Over at the so-called “liberal” LA Times, PNAC signatory Max Boot, who doesn’t seem to understand that the reason Scooter Libby and the rest of his neocon buddies are in trouble is because they smeared Joe Wilson and his wife back in 2003, is continuing the vicious lie campaign.

We all know that Boot and his cohorts live in the State of Denial and that they are a hopeless cause with their truth-deflecting armour but you have to wonder how, if they continue to add 2 + 2 and get 6, they could ever hope to realize their dream of US global domination at all costs.

Here’s what Boot is spewing in his column titled “Plamegate’s Real Liar”:

Plame doesn’t seem to fit the act’s definition of a “covert agent” — someone who “has within the last five years served outside the United States.” By 2003, Plame had apparently been working in Langley, Va., for at least six years, which means that, mystery of mysteries, the vice president’s chief of staff was indicted for covering up something that wasn’t a crime.


The problem here is that the one undisputed liar in this whole sordid affair doesn’t work for the administration. In his attempts to turn his wife into an antiwar martyr, Joseph C. Wilson IV has retailed more whoppers than Burger King.


The least consequential of these fibs was his denial that it was his wife who got him sent to Niger in February 2002 to check out claims that Saddam Hussein had tried to buy uranium.


it was Mrs. Wilson who “had suggested his name for the trip.” By leaking this fact to the news media, Libby and other White House officials were merely setting the record straight — not, as Wilson would have it, punishing his Mata Hari wife.


Boot then goes on to cherry-pick quotes from the Senