(apologies cause this wasn’t aimed at Booman peeps…but more at dk and elsewhere…and i should have mentioned that)

Crossposted at Why Are We Back In Iraq?


Just what the hell do some of you bloggers think you are going to accomplish by calling Samuel Alito a Nazi or a motherfucker?

I’ll tell you what you’re going to accomplish.

You’re going to help him get confirmed.
Every single one of you that uses such words – over and over and over again – or links to others who do so will be responsible for helping confirm a radical right winger who believes in strip-searching ten-year-old girls, in compelling women to get the approval from their husbands before getting abortions, and that racism isn’t racism unless the word itself is employed.

Enjoy your free speech while you got it.

You’re making all of us look bad.

And you’re making them look more reasonable and (dare I say it?) “reality based.”

Show some responsiblity, please.

Because you’re not doing anything at all but helping them win.

You’re making a tough fight for a minority party even tougher. You’re damaging our credibility. You’re giving reasonable folks a reason to tune us out.

And when it’s done…when SCOTUS is radicalized to the hard right…will you be able to look into a mirror and recognize the motherfucker who helped make it happen?

Yeah. I admit it. Off the record and off the Worldwide Internet I’d probably use the M-word to describe his type.

But certainly not to the extent that some bloggers have chosen to do so.

And if you haven’t realized by now that using the N-word is political suicide then I suggest you find something else to do with your free time because you haven’t got a clue.

You’re doing exactly what they want us to do.

Please. Stop. And. Think. Before. You. Blog.