Froggy Bottom Cafe
Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Mornin everyone, the cafe is now open for business, come on in, there is a fire glowing in the fireplace if you are wanting to warm up, your favorite coffee or tea is waiting for you.
Warm up? Been 90 here the past two days…lol! Hope everyone is still basking in the glow of Harry’s “stunt” yesterday. Have a really great day everyone!!
Yes, it’s been hot here too, but I bet there are some cold bootribbers just waiting to cozy up to the fireplace in the FBC, which is today located in Denver Co, (nice how we can move the cafe around, eh). I am still basking in the glow, of yesterday’s stunt too aloha! You have a great day and stop in from time to time….
What is so weird is last week I was missing my old apartment that had a fireplace…lol! Nothing like a roaring fire to take the chill out of the ol’ bones.
Wow! I wake up, look outside, and there’s a cafe on my doorstep!
I don’t know that we need to light up the fireplace, though–we’re expecting temperatures in the upper 70s today.
Speaking of lighting up, I’m terribly amused that Denver voters approved an initiative yesterday to legalize pot possession. We also voted to suspend TABOR to help catch up on funding schools and other key areas.
So welcome to sunny Denver, BooTribbers! Enjoy a summery November day here at the base of the Rockies.
Strange day, did the Dems in the Senate really do something gutsy yesterday or did I dream that last night? It’s a brave new world.
Hi Tracy, I will write to you before it get hectic in here and I can’t find you…hard to be amusing early in the morning, it’s just past 7 here.
Hope you are thinking more about that tole painting we talked about the other day….and hope you are doing well. <<<<Hugs, to you and everyone>>>>>
Yesterday I aced my final exam in the Master Gardener course with a score of 97. Tomorrow, I attend my graduation ceremony and on Friday I accompany my husband to North Carolina for a job interview. Yep. It’s déjà vu all over again.
For those unfamiliar with my soap opera, I’ll provide a brief summary: My husband works for an IT service provider. Last October, he learned that their contract with a telecommunications corp. in Atlanta, GA was ending and he scrambled for six anxious months before finding another assignment in lovely Lynchburg, VA. We really love it here; it’s beautiful and affordable farmland is nearby. We hung in limbo until last month when our house in metro Atlanta finally sold and set us free to pursue our goal of building a self-sufficient little farm.
Our exciting search for just the right piece of land ended with the news that this contract, too, is set to expire on Jan 1st. We have barely been here six months and now we have to move all over again. Instead of having six months to find another position, this time Hubby has only two month’s warning. The administrator who put him in the Lynchburg job is outraged and apologetic — he had no idea the account was unstable when he moved us up here. He’s assisting Hubby in finding a new position and will see that this time we get a relocation package to cover our moving expenses.
I am close to heart-broken. I love the mountains, the farmer’s markets, the comparatively mild summer temperatures… and I was just starting to make friends and extend roots. Now I’m being yanked up and most likely transplanted to the mosquito-infested, baked flatlands of northeastern NC smack dab between the Dismal Swamp and a stinking paper mill. There are a couple of other positions open in Virginia but this one seems most likely to match Hubby’s tech level and salary requirements.
He’s actually trying to whip up some enthusiasm for the area by repeatedly telling me the soil will be sandy loam, ideal for growing vegetables. I keep repeatedly answering, But the temperature will be over 90 degrees from May until September and I cannot tolerate high heat and humidity.
So all I can do now is pray that he finds a position that will let us stay in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains…
Hang in there, we are all here for you!
At least I’ll be able to take my virtual friends with me wherever I go.
And Second Nature has even provided a virtual landscape — maybe one that can become real.
I know how much losing the perfect piece of land hurts but I hope your second choice turns out as good for you as it did for us.
Hi sjct, sorry about your news. I had my own brand of moving news, ex is moving work yard (where I live in a house) to vacant lot across the street, so they will have to get some kind of mobile home for me to live in, but it will be in the middle of another work location. The move will take place over Christmas and at this point there are not even any improvements on the property, such as water or electricity, so all that has to be taken care of plus much more.
