Secret prisons holding unnamed prisoners in underground cells in unnamed places for undetermined time periods out of reach of any country’s law or of international law without any oversight by human rights groups or anyone but the jailers.
You read something as chilling as that and you want to squeeze your eyes tight shut and desperately avoid learning what you already know from the headlines: The dungeons described are American, even though they aren’t on U.S. soil, even though only a handful of our elected leaders were told about them, even though they violate every tenet of civilized behavior that we’ve been told we’re fighting to defend in the so-called war on terror. The prisoners are held incommunicado somewhere in Eastern Europe, apparently in an old Soviet compound. Why there? Well, for one thing, secret prisons are illegal in America.
So much for Ronald Reagan’s purloined but poignant “America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere.” Rather, a new gulag for a new era. Another wonderful victory in the war on terror.
And exactly how is that war going these days? Shitty, according a new book on the subject:
Washington (Reuters) – U.S. terrorism experts Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon have reached a stark conclusion about the war on terrorism: the United States is losing.
Despite an early victory over the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan, the two former Clinton administration officials say President George W. Bush’s policies have created a new haven for terrorism in Iraq that escalates the potential for Islamic violence against Europe and the United States.
America’s badly damaged image in the Muslim world could take more than a generation to set right. And Bush’s mounting political woes at home have undermined the chance for any bold U.S. initiatives to address the grim social realities that feed Islamic radicalism, they say.
It’s been fairly disastrous,” said Benjamin, who worked as a director for counterterrorism at the National Security Council from 1994 to 1999.
“We have had some very important successes getting individual terrorists. But I think the broader story is really quite awful. We have done a lot to fuel the fires, and we have done a lot to encourage people to hate us,” he added in an interview.
Their prescription?
U.S. fortunes could improve, the authors say, if Washington took a number of politically challenging steps, like bolstering public diplomacy with trade pacts aimed at expanding middle-class influence in countries such as Pakistan.
Washington also needs to do more to ease regional tensions that feed Muslim grievances across the globe, from Thailand and the Philippines to Chechnya and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In a Muslim world of 1.2 billion people, as many as three-in-four hold negative views of the United States.
Because anti-U.S. rhetoric often appeals strongly to impressionable youth, Benjamin and Simon believe many of today’s young Muslims will harbor grievances against the United States for the rest of their lives.
I can attest. In Tripoli, as recently as five years ago, my Libyan stepdaughter tells me, even though there was plenty of visceral support for Palestinians and considerable anger over the U.S. embargo even among Khadafi haters, you never saw extremist young men with long beards calling for jihad. Now you do. Despite everything, there was no real anti-Americanism five years ago. Now there is. One might mistakenly perceive this antipathy as ironic, given that Khadafi and the U.S. are pals, but it’s nothing of the sort. The widely hated Khadafi is now seen as a U.S. puppet.
Simon and Benjamin’s view that the U.S. is making matters worse ain’t exactly new. We’ve heard this in one form or another from a host of sources, from Richard Clarke to Zbigniew Brzezinski, from Larry Johnson to Michael Scheuer, who, in his book Imperial Hubris, wrote: “U.S. forces and policies are completing the radicalisation of the Islamic world, something Osama bin Laden has been trying to do with substantial but incomplete success since the early 1990s.”
The Defense Science Board’s report on “Strategic Communication” declared 14 months ago that when it comes to “the war of ideas or the struggle for hearts and minds, American efforts have not only failed, they may also have achieved the opposite of what they intended.”
There are many others who began such criticisms long ago. But Simon’s and Benjamin’s voices are certainly welcome because it seems to be taking most legislators and most Americans an insufferably long time to get the message and try to do something about it.
Seventeen months ago the Guardian took note that the Bush Administration had built a network of gulags.
Ten months ago, the Washington Post first let us know of the secret prison within a prison at Guantanamo.
Before that we learned of rendition, in which suspected terrorists like Abu Omar are grabbed off the street and disappear into a country whose intelligence apparatus’ sensibilities about torture are, conveniently, state secrets.
Now, we’ve learned there’s a “black” prison where? Georgia? Romania? Bulgaria? Poland? The Post knows, but as EZ Writer complains, the Post has been talked out of telling us where by the very same Administration that has been lying and concealing and manipulating about its war on terrorism for the past four years. Doesn’t matter. I’ll guess and say everybody will know where that prison is by Monday, latest.
Some will say that secret prisoners in secret prisons in secret places are better than the alternative that was discussed and discarded: whacking al Qaeda leaders in a campaign of assassination. Presumably the people who make such distinctions don’t have the problem I have: my marrow quivers at the thought that “my” government set up these prisons and would have concealed them forever if it could have. Crazy me. I thought being a shining city on a hill meant doing our utmost to dismantle all the world’s secret prisons, not build new ones.
