… yesterday on a two-day state visit to the Netherlands aimed at boosting cooperation with the country that is one of Russia’s key trading partners. The visit was in return to Queen Beattrix’s visit to Moscow and St. Petersburg and a Dutch donation to renovate and do immediate roof repairs on the buildings housing the Hermitage¹.
During this visit, the first state visit to the Netherlands by a Russian leader in 130 years, Vladimir Putin will hold talks with Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende and meet with members of the Dutch royal family, the parliament and business community.
Economic cooperation will be high on Putin’s agenda as he starts the visit with a meeting with prominent Dutch businessmen at the Great Industrial Club in Amsterdam to discuss the expansion of economic ties.
Casual meetings bearing much fruit »»

Presidential Mercedes-Benz
Limousine Used During Visit
At least three documents are to be signed during the visit, including the third Russia-Netherlands Joint Action Program for 2006-2007, a 2005-2008 Joint Plan for Cooperation in Education, and a memorandum of understanding between the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, Itar-Tass reported.
The Netherlands is Russia’s second largest European trading partner after Germany. Russian statistics show that the trade turnover between the two countries was 16.6 billion US dollars last year. A large component will be most likely exchange of energy, im- and exports of gas through the existing pipelines. See Dutch gas resources of Slochteren, Drenthe.
An Engraving of the Tsar Peter House
in Zaandam, near Amsterdam
Putin will lay a wreath at the Dutch National Monument² to the victims of World War II at Amsterdam’s central Dam Square. He will also visit the former residence of Russian czar Peter the Great, located in Zaandam.
Putin arrived in the evening of November 1 and attended a State Banquet in the Capitol The Hague given in his honor.
The joint action program, to be signed by foreign ministers of both countries, includes sections on political dialogue, economy, trade and finances, defence, social affairs, education and culture. The first such program was signed when Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands made a state visit to Russia in 2001.
Moscow and The Hague are also working on a number of other cooperation documents concerning international automobile transportation and mutual protection of capital investments.
The visit will conclude with an official farewell ceremony hosted by Queen Beatrix³ at the Palace Noordeinde – the spot I stood to catch a glimpse of the world leader from Russia. As Dutch hospitalty knows no borders, the planning moved nearly one hour late.
Princess Anna Pavlovna, who became the wife of Wilhelm II, also met with just such a warm welcome in your country.
I would like to assure you all here at this reception today that many people in Russia have just such warm and attentive feelings for the Netherlands. Our people know well the names of the great Dutch seafarers, scientists and scholars and they have great esteem for the works of the Dutch artists that grace the world’s biggest museums. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that millions of Russians have been raised on these finest examples of your culture.
The sails of harmony have always carried our peoples forward together, and today too, cooperation between Russia and the Netherlands is built above all on trust and a mutual desire to work effectively together.
We see our partnership with the Netherlands not only as an essential tie but also as a reflection of our loyalty to the values and the wonderful heritage that our historical friendship has given us.
During our discussions today we felt mutual confidence that we can move forward energetically and that we can, and will, make all the plans we have formed together reality.
Allow me to propose a toast: to the health of Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, to the health of His Royal Highness and his wife, to the health of the Prime Minister, to the health of all our Dutch friends, and may your wonderful country prosper and flourish!
As all was quite casual – I knew I should have studied my Russian language – and I tried to chat with a handful of drivers and security persons standing near the car. I was hoping to hand a small bouquet of white rozes with three pages of friendly greetings intended for President Putin, through embassy employees – one page with an invitation to answer six questions of mine at BooMan Tribune! Haha …
My Russian language failed me, and we could barely exchange who is I and who is you. LOL The scene of Tarzan in the jungle flashed through my memory: “Me Jane, you Tarzan!” Where it should be clear to all BooTribbers who was the gorilla today. It shows how quite relaxed the direct vincinity of the palace was, standing behind the gates of an open court yard not larger than a baseball infield. I figured it would have only been possible to hand the notes and flowers to the secret service, by intermediary of a model scantly dressed as Jane. Whatever.
I will drop the info in the mailbox of the Russian embassy tomorrow, add an email to the Kremlin website and perhaps a reply will fly, who knows.
IHT – Putin expected to focus on energy in Dutch visit
AMSTERDAM Nov. 2 — Putin and his wife, Lyudmila, were welcomed by Queen Beatrix and her son, Crown Prince Willem Alexander, at the airport, and the group then drove to the royal palace in Amsterdam. Putin walked across Dam Square to pay respects to Dutch war victims at the national monument. The police had sealed off the square in the center of the Dutch capital hours before.