I am trying to put the best spin on this, and envisioning my new place surrounded with my plants and the boxed trees owned by ex’s tree business.
BTW there have been lots of requests for you to finish the Findhorn story on Village Blue, if you ever have the time or inclination, it has been one of the most read of all stories on the site.
Best of luck to you Sjct and bigggg hugs….
I’m so sorry to learn that you are being uprooted, too. Big Hugs right back at ya’. Why is Fate so unfair?
I’m also a bit startled to learn that my Findhorn stories have gotten so many hits on your site. Heck, it’s probably people who are trying to decide if it’s worth it to sue me. <Aside to Findhorn Foundation; I got nothing, it’s not worth it.> I thought I had made it clear that the direction of my recollections about Findhorn goes in a direction that is not supportive of the general atmosphere at your site. “New Age Spirituality” ripped me off, literally. They stole my money and ruined my life. The story does not have a happy ending. I don’t mind portraying myself as the fool that I am and a failure besides. But, I don’t want to risk you and your site being sued for my honesty. Some things really are best left unsaid.
Keep hanging in there…find a place with lots of trees…set out fans and a hammock for the summer months!
We’ll be going with you wherever you move!
Being uprooted really sucks. We moved a bunch when I was a kid, seven times in my first seven years. I’m so glad my wife and I are at place now where we love the area and may be able to stay for the next thirty. I hope you find a good place where you can put down deep roots and not have to worry about involuntary transplantation. May you become the stone that grows moss.
Aww Poor SJCT!!! I am so sorry!
Hey have you tried Intel?? 🙂
Whatever do you mean? Intel? Yes, Hubby is up for a job at Quantico (once a Marine, always a Marine) where I will be assessed as a probable security risk. Is that what you mean?
Today is my Mom’s 80th birthday….
I already posted a silly picture of her in Andif’s Silliness diary….I know where I get my tomboy stuff and snarky attitude from!
I wrote a diary on my blogspot and am going to introduce her to ‘blogs’ later today! If anyone wants to just drop by with a Happy Birthday feel free at Mountain Cerridwen. Soon I’ll try to introduce her to Booman Tribune!
It will amaze her about how this internet thing connects so many of us.
Happy Birthday Mom
Yes, eastern NC is a hellish nightmare in the summer, but just a few hours west are some pretty little mountain-like land formations (sorry, I used to live in the Rockies) and some fertile farmland.
Maybe he can push for the Asheville, NC area…it’s growing really fast. Here’s a picture I took two weeks ago.
I’d love to be in the Asheville area. Lynchburg looks very much like your photo. But, no, it’s not like we get to pick a place and his corp makes a job there for him. We have to go where the jobs are. I still have hope — there are two jobs open that would allow us to stay in western VA. But, so far, Hubby has set his highest priority on the NC position because it pays the best and is the most stable contract. But, hey, we thought the current contract was stable when we moved up here…
Well, I think you’ll be pretty close to me if you move near the Dismal Swamp. My son went canoeing there and said it was cool. You gotta love that name, though.
We sailed–well, actually motored ,through the Dismal Swamp Canal,on the way up from Oriental, where we bought one of our boats.
The fun thing was seeing that tea- or tannin -stained water in the Alligator River.
One of the best nights ever- listening to the –ERRR – FROGGY Chorus there.
It’s not any kind of big win, but it was fun to see the Republican’s balloon popped for a while yesterday.
I think I’ll just sit here and sip my tea while I gather my wits about me. Words no many now.
The light in the woods was so spectacular today that I had to go back to the house and get my camera (sending the dogs into a panic because they thought the walk was over).
Andi and all you other great photgraphers, you are gonna be responsible for my computer overload as I grab and save all of these great pics. The light in those pics is just great…
do all the work. All I do is just get up early to walk in them.
