Cross-posted at
Although we should be boycotting the WaPo, there’s Dana Priest’s story today — “CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prison,” via Memeorandum and Buzzflash — that is generating huge buzz on the blogs and even the MSM: MSNBC will interview Priest between 7:30-8am PT.
As Andrew Sullivan writes in his must-read “TORTURER-IN-CHIEF,” “Well, it’s all beginning to come out now. The CIA has been operating a secret network of detainment facilities across the globe to capture and interrogate suspected terrorists, facilities that would be illegal in the U.S. and where torture is enforced by explicit permission by the president. These facilities were improvised on the fly – like the rest of the war. …” (Read all — Sullivan has been among the most outspoken opponents of the torture policies of the Bush administration.)
ReddHedd at firedoglake blog is also on the story: “As Long as We’re Looking Into Things….”
Update [2005-11-2 10:58:9 by susanhu]: If Priest is correct, Jay Rockefeller, the ranking minority member, and Vice Chairman, of the SSCI (Senate Select Intelligence Committee) — knew about this. His counterpart in the House, Jane Harman, may have known as well. However, both Rockefeller and Harman may have not been told much. Priest writes: “[T]he White House has refused to allow the CIA to brief anyone except the House and Senate intelligence committees’ chairmen and vice chairmen on the program’s generalities.”
Another must-read: “Secret Prisons in Secret Places” by Meteor Blades, posted here at BooTrib.
Torture is NEVER acceptable.
This secrecy is so sickening.
And the whole war on terror is, imho, mostly a nasty joke that is used to generate huge contracts for corporations … and the war in Iraq is simply generating more terrorists.
Richard Sale wrote a seminal piece on the interrogation methods used by the FBI versus the CIA, and the far greater success of the former over the latter in catching and getting suspects to talk.
The only fate for Bush (and all of his henchmen) that is right is to be in the dock at The Hague.
It’s good to see that the MSM is picking up on this.
For all the harm that this administration has done, I believe torturing prisoners will cause the gravest and most enduring consequences.
The economy will recover, the war will end. But we are now, and forever will be, labeled as torturers.
Americans should take to the streets over this. It is sickening.
Besides wanting to know that these ass’s will rot in hell, I want to be alive to see them taken in handcuffs and put into prision for the rest of their natural lives……all of them!
What they have and are doing, is beyond shameful. When will it come down to the fact that we are being held accountable for these ppl’s doing’s! This is being done in our name and I, for one, am not at all happy over this and many other things!
I am so sick of this feces! This has got to stop NOW!!!!!
I do not have any word, in my capability, to describe my anger. It grows on a daily basis and it is out of hand right now!
Needs to call another executive session in the Senate today, and tomorrow, and the day after and so forth, if that is what it will take to get this out in the open and investigated. I’m afraid I don’t know what country I live in anymore.
Me either, keepinon, me either! I am so very pissed today to find this feces out! I am so sick to my stomach over this+ all the rest of the feces that is happening! This is our country, all of ours, just just a few damn so called christians, of which I declare they are not!!!!!! and to the warmongers and whoremonngers that this group of ppl are proving they are! I am simply more than sick to death of this feces today! I am fed up!!!!!!
put us whoremongers in that group, it will give us a bad name! Ok, just kidding. This is why I returned to Germany last week for good. When people ask me why I want to become a European citizen, this is the type of crap I point to. I don’t recognize my country of birth anymore, it’s definately not the South Dakota where I grew up. As for explaining to Germans on why I’ve moved here, I only have to mention the Department of Homeland Security, which in German is very akin to Sicherheitsdienst, an organization from their past – then they understand.
Why doesn’t this surprise me?
I understand your thoughts on this here..;o) however, please forgive me, if you will, I do intend on staying and fighting for my country. I am way to old to go someplace and start over with my life, unless, of course, it is to jail. I refuse the likes of these ppl in our government, to take us down any further, the path of distruction. I did not serve in my countrys armed forces to go and hide when the going gets tough. I may not be able to do much, if anything at all, but I do intend on giving them as much hell as I can muster up.
I have never (hated) in my life! I can honestly say I hate this administration for the things they have done not only to America, but to the world, as a whole.
