I have avoided this subject here so far but it’s again becoming an unavoidable subject. It does no good to work  in uncovering the actual forces behind the war in Iraq if we don’t have an honest assessment of who and what the terrorist threat is we face.

I am nobody special, just an average, politics avoiding, middle aged man who doubted the runup to war. I’ll admit selfish motives when I began researching this in 2002 as I didn’t want my kids to be drafted in an unjust war. I have been called a conspiracy theorist more times than I’ve been called patriotic but I’m sure the latter is more accurate.

All of these revelations the MSM are ‘discovering’ have been claimed from the beginning but it is only now that most are listening.

The most disturbing discoveries have been in the history and recent activities of the assumed Islamic terrorist threat that is responsible for so much death and destruction. While it has been a genuine global threat in reality, it has also shown many signs of being controlled, manipulated, financed and exploited by various factions of several countries’ governments.

Credible evidence also consistently arises that some of the main facilitators have been promoted to key positions in the GWB administration. This doesn’t give Clinton a pass although it seems that his folks took the battle seriously and helped keep it in check as much as was within their power. Oklahoma City and the Cole bombings were probably not the same as has been reported, with other forces at work behind the scenes.

I believe that 9/11 was an inside job of sorts in this same manner but at the very least not the product of Islamic terrorists working on their own. Able Danger provides compelling arguments but that’s just one small piece of a huge puzzle. There are simply too many inconsistencies, contradictions and questions to believe the official story.

One issue I’ve had to struggle with is the issue of trust in the intelligence agencies that now run our country and simultaneously investigate the genuine threat while the factions advance the terrorist cause. I have no doubt that every worded message we share goes through series of traps and filters for datamining and analysis. In some strange way, the rights advocate that I am can accept this as long as I know it’s not abused. The only way to achieve that is through a mutual trust between individuals and government. I reached a point (long ago) in speaking out that I have to trust the watchers, in general, to view my dissent as healthy, not threatening. Evidence of incidents over the last 5 years shows this isn’t always the case but I believe that is the work of the isolated factions that have grown in number under GWB. Still, I must trust the alphabet soup of intel (sincere individuals) to also rise up, beside all of us who know that we are on the same side and not opponents.

I know there is a need to know that the public doesn’t need to know but to have that we have to have trust first. That trust has been destroyed and it wasn’t the American public that destroyed it. Now is the time to regain that through some selective honesty and to run the terrorist supporters out of their offices and positions of power.

The truth behind the forces that took us to war will bring more evidence out as it’s uncovered.

I will be happy to provide links to good resources for any discussion on this subject but it’s been my experience that it’s not always well met. I thought I would make the offer first to save a wasted effort.

Here are a few interestings to start with.

Two sources familiar with Able Danger told FOX News that part of its investigative work focused on mosques and the religious ties between known terrorist operatives such as Omar Abdul Rahman (search), who was part of the first World Trade Center bombing plot in 1993.

An independent terrorism analyst pointed out to FOX News that German intelligence had no record of Atta before the Sept. 11 attack; that’s significant because Atta headed up the Sept. 11 Al Qaeda cell in Hamburg. The analyst also questioned how Atta could be connected to Rahman, who was in prison by the mid-1990s.

Smith claims that one way the unit came to know Atta was through Rahman. Smith said Able Danger used data mining techniques — publicly available information — to look at mosques and religious ties and it was, in part, through the investigation of Rahman that Atta’s name surfaced.Able Danger: Third Source Steps Up, Gives Even More Details

Link to a free chapter of Sander Hicks book at his website.

                The Big Wedding:

         9/11, the Whistle-Blowers and the Cover-Up

Chapter 9

        Muslim Brotherhood, Team B, PNAC, and the New International Fascist Agenda