I live in my own world half the time.  I can be insular.  Provincial.  I try to follow national politics, but am frequently oblivious on some issues.

I’ve seen the names Kaine and Kilgore bandied about on the blogs.  But I’ve happily ignored them.  I had some inkling that Kaine might be related to a race in Arizona, but that was Kyl, wasn’t it?

Anyway.  I am oblivious.  To a point.  That point was arrived at today, as I drove around town shopping my wares, and heard a NPR broadcast about the Virginia gubernatorial race.  And now I am enlightened.  And I have to say:  Jerry Kilgore, and Republicans like him everywhere, and even those that would stoop to vote for him, contribute to his campaign, or so much as sympathize with him in any way, shape or form, are FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE-SCUM.
I am so sick and fucking tired of being called a “liberal” while the crowd “ooos” and “aahs” as if I had been struck a mortal blow.  I am a liberal.  A proud fucking liberal.  A tolerant individual who believes that through modern ideas we can progress as a society to the benefit of all.  And I swear to the fucking Flying Spaghetti Monster, the next FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE who labels me with that word, and then acts like it was an evil epithet, is going to be eating mushed Wheaties for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You may have noticed by now, that I am typing the word FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE in all caps.  That is because we (the progressive left) have not spent the requisite number of years making the word “conservative” mean small-penised, up-tight, asshole, white dudes and retro, self-gender-loathing, sanctimonious, SUV driving, soccer/NASCAR moms.  In lieu of spending many years and dollars demonizing a word, I will from this point into the future be referring to the Jerry Kilgores of the world (and anyone who has a fucking inkling of supporting this twitter-flagst) a FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE.

The reason.  Jerry Kilgore is a FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE, and the hoard of phlegm called his supporters are mindless drones who are driving this country to an historic moment of evil.  Fucking evil.

Okay.  What could drive a rational man to invent a word like “twitter-flagst,” you ask?

Fucking listening to Jerry Kilgore, the FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE, as he campaigns for fucking Governor of the Great State of Virginia at a fucking NASCAR event.  He sponsored a fucking car.  And 99.93% of the white trash in the stands at said event love the fucking goober.  Despite the fact that he is running ads that should make any right thinking human being want to vomit.  Repeatedly.  And make up sick, silly words to describe the vileness of the people purveying said bullshit ads.

Jerry Kilgore, the FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE, is running an ad in Virginia that says, basically, “My opponent wants murderers to go free:  And here is the father of a murder victim to prove it.  [Father of murder victim:  Tim Kaine voluntarily represented the man who murdered my son.  And he doesn’t believe in the death penalty.  He would not support the death penalty for ADOLPH HITLER.]”

Fuck that.  FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES.  It is fucking on.  I don’t really give a shit that your son was murdered, you fucking phhptt-thimsnl.  You, by your advertisement, are trying to murder one of the fucking central tenants of our Constitutional system of government.  The fucking right to a fair trial.  Dip shit.  That means people get lawyers.  Even really fucking bad people.  Like fucking Saddam Hussein and Adolph Fucking Hitler.  And if you can’t hear what I said because you ears are still ringing from attending the Taladega 500 then I will scream louder while I stomp on your fucking chest.  FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE fuck.  You aren’t getting my fucking country.

And fuck Dick Durbin apologizing to these pricks.  It is time to roll out the Adolph Hitler analogies for George Bush.  Gulag was too kind a fucking bashing.  There is no playing with a FASCIST.  Call it what it is.  Or prepare to get your liberal ass taken somewhere for re-education.  FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE radio commentator Rush Limbaugh is trying to fucking butter us all up for slaughter.  So fuck him.  Fuck Coulter.  Fuck O’Reilly.  And fuck Adolph fucking George Bush.  And his minions like FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE Jerry Kilgore.

Update [2005-11-2 16:32:18 by BostonJoe]:I just heard what a swell guy SCOTUS nominee Alito is courtesy of a FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE pac telling me all about him in 30 seconds or less in a TV ad. The ad confirms all I need to know. He is supported by FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES who insist that he be given an up or down vote. Fuck them. They have terribly short memories, these FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES. They seem to have missed the short, traumatic historical blip that was sychophant Harriet Miers, and her nomination to the SCOTUS. Fuck you FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES. Bring on the nuclear bombs in the Senate. Better there than in our cities, or in the cities of the world you want to reign over you imperialist morons.