Awwwwww…… Thank you!! Those pictures are soooo exquisite. I can almost smell your woods this morning. I can hear the leaves rustling and the light drifting down through the half-bare branches….Oh my Goodness!!
This is just what I needed to send me off to work with a smile on my face. ….And….it’s Friday for me. Tomorrow I return to the craft workshop. Yeaaaaay!
Thank you!
You’re welcome and it was my pleasure — literally.
Have a good “Friday.”
Anybody who hasn’t been over to my silliness diary should go over and make a contribution.
Just got some cool news about World Fantasy. One of the lists I’m on is made up of mostly pro F&SF writers, and it was just decided that a bunch of us were going to meet in the bar on Friday, so I’ll get to finally meet a bunch of virtual friends and some of my heroes, including Patricia McKillip, who I didn’t even know was on the list. She’s mostly just lurked apparently. Since the Riddle Master of Hed is part of why I’m a writer that’s way cool. Per AndiF’s request yesterday I’ll try and give some coherent account of the high points of the con here.
Ooh, and wonderous hot tea this morning. Darjeeling at the perfect drinking temperature.
You must provide a full report on meeting McKillip face-to-face! That’s outstanding!
That is real nifty. And I do hope you’ll do the report as a diary so we can have “room” for discussion (just to make a bit more work for you).
I’m betting you’re going to have a great time.
If I’ve got the material I’ll happily diary it. I’m also pretty sure I’ll have a good time. A couple of years ago I learned the secret of having a good con both professionally and personally. Well, at least it’s the secret for me. No agenda. If I plan a bunch of meetings and make sure that I go to the Tor party and meet folks and try to make sure I get on “good” programming, I do all right and my con isn’t ever really a failure. But if I just go to have fun, and only do programming I’m really excited about, then I have a great time and usually meet a lot more cool people, and just generally have a more successful experience. Funnily enough I’m also much more likely to have business success that way. One of my best cons ever involved not going to a single panel and mostly just hanging out in the lobby or the hot tub or wherever and talking to whoever came along.
wow-bad moving news–hell on earth.
On the other hand–We had one HELL of a party last Saturday night–it was so great- I just stood around and watched everyone interact.Some people left and came back again!And now I have obscene amounts of food still.
Just this morning I finally sent my friend from Baltimore home.
For my birfday,I got a pair of socks with spiderwebs on them,2 litres of extra virgin olive oil,4lbs. of real Italian sausage,a poncho!! (a real one, not a Sears one),a pair of sweats,some placemats (guess where all the Practical stuff came from?)
BUT,BUT- who is gonna call the carpet dude to come and clean up the UNHOLY mess?
It was worth it,oh yeah.
Good Morning Friends.
I love the pictures of the trees so very much and to know it has got to be around the time of day I love so much…..:o)
Have been up for hours now. Cats are up and at ’em and now back to nap. God, it must be great to be a cat! They do give to me such pleasure and love; however, I do find it hard to find anything good that they do but sleep and eat and p/p….;o) I know…thye love me and I love them..that is worth all that no one can possibly buy in a million years.
I have to tell you, my panties are definately in a wad this morning over the news and the torture thing and the fact we lost a helicoptor this morning and maybe some more lives by IED’s/bombings. I do not know just how much more I can stand of this.
Yesterday, I did make my chili and it was very good! My son got his grades last week from his first semester and he aced all subjects. NOt bad for a 30 year old…:o) anyhow, I am very proud of him for his accomplishments.
I am getting things done here at the house to start another tour in Memphis. I hope this will be the last of this nonsense. I am getting very tired of this traveling nurse thing and it was not what I was hired to do,either. I suppose I ought to be thankful for having a job, of which I am. I just needed to bitch a little this morning, since my panties are in a wad!!!…:o)
I want you all to know, I do love you all and wish you a very lovely day and full of sunshine and love from all directions. Hugs all around.
and have a good day.
And yes those are pictures from your favorite time of day. I’ve got some more I’ll save for another diary when you are going to be hanging “around.”
