I live in my own world half the time. I can be insular. Provincial. I try to follow national politics, but am frequently oblivious on some issues.
I’ve seen the names Kaine and Kilgore bandied about on the blogs. But I’ve happily ignored them. I had some inkling that Kaine might be related to a race in Arizona, but that was Kyl, wasn’t it?
Anyway. I am oblivious. To a point. That point was arrived at today, as I drove around town shopping my wares, and heard a NPR broadcast about the Virginia gubernatorial race. And now I am enlightened. And I have to say: Jerry Kilgore, and Republicans like him everywhere, and even those that would stoop to vote for him, contribute to his campaign, or so much as sympathize with him in any way, shape or form, are FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE-SCUM.
I am so sick and fucking tired of being called a “liberal” while the crowd “ooos” and “aahs” as if I had been struck a mortal blow. I am a liberal. A proud fucking liberal. A tolerant individual who believes that through modern ideas we can progress as a society to the benefit of all. And I swear to the fucking Flying Spaghetti Monster, the next FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE who labels me with that word, and then acts like it was an evil epithet, is going to be eating mushed Wheaties for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
You may have noticed by now, that I am typing the word FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE in all caps. That is because we (the progressive left) have not spent the requisite number of years making the word “conservative” mean small-penised, up-tight, asshole, white dudes and retro, self-gender-loathing, sanctimonious, SUV driving, soccer/NASCAR moms. In lieu of spending many years and dollars demonizing a word, I will from this point into the future be referring to the Jerry Kilgores of the world (and anyone who has a fucking inkling of supporting this twitter-flagst) a FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE.
The reason. Jerry Kilgore is a FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE, and the hoard of phlegm called his supporters are mindless drones who are driving this country to an historic moment of evil. Fucking evil.
Okay. What could drive a rational man to invent a word like “twitter-flagst,” you ask?
Fucking listening to Jerry Kilgore, the FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE, as he campaigns for fucking Governor of the Great State of Virginia at a fucking NASCAR event. He sponsored a fucking car. And 99.93% of the white trash in the stands at said event love the fucking goober. Despite the fact that he is running ads that should make any right thinking human being want to vomit. Repeatedly. And make up sick, silly words to describe the vileness of the people purveying said bullshit ads.
Jerry Kilgore, the FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE, is running an ad in Virginia that says, basically, “My opponent wants murderers to go free: And here is the father of a murder victim to prove it. [Father of murder victim: Tim Kaine voluntarily represented the man who murdered my son. And he doesn’t believe in the death penalty. He would not support the death penalty for ADOLPH HITLER.]”
Fuck that. FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES. It is fucking on. I don’t really give a shit that your son was murdered, you fucking phhptt-thimsnl. You, by your advertisement, are trying to murder one of the fucking central tenants of our Constitutional system of government. The fucking right to a fair trial. Dip shit. That means people get lawyers. Even really fucking bad people. Like fucking Saddam Hussein and Adolph Fucking Hitler. And if you can’t hear what I said because you ears are still ringing from attending the Taladega 500 then I will scream louder while I stomp on your fucking chest. FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE fuck. You aren’t getting my fucking country.
And fuck Dick Durbin apologizing to these pricks. It is time to roll out the Adolph Hitler analogies for George Bush. Gulag was too kind a fucking bashing. There is no playing with a FASCIST. Call it what it is. Or prepare to get your liberal ass taken somewhere for re-education. FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE radio commentator Rush Limbaugh is trying to fucking butter us all up for slaughter. So fuck him. Fuck Coulter. Fuck O’Reilly. And fuck Adolph fucking George Bush. And his minions like FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE Jerry Kilgore.
Update [2005-11-2 16:32:18 by BostonJoe]:I just heard what a swell guy SCOTUS nominee Alito is courtesy of a FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE pac telling me all about him in 30 seconds or less in a TV ad. The ad confirms all I need to know. He is supported by FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES who insist that he be given an up or down vote. Fuck them. They have terribly short memories, these FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES. They seem to have missed the short, traumatic historical blip that was sychophant Harriet Miers, and her nomination to the SCOTUS. Fuck you FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES. Bring on the nuclear bombs in the Senate. Better there than in our cities, or in the cities of the world you want to reign over you imperialist morons.
Hey Joe,
Nice rant!!! Welcome to my world.
The Hitler ad backfired on Kilgore in a big way. As soon as it started playing his negatives went way up and Kaine started climbing in the polls.
Now Kilgore has a commercial out calling Kaine a “liberal” which is really funny because people here who are liberals would call Kaine a DLCer.
It’s still a really close race, but hopefully Kaine will pull it out.
Can you believe that ad they ran? I only heard it in part. But I am so fucking glad I don’t live there, because I would be punching someone.
It played every commercial break for a week. So yeah, I saw it.
a “Liberal Nazi”
FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES fight fucking on!!!!