I declare, I love my freedom and my Constitution. I love my country. This can never change..NEVER! I saluted that flag that waves for the reasons it was given to us. I want it on my casket when I die. I want to say the pledge to it no matter if in “God we trust” is there or not! I work for a wage that is fair, could be better, but you see, I am not greedy. I love doing my job! REALLY, I do! I do expect my share of my social security when I retire, for I have paid my dues! I expect affordable medicare to be there for me and not in the fashion that will threaten me to ever get sick let alone take my meds or eat. I want to own my own home and know it is mine not the governments. I believe that it is in America we can make dreams come true. If I didn’t believe in those things, I would be by your side. But you see, I love my country…enough to fight for it, and in more whys now, that being in uniform, now that I am too old to be in one. I support the troops and I think some of them are doing very wrong things. I intend to see that the things that are done in my name had better suit me or they will stop! I pay their salary…every last one of them! I have that right, or I will see that their commander in chief is changed and charged with the laws he/she has broken.
Now that I have definately made my point and do not need to go any further in this, I do think you have a right to live any place you desire. This is a given right for anyone, I suppose. I just want my country back and the way it should be. The beacon of love, life and liberty. I pledge to anyone I should meet, my heart to give my all for this. Who will stand with me on this.
This is the day, I have had all I can stand!!!!!!!!!!! I am sick and tired of being tired and I will not take it any more!!!!!!
Should we monitor CSPAN2?
Oh gawd … i just turned it on and that old fart Ted Stevens is bitching about ANWR … and attacking MY senator, Maria Cantwell, for opposing the drilling.
I certainly hope Rockerfeller and Harman had nothing to do with this.
This is so evil. I just honestly don’t know what to do in the face of suck evil. It’s more than lying about every goddammned thing they do — it’s this arrogance, this belief that they are God Almighty here on earth. I’m just tired of it.
I hope to hell this is trumpeted far and wide and that the right wing spin can’t kill it.
This is disgusting, I just don’t have words to say what I feel, aside from a lot of anger and shame.
This administration simply cannot hold up under any scrutiny. The consequences of their crimes are starting to blow up in their faces. It has taken too much time, but at least now the word is getting out. It is up to us to continue to put the pressure on and inform those around us.
BTW, when did Andrew Sullivan starting slamming the GOP? Has he changed teams?
This makes me physically ill
Miers, Gonzales, Yoo, Addington…
Interesting that there isn’t one mention of Syria cooperating with the US in torturing suspects.
US governments, the CIA and the Bush administration have been getting away with these abominations for far too long. If they won’t operate within the scope of international laws, they should be brought to justice along with those so-called “democracies” that are their partners in these horrific crimes.
On ReddHead’s commentary:
Does she subscribe to the ticking time bomb theory of torture? Her opposition seems to be to the “systemic” use of torture.
I’m just asking…because that quote disturbs me.
I sent your remark to ReddHedd so that she can reply.
I read that too. I thought it was just me reading it that way! Thanks Catnip and susan for the catch. I will be interested in hearing the explaination.
I e-mailed her as well.
Here’s her reply — she’s with her toddler now so asked me to post this for her:
I read that over at her site. Sorry. Either your for torture or against it. No gray areas for me there.
when one’s own loved one is escorted to the “facility.”
I have not seen many people whose nuanced view of torture did not lose all its nuances at the thought of the tongs pointing toward them, or their family members.
Exceptionalism in microcosm đŸ˜‰
BTW, does anyone know what douglas feith is doing nowadays!!??? We need to keep an eye on him, ya know!
So now we know why Cheney got all huffy about Amnesty International calling Gitmo “the gulag of our times.”
Truth hurts.
Kinda like Iraqi detainees doing frat boy pranks.
For a little history of the CIA & torture, this is a good start. McCoy has a book on the development of these methods coming out in January.
These acts are called “Forced Disappearance”, which are a crime against humanity. Fortunately, Spanish courts have recently come out with a ruling,(which can not be appealed by any court in Spain) in which it decided that it can take to court anyone , anywhere, for crimes against humanity.
So, if we really want to, we can have anyone involved tried there.
All it takes is a letter.
Ok, I am really naive here, but what would prevent the ICC from trying this administration for crimes against humanity? I am sure it is all too complicated to go into here, but I am just dumbfounded as to how they can continue to get away with these things… Baffled…
me too poemless. I always thought th eICC was there to see that things like this was not ever done again to anyone anywhere! Where is the oversight to this? Where is our Simon Weinthal (sp?)! I demand this be done and done asap! This has to stop!
Bush withdrew US support for the ICC in the name of protecting Americans.
Consortium News has an excellent article today about Bush’s hyprocrisy.
of Poland and Romania think after finding out today