We all love you too Brenda!!!
Maybe you could share your chilli recipe with us….mine is not so good, never have mastered chilli…
Hope your panties are getting unwadded, a little, our hugs should help….
Seems like a lot of us have changes coming up in our lives.
My Chili is pretty basic, but it gets rave reviews. I’m not much of cook for most things, but if it goes in a pot and feeds twenty I’m your man. Here it is for what it’s worth.
The basic unit is the can and all cans go in undrained
1 can great northern beans
1 can dark red kidney beans
1 can light red kidney beans
1 can black beans
2 cans stewed tomatoes
1 can sweet corn
1-2 pounds very lean hamburger or ground turkey, precooked (fried) in a pan with powdered garlic and chili pepper – substitute chopped carrots (uncoooked) for vegetarians
A half of one of those little jars of minced garlic
Add chili powder to taste
Bring to boil.
Simmer on stove or in crock pot for 3-5 hours, longer if you’ve got the time. My best results involve putting the whole thing together the night before I want it, cooking it for an hour, putting it in the fridge overnight, then putting it in a crock pot and slow cooking it over the course of a whole day.
Serve with the following on the side,
raw onions, sour cream, shredded cheese (something with bite), good crusty French bread
My wife’s got a classic Minnesota pallet and also can’t eat onions, or I’d throw in some diced sweet onions (Vidalias are lovely) and minced jalapenos as well.
Thanks for the recipe, I will try it soon, sounds delish…and pass it on to my daughter to try.
a variety of fish and tofu too. I would be using clams and mussels & shrimp too except that now that Puget4 is on cholesterol supression, we’re staying away from shellfish for the time being.
If we’re doing fish, chopped up, we don’t add it till the last 10 minutes or so.
We like to freeze a few meals’ worth immediately after the first meal. I lay some clear plastic wrap right onto the surface in the tupperware bowls which seems to prevent freezer burn. Peels right off for thawing.
We take the same approach to most any stew or combo dish such as curry, paella etc. Swap in fish & tofu, swap out red meat.
Cod-&-tofu chili. We have 3 more meals of this laid up in the freezer just now.
Altar/Shrine click for history
Thank you posting the link to the history dada. I thought I knew the basics but the article had a lot more information and history.
In remembrance of traditions and people that they tried to suppress – more candles lit.
The spouse is actually doing laundry — had to wait to come in till I could kick him off the computer. Oh, BTW, he’s now a BooLurker; he probably won’t post anything (he’s the reader, I’m the writer) or if he’ll wander by the Cafe, but give a wave on general principles (blows a kiss).
Actually got through the boxes of sweaters; I have a box that I can take over to charity, now I have to put away the sweaters/sweatshirts I’m keeping, and finish packing away the summerweight shirts. Gray icky day today, good day to stay in and clean.
SJ — sorry to hear about the move; it sucks to pull up stakes when you’re just feeling settled. Hope you can find the perfect place.
Shycat — happy belated birthday! Glad you had a great party. And thanks for mentioning the poncho; now that I’ve got a printer, I want to print out the pattern for the “Martha” poncho (a couple of sites have it for free), then try to tackle it; at my crocheting speed, I might have it finished by, oh, next summer. 🙂
Time to get to work…back in a bit…
Cali, your days always sound so buys and planned-out. It makes me feel guilty for the way I just take things as they come. I wish I could plan more and actually stick to it. I write these lists out at night and then never follow them the next day.
like in the TV sections:
* schedule subject to change without notice, especially when there’s BREAKING NEWS
But I figure if I put my intentions out there, there’s at least half a chance I’ll actually live up to them…har har har…
While I’m posting pictures, here’s a great shot my roommate took of a sky full of thunderclouds over our local mountains (San Francisco Peaks) this past August.
Really nice pic. Flagstaff is such a great place. I really enjoy the atmosphere. Have I mentioned before that I have a serious addiction to Macy’s? I also think the Museum of Northern Arizona is a fine, fine place to spend time when we aren’t hiking or eating.