I likeee!!! Thanks BostonJoe!
Oh when Durbin apoligized I called his office numerous times asking why apologize for telling the truth???
Funny how words can so wrongly categorize people isn’t it…yeah those fucken conservatives really did make the word ‘liberal’ into a dirty word-and it makes me ill when you have some democrat trying to say they aren’t one of those ‘dreaded liberals’.
We really do have to take back the word liberal and be able to shout it loud and proud and make damn fucken sure people know what liberal really means-think John Kennedy had a great quote on liberals.(which I have saved somewhere, see if I can dig it up).
Anywayyyyyyyyyyy I liked the made up words but I’m recommending your nice little rant for the phrase ‘hoards of phlegm’….love that in all it’s slimy connotations.
I’m a liberal!!!! and an Unreasonable Woman!!! And DAMN proud of it π
http://www.cjnetworks.com/~cubsfan/whatis.html Here’s Kennedy’s speech on what a liberal is, what liberal means…and he’s dam proud to be a liberal. With any number of good quotes to be taken out of his speech.
And janet, other people might call us Unreasonable women but they’re the fucken unreasonable ones dammit.
They shot his ass. Which is what they want to do to “liberals.” Huh? Fucking Rush. Reminds me of the fucks on the radio in that movie Hotel Rwanda, calling their political opponents “fucking cockaroaches.” Until they were de-humanized enough to be stepped on.
Fuck them. Not going out that way.
Thanks CI.
http://www.irregulartimes.com/rightwingstuffviolence.html it’s about the rightwingstuff store..
Got Ammo?
Save a seal, Club a liberal
Club Liberals not sandwiches
and the worst one Liberal Hunting License – no bag limit.
It is fucking ridiculous. I can’t even read crap like that. I guess some things just deserve a fight. I am tired of trying to be reasonable.
The better part of me, following such rants, says that you can’t win by engaging them like a ranting asshole. But, honestly, I’d rather go down swinging that let them bulldoze us with their stupid, ignorant rhetoric. Ugh!
so it won’t make you sick π
Sometimes, the acts of violence are national in scale. For example, one of the Rightwingstuff bumper stickers calls upon people to bomb France. This demand is ironic, given that conservatives claim to be fighting against terrorists with bombs. Of course, France is not even close to being at war with the United States. Yet, the owners of Rightwingstuff are calling upon Americans to set off bombs within the borders of France – essentially, to engage in acts of terrorism. To the Department of Homeland Security, which is supposed to prevent acts of international terrorism, we suggest that the people behind Rightwingstuff might be worth a look.
What’s really appalling to us at Irregular Times is the hypocrisy of these violent conservative messages. We get accused of “Bush bashing” or “bashing the Republicans” quite often, but all we really do is engage in verbal critiques of the policies of the Republicans in Congress and the Bush Administration. Yet, here we have conservative Republicans, actually instructing each other to physically bash Democrats, clubbing liberals and shooting Democrats as if they were wild animals in a deadly political game.
We do not find these slogans to be funny at all. And, before some conservative reader tells us to lighten up, we’ll say that we wouldn’t think it was funny if the graphics at Rightwingstuff told people to beat up and kill Republicans. We’re bipartisan in our opposition to violence.
Are we frightened? You bet we are. We’re not so much frightened of being physically attacked by Republicans with liberal hunting licenses issued by Rightwingstuff. Instead, we’re frightened that so many Republicans seem to believe that this kind of incitement is funny, or exciting, or somehow justified.
and this says it all
Americans often ask, in naive shock, how the Nazis ever could have come to power in Germany. They wonder how Rwandans could have been convinced to butcher their neighbors with machetes. They question what led to the mass graves in Kosovo and Bosnia.
The answer to these questions is found in the terrorist rhetoric of the Rightwingstuff propaganda. The answer is that the spark that sets off the powderkeg of genocide is found in these images.
elsewhere (hockeyroom) and was able to use your term… thanks bud!!
I’m getting so tired of the FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE-SCUM and their minions trying to justify TORTURE, ABUSE and GULAGS. A bunch of wannabe Hitler supporters is what they are. Unlike Durbin, I won’t apologize. If you support torture, abuse then you’re no better than the Nazi supporters and apologists. Period.
What were we fighting Saddam for?? Oh yeah… he tortured and abused his people…. UNICEF and INTL Red Cross report that the Iraqi Children are WORSE OFF now under the US occupation than they ever were under Saddam’s. Mission Accomplished.
Rush Limbaugh and his Club Gitmo t-shirts. WAR PIGs who then turn and spit on REAL soldiers and Marines. Profiting from glorifying American Abroad Prison Camps. Niiiiiiiiiiiiice.
