail to see one Nazi reference in this entire Diary:
So… Essentially you are doing exactly what Drudge was doing when he was race-baiting.
Might I suggest that, in the interest of being realistic and fair, you delete this baseless diary entry of yours.
Motherfucker is just part of the Rude Pundits schtick… The same things that might be repeated at one of The Rude Pundits comedy shows at comedy clubs.
You may as well ask Andrew “Dice” Clay to start saying “Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock” instead of his usual vulgar nursery rhymes.
daily kos top rated diary the other night and a few other places…technorati it…used nazi repeatedly
rude pundit is satire….but atrios linked to it
whatever…basically i spent whole night researching article saw that shit pissed me off
but i didn’t make up shit
and andrew dice clay said some racist sexist shit
Since you have declined to provide a link to any of your supposed points… What more do I need to say?
As for Atrios linking to The Rude Pundit: Now we can’t link to satire sites either? I hate to break it to you, and it may be news to you, but many of us have a sense of humour.
He’s confirmed no matter what. Better to go down fighting than to sit around with thumbs up asses, as per usual.
Calling someone a nazi or a motherfucker is not the language of a fighter.
And if you’re already cynical about the results….you ain’t a fighter at all.
Who called him those names? Is this aimed at Booman Tribune?
I didn’t call him ANYthing.
Second, being realistic about what will happen isn’t your style? Fine. Don’t EVER tell me that I am not a fighter.
I’ll fight. The democrats won’t. He will be confirmed.
Miss You!
Hey there! Will you be around this weekend? I need a serious dose of Tracy-talk — tell me a good time to call!
all weekend. All we do is work on the house. Next weekend my husband starts refinishing the Kitchen cabinets because………..HE’S NUTS I think, but hey hubby go for it.
Yay! I’ll talk with you then!
(((((tracy and josh and matt and bren)))))
FWIW, I haven’t seen those references here at Booman; can you point me to an exchange?
You’re making all of us look bad.
Look in the mirror, chief.
You have a worthwhile point: the demonization of Alito can go overboard and in theory provide a contrarian excuse for conservatives to support him.
Then you go off the rails by claiming that anyone who calls Alito names is responsible for his confirmation.
Sorry, we’re fighting liberals here. Your talking points won’t fly.
We don’t have to say anything for the radical right to make shit up and put it in our mouths. I mean, look at what they say already:
Liberals want to kill babies.
Liberals want France to rule America.
Liberals want everyone to live coddled lives.
Liberals want to ban the Bible.
Liberals hate America….
So I wonder what the hell you’re talking about, because they’re saying crazy stuff already.
Meanwhile, Alito is a radical that makes Scalia look moderate. What part of that don’t you get? Do you think the goal is to just continue to play nice, like the Democrats in Congress have? A lot of good it’s done them!
You either stand up for what’s right, or sit for everything. Where do you fall on that? How can you say you’re for Alito and call yourself a liberal?
um..where did i say i was for alito…in fact spent the whole night working on an article that might go at rs later today
the title was in reference to bloggers who use nazi and mfs…i screwed up by not saying that it wasn’t aimed here
Drudge’s race-baiting over the Scalita appointment…
The recent C&L diary on Drudge, the response from Hunter, and the repeating of Drudge’s right wing-nut talking points about the alleged “Lefty racism” by tweety…
Well, that is right about where my opinion is on this diary.
Not “race-baiting”, but baiting with (possibly) a negative intent. Something I would expect only from the DLC types or the right wing GOP talking point brigade.
Funny that this is the very first diary with a “Nazi reference” concerning Scalita that I have read in all of the diaries I have read here, and at other Blogs.
You still have provided no link to useage of these terms, but technically the popular definition seems spot on when applied to this individual.
From wikipedia:
The term Nazi typically refers to someone who affiliates oneself with or is perceived to be affiliated with the ideology of the former National Socialist German Workers Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly called NSDAP or the Nazi Party). The term can be used as a noun or an adjective for such a person or thing.
In pop culture, the term nazi (lowercase “n”) can also be coupled with another word to imply overzealousness, aggression or hostility — negative qualities often associated with the Nazi Party. Such usage was popularized in the November 2, 1995 episode of the successful 1990s sitcom Seinfeld. The plot centered around a soup stand vendor who dispenses his wares in a harsh manner, thus becoming the titular “Soup Nazi.”. Such usage of the term is often humorous, although it can also be a pejorative. Other examples include feminazi, grammar nazi, fashion nazi, and Econazi. Many criticize the use of such terms as they appear to diminish the crimes of Nazi Germany during the Second World War.
If the shoe fits.
He will likely be confirmed but not because some lefty blogger called him a nazi.
If you assert that BMT members were using the terms “Nazi” and “motherfucker” regarding Alito, please provide us a couple of examples. Several of us have now asked you for this, and I think it would be ethical of you to do so.
If you’re talking about comments made at your blog, or at Daily Kos or elsewhere, or if you’ve simply invented them, then I think this diary was mistargeted and merits an apology.
I’ve written diaries before in the heat of the moment and later realized I’d made a mistake. I said so, and I deleted it in one case. Please clarify, or you’re going to have a mountain to climb if you want to be taken seriously here again.
Here’s the first comment in response to his missive at his own blog. See if you can tell how it’s not “reality-based”:
Ron, it's too bad that you actually have to post something like this. Liberal doesn't necessarily equal smart.
I personally have not read anything like what you posted, but I can imagine it's out there. So I'll add my two cents: KNOCK IT OFF!
Mixter | Homepage | 11.01.05 - 11:03 am | #
well..i added my apology after i read first few comments and before i read yours…
but you’re right
it was dkos and everyone who linked to rude pundit…i just didn’t name names
didn’t mean to direct at it people here…just thought it would be recieved better and ever since the abortion and pie fights i don’t post diaries at dkos anymore
What is most interesting is that no one here has gotten into a ratings fight. Very telling.
… Is the beuty of living in a truly reality based world.
Say what you think… Worry about whether it is right or wrong after you have discussed it.
Then form an honest opinion of what is the truth based upon the facts.
I must admit that I have posted outrageous stuff in the heat of the momment too! But I did learn from the experience.