You have indeed mentioned your love of the Ultimate Cup. Macy’s is still the best coffeehouse in town even if the coffee at Late for the Train has surpassed Macy’s actual coffee.
Once at Macy’s I saw Sean Lennon sitting on the sidewalk, wearing a purple fur coat, surrounded by adoring hippie fanlings. After 10 years here, that image right there pretty much sums up a typical day in downtown Flagstaff for me. This is a weird little burg, but I have really loved it here.
If you haven’t been here recently, you will be bummed to learn that they are currently over-building, and in another handful of years this place will have nearly entirely lost the mojo that’s always made it so magical. So so sad, watching such a charming little town decay from overgrowth.
I go for how fantastically it ups my daily calorie count.
I’m sorry to hear that. We haven’t been back for since 2002. I could see how the downtown was rapidly growing. I’m sorry to hear it has gotten worse. If the Grand Canyon Cafe Chop Suey sign is taken down, all is lost. Unfortunately, it sounds like what happened to Colorado Springs over the last 10-12 years.
Lovely. We were in Flagstaff in last March and just loved it. My favorite souvenir was a bag of coffee beans from Late for the Train. It was a sad, sad morning when those beans ran out.
Sadness be gone!
Yu-ummm. I’ll have a Vortex Veggie sandwich and a Cuppa Jo. Nevermind, make that a Rail Bender instead. I need the extra caffeine.
Hey, thanks! This will make my holiday shopping significantly easier.
That is so beautiful…how can you leave there to move to Ohio? Not that I don’t love Ohio…but, damn that is pretty.
It’s gorgeous up here (I’ll be shooting lots of pix before I leave and I will keep posting in the cafe), but remember I’m disabled, and there’s few local doctors and no good ones. The closest endocrinologist is in Phoenix, 2.5 hours away, and that’s the closest decent neurologist as well. Plus my roommate (who is my chosen family) is from Ohio, and her parents are still there getting older and sicker, so there will be that sort of thing to deal with before too long.
I’m looking forward to Ohio, actually. Among other reasons, I’ve never seen a real autumn (my favorite season), only approximations of it. And on that note, here’s one last pic for the day, of me on Fitzmas in a downtown Flag park in the autumn leaves and wind.
Maybe I am gay…we have the same shoes. 🙂
Hee. You will be relieved to know that my shoe habits are very feminine. You’re safely straight and gendered girl.
And now for my serious response:
I hope you find life in Ohio easier. It’s a nice thing to move back to your family as they age, and it’s really great that you are doing that for your roommate, not to mention your health situation.
Ohio has pretty falls, though way too short. That’s one thing I do like about North Carolina…the fall is real warm and sunny and extends well into December sometimes.
You are not goofy looking. You look someone I’d actually feel comfortable starting a conversation with in the park, and that’s saying alot for shy little old me.
We would have a grand old time at the park, too, getting caffeinated, trading anti-conservative jokes, and making random wisecracks about anyone else who walked by. Thanks for teh good wishes. 🙂
Nice cargo pants! I love those.
you still look a little like johnny depp — and still beguiling and serious.
when we left 5 years ago.
Southeast OH 60-90 minutes out of Columbus is very pretty in the autumn, so is much of eastern OH really from north to south. The eastern half is hilly & generally more interesting than the flat western half.
In the summers the Lake Erie islands are great for boating & fishing. There’s a blue open water horizon clear across most of the top end of the state.
Now… every day here at Casa Damnit is an exciting one filled with “hoorays” and “uh ohs”… as well as “what the fuck?”
My son, as some know is autistic, and he provides numerous, shining examples of how to look at this world through different, more detailed eyes. And when you start to focus, you see just how messed up our idea of reality really is.