That is another reason why the World is hating our country.
well, hell, Joe, I am a fuckin liberal Independent! Does that count? I think my ways of thinking is way left of you all here.. :o)…Just kidding. Hugs, Man, I know the rage you feel!!! Today has hit me very hard for that feeling of rage too…what with all this administration and ther followers are doing to our America and the world. I am so angry!!!!!!!!
You’d have a ways to go to get left of me. But I wouldn’t put it past you. π
I support universal socialized pizza, athletic shoes, and of course, duct tape.
Yeah. Great. But what are you going to do about the bird flu?
You are just going to have to stop walking that fence, make up your mind, and tell us what you REALLY THINK! (grin) That was a classic rant! About a 9.85 I would think.
The last few days certainly have provided ample reasons to explode. AND, sure as we are sittin here, we just know in our hearts there will be even more to be pissed off at tomorrow.
Sometimes you just have to spew. Or I should say, sometimes I just have to spew.
I’m for progressive taxation and against corporate handouts. I’m for equal rights, and against bigotry and injustice. I’m for freedom of expression and religion, and against censorship and ignorance. I’m for peace and diplomacy, and against the instigation of violence under any circumstance. I believe people have an inalienable right to choose, and that any organization that seeks to take away that right is evil
I am a Liberal.
I’m shocked that the FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE FUCKS would support a nomination who supported gay rights and privacy way back when…
(hat tip to John at AMERICAblog who lives for watching the wingnuts’ head asplode)
Wonder if they will still want an up or down vote on him now? I just saw Andy Card on Matthews. He actually intimated that the Harriet Miers debacle resulted because the Dems practice the politics of personal destruction. I am going to fucking lose my mind.
Boston Joe- you can make the mountains ring,or make the angels cry.
I don’t know how Virginians can tolerate it. I’m about to have a stroke, and I only heard a few second clip ten hours ago. Just want to gag. Need a shot of that Absinthe. Is that a real ad? Or some bizarre joke?
have been declawed.
You young whippersnappers missed the good old days, sorry. π
Now you have completely, and totally, for all-time, blown the conception I was trying to form of you, given the relative dearth of authentic Ductape Fatwa information available.
“Young whippersnappers.” So, this puts you at an age where you could buy the “real” Absinthe? I guess I should have figured it. All the wisdom. Can’t be fit into a young person. What was I fucking thinking?
I am beginning to think you are not even a real person. You are an amalgam. A roomful of Fatwa-like people. Roomates perhaps. Like the different parts of an elephant that the blind man feels, leading to different reports of truth.
I actually get called “Father Perrault” by the occasional irreverent wag.
So does this make you Catholic, a schoolmaster, or a freemason???
That is as far as Google could get me with Father Perrault.
Don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. I enjoy the mystery too much. Honestly. It is all about mystery. I’m actually thinking of an interesting novel based on a mysterious blogger. It is topping the list of projects to start in July ’06.
Father Perrault is a character in a novel by Mr. James Hilton called Shangri-La.
If someone calls me that, they are making a joke. π
So you are neither Catholic, nor a schoolmaster, nor a Freemason???
But you are a fictional character! I’m on it now. π
Have a good day. Need to go out into the capilitalistic world and shill crap.
Who you callin a whippersnapper?
Well, I’m approved for administering conscious sedation, and I usually like to add in some Fentanyl as well – but you’re gonna have to get a colonoscopy to go with your drugs because we need to put down a reason on these forms.
Egads, man! I’ll take my existenstial pain without the meds, if it means an colonoscopy for crying out loud. Just use a straightjacket and a padded room. No drugs.
Thanks for the offer of help though.
I hate to admit it, but I’m a big fan of The West Wing on NBC (even more so since Janeane Garofalo has had an extended stint as a guest star). The live episode that aired last Sunday was awesome. It was aired live to give it the feel of a real presidential debate between Democratic Congressman Matt Santos (played by Jimmy Smits) and Republican Senator Arnold Vinick (played by Alan Alda).
At one point during the exchange between the fictional candidates (moderated by Forrest Sawyer, played by himself), Santos gets fed up with Vinick using the word “liberal” as an insult. He goes on about how liberals ended slavery (at which point Vinick points out that Lincoln was a Republican, and Santos replies “a LIBERAL Republican”), fought for the right of women and African Americans to vote, started Social Security, etc. Then he says you throw the word “liberal” on the ground and stomp on it like it’s a bad thing to be a liberal, and I pick it up and wear it like a badge of honor.
If I had to choose between real life politics, and Hollywood’s fictionalized portrayal of politics, Santos would definitely get my vote. If NBC’s website is any indication, I think Santos is going to win, because Vinick isn’t shown in the banner graphic at the top of the page for The West Wing. The only thing that could mean is that the script for the Inauguration Day episode is already written, and Vinick isn’t in it, at least as a winning candidate. Why can’t real life be as cool as Hollywood?