The Russian president was also to visit Zaandam, a town where Czar Peter the Great spent several months in 1697 studying Dutch shipbuilding.
Putin was repaying a 2001 state visit by Queen Beatrix. He had been due to visit in 2002, but the trip was postponed when terrorists seized 800 hostages at a Moscow theater in a siege that ended with 170 people dead.
Although Putin has made business trips to the Netherlands before, it is the first state visit by a Russian leader since Czar Alexander II in 1874.
Putin met Balkenende in The Hague a year ago, when the Netherlands held the European Union presidency, and the two had a sharp exchange when Balkenende raised human rights issues in Russia’s war in Chechnya. An irritated Putin reportedly responded by questioning the Dutch leader about problems with the Muslim community in the Netherlands.
Talks between the two leaders this time were likely to skirt contentious issues and focus on developing economic ties. But the wars in the Caucasus will figure at least in talks between Foreign Ministers Ben Bot and Sergey Lavrov, with the Dutch voicing concern that the conflicts are getting closer as the European Union’s borders expand.
Political talks will also touch on Iran and its nuclear program, officials said.
The Dutch gas company Gasunie is reported to be seeking a greater role in transporting Russian gas to Europe. Royal Dutch Shell has invested heavily in developing oil and gas fields around Sakhalin Island, a project that has been plagued by cost overruns.
That was more work than I bargained for. The Russian website at the Kremlin gave up to date information of Putin’s visit. Extremely nice to get transcripts of speeches and time settings of official program in the Netherlands. Here in The Hague, all websites of Cabinet ministers involved in meetings with Putin, ran about one week to ten days behind actual news on their sites. It’s pretty horrible, especially for bloggers trying to get early info scoops to report on BooMan’s Place!
As the traffic in city center was jammed due to blocking off the highway route from The Hague to Schiphol airport near Amsterdam, I took my daughter’s bike to circumvent all road blocks and managed to squeeze through traffic to get to Palace Noordeinde. I stopped to ask info from police officers and security personnel, but no one had the correct information of Putin’s whereabouts and time indications of his program.
It was very interesting to learn how flexible Dutch and Russian secret service cooperated to keep area secure, and limit the inconvenience for passers-by and the commercial shopping district. Quite different when one of the Bushes or even Bill Clinton visited the country. With Bush the elder, traffic was blocked for at least an hour and military helicopters swept the area with RF blocking signals. Fun to see all remote operated garage doors go haywire.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Good work here.
The hubby and I were just talking about you! Or, I suppose, your online persona. We really wanted to get to A’dam later this month, but as we aren’t rich, we’ll have to wait until Feb.
Anyway, the first thing I was struck by was the fact that you even imagined you could learn Putin’s whereabouts. You better believe you’re not getting anywhere close to Bubble Boy. You won’t even get close to the Secret Service.
And yes, when the president “moves” it’s a hassle and a half. He moves; no one else–and my experiences were under Clinton. I can’t imagine Shrub.
But thanks for all your hard work, for I learned a lot.
Cross-posted from European Tribune
Great to hear your voice [Plutonium Page – Oui] from the old country – I would love to see some of the Monument on the Dam photos. It must have been busier in Amsterdam with the dignitaries: Putin, Queen Beatrix, PM Balkenende and Mayor Cohen; than it was in The Hague near Noordeinde Palace. At the moment supreme when the streets were blocked, there were fifty residents watching the motorcade depart.
Quite different compared to Bush 41 and 43 when nearly complete city came to a stand still. Most fun was the visit of Bill Clinton when he visited Delft and later the festivities in Rotterdam harbor, playing the saxophone.
Are you aware of the special blood ties of the Royal family with the Catharina Pawlowna of Russian genealogy? The special relationship with Peter the Great is also very interesting for shipbuilding. Near the end of World War II, the Georgian revolt within the German Army on Texel is a heroic tale with a sad ending.
PS Please take care in Amstelveen territory, Amsterdam’s Tombstone Territory with Boot Hill. City’s Zware Criminaliteit Divisie wiretaps all parties concerned, when appropriate warns both sides of an immediate hit contract, but apparently has no legal grounds to intervene. Rest the residents to dodge the bullets, last time on Halloween night with children walking the streets on South side, very troubling.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”