Plus he keeps me on my toes. Spaghetti dinners are never dull around my house when Wes is asked to go get the new cheese.
that if you’ve got someone with low vision and/or senility…that’s scary… shudder
Exactly. My son couldn’t tell them apart at first. These weren’t even stored together but to him they looked the same so he brought them both to me to clarify.
One has to be very specific around here 🙂
Little cheese in the shower never hurt nobody, but I’ll bet Comet in pasta makes it kinda…tart and grainy. At least it’s clean!
Prevents those unsightly chianti-stained teeth!
We’re cool and grey in Puget Sound as usual, with traces of brownish yellow deciduous trees among the green pines and spruces. Last week I put on my Pacific Standard Time long underpants which will be the rule till Daylight Savings returns.
The Twa Totos and I spotted this young lass on our morning walk. Puget4 spied an 8 point buck in the neighborhood last weekend, then to learn on reporting it to a passerby who replied “you’re from back East aren’t you?” Evidently in the west the points are only counted on one side.
There were 3 out there just now but I couldn’t get them all in a shot from my window.
Okay, so I just misread your comment while skimming the thread and totally relived my early 70s POST-BAMBI TRAUMA. Thanks for getting my heart rate up, Damnit Janet — you know the only other way that happens these days is when the freezer over-chills my ice cream and I have to exert myself to dig it out of the carton.
I can assure you that members of my house are fly fishermen who catch and release.
When we see wildlife, we don’t wish we had a gun. 🙂 We grab our camera’s instead. As long as that means not scaring them away. Hence not opening my door to get the shot outside but through my side window. 😉
Bambi and their TICKS are safe in my yard 🙂
Even though the fuckers just ate my peppers! DAMN!! Where’s my… oh… nevermind 😉
need a spotter for those ice cream work outs? 🙂
My son has the same complaint about rock hard ice creamc. He has no patience.
Let it sit out and warm up, Wesley
WHATTTTT?!?!?!!??!?!?! How long will [that} take?
A few minutes
How many?!?!?!! (he is Mister Timer and Calendar Man for a reason!)
Ummm 2 minutes.
It’s been 2 minutes and 20 seconds. ROCK. HARD.
give it some more time Wesley. Jesus H. Christ.
It’s still hard.
Give it some time!
How much???
Ummm 2 minutes.
I already did!
Give it some more.
(Danni goes into the freezer and gets out a fruit popsicle and starst eating in front of Wesley)
Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmm Wesley hit me!
Jesus H. Christ!
How long!!!
TWO more FUCKING minutes
Mom said fucking!
Who wants popcorn!!!!??>>
Hilarious. I love that kids with autism will always call you out for flaky language like “some” and “few” and “later”. Sometimes I think we should staff the whole Senate with them because then maybe shit would get done. Yeah, we might have Comet in the pasta, but we’d have it at 5 on the dot every damn day. 🙂
Damn right 🙂
I can’t say “innaminnit” anymore. Cause he knows that is a total crap out statement.
or “give me a minute”…
You can’t give time.
Our “Referendum C” passed, meaning our state won’t have to face further draconian cuts. And I can feel good about those hundreds of phone calls I made.
On a lighter note, Denver voted to decriminalize marijuana possession. It doesn’t make any difference to state or Federal law, of course, but I like the impish spirit shown. 🙂
Did we quietly pass the UID#2500 mark?
Where is the BIG celebration – or was I asleep while the number was baked.
User ID #: 2526
Country: United States of America
remember Under 500 Club – UID1000 – UID1500 – UID2000
BooTribbers still partying from the best month’s performance ever – even surpassing the June glitch!
What’s Booman Tribune About? ◊ by BooMan
Sun Jul 3rd, 2005 at 02:18:19 AM PST
BooTrib Etiquette ◊ by BooMan
Thu Jun 23rd, 2005 at 01:09:55 PM PST
The 3000/1000 Club ◊ by BooMan
Tue May 3rd, 2005 at 03:47:33 PM PST
The Under 500 Club ◊ by Mindmouth
Tue Mar 29th, 2005 at 10:09:54 AM PST
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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