[Crossposted at The Next Hurrah.]
Sigh… It is distressing to see that these arguments still carry a lot of weight.
do you think that someday the international court system will prosecute these criminals for what they have done?
The U.S. quit the International Criminal Court, right? I think even after a change in leadership we’ll do everything to resist or ignore such moves, and our influence is likely to remain strong enough to derail them. England and other cooperating countries will have the same, wrong, self-preservation instincts, so I have a hard time seeing this happen.
I think it would be a healthy thing in the end, but not likely.
This is terrible. This is not America. Thank you for a good summary and commentary, MB.
That also was home to the most infamous Nazi death camps.
And what BushCo. is really afraid of is having it come out that they’ve bribed the leader(s) of whatever
nation(s) is/are “hosting” these wretched prisoners. Presumably, torture is also illegal wherever these camps are, which means we’re encouraging the leader(s) of sovereign nation(s) to violate their own laws – laws that were probably inspired by the evil done by the USSR and its local stooges.
These leaders themselves may well have been victims of Soviet repression, or prisoners of Soviet-backed regimes, making the irony all the greater. Not to mention making the whole situation more disgusting.
Poland? Here’s a website that shows maps of the Gulag Archipelago in various countries.
According to this site, there were more than 400 Soviet forced labor camps in central and eastern Europe. Here are the numbers of camps in these countries:
Hungary 199
Czechoslovakia 124
Bulgaria 99
Romania 97
Poland 47
Surprising to see they have so (relatively) few Soviet camps, I would have thought given the size of the country it would have had more than Hungary or the former Czechoslovakia.
Once the US Gulag hosts are known, I hope the governments fall, and the new ones send in the police and army, arrest the people running the camp, give the prisoners food and whatever medical care they require, and then help repatriate them.
And if the Americans at the camps refuse to cooperate, they should, if necessary to liberate the prisoners, be subjected to deadly force.
However, any country that disobeys the US risks becoming the next Iraq or Afghanistan, not to mention having their own citizens kidnapped and hauled off to yet another “facility” somewhere else.
I’m sure the citizens of the countries, and probably a lot of the politicians, would be aghast, but some people at the top are well-compensated for their cooperation. And I don’t expect that scenario I’ve written to happen. That is what should happen, and what eventually will happen to us, however. We’ve done more to foment hatred towards us in the Islamic world than OBL was ever able to accomplish, and pretty soon the rest of the world will find us just as detestable.
Hungary and Czechoslovakia both probably top the list for the most gulag camps because they both revolted against Soviet authorities: the former in 1956, the latter in 1968, IIRC. Gotta put the troublemakers somewhere…
The GOP’s total identification with Bush and his policies is beyond frightening to me.
And if not now, when? Spell out the criteria so we can stop asking “Are we there yet?”
“Commies,” or “KGB” and see how low they sink before employing what ought to be the ultimate insult.
Is there a reason this Administration can’t be tried in the ICC or something? I mean, there are international laws out there against this kind of thing. So how are they getting away with it?
The policy is essentially that if the US does it, it is by definition, not a crime.
It is a very popular doctrine with US mainstream population, sadly, it is also a very expensive one, with exponentially increasing interest rates and balloon payment clauses.
That’s pretty much it in a nutshell Ductape-I think way to many Americans simply refuse to believe we can be wrong about any policy and delude themselves therefore into believing somehow that any atrocity that’s committed by the US is really for the good. Just like saying that torture was merely akin to good old fraternity hazing(which of course in itself has been known to kill people).
I also hate to drag religion into this but I think that fundie christians seem to thrive on punishment/don’t spare the rod/ type ideas and incorporate into their beliefs punishment as a way of life and take it to the extreme-as in torture=good etc. And there are far too many of these whack jobs in government and gaining ascendence in the population in general.
I agree with you, chocolate. I also think a major element in Americans’ acceptance of such practices is simply racism.
For too many white folks, if it’s happening to people of colour, it’s not a problem. More than that: if it’s happening to those scary, threatening, foreign, don’t-even-practice-true-religion, Other people of colour, why then God’s in his heaven, smiting the unbelievers, and all’s right with the world. That fundy Christian thirst for punishment lines right up with entrenched racism.
“Tell me again how our torture chambers are better than their torture chambers.”
It was second news item on BBC World this morning Thai time. At the same time CNN were saying that would not name the places. I think Human Rights Watch have more details readily available too.
in Eastern Europe who have them.
Today, Nov 3, 2005 in Northern California as I walked my daughter to the bus… we saw a white Ford truck (one of those big ass ones) with a sticker on the back window that said.
“I (heart) Gitmo”
I kid you not.
My fellow Americans, I do not know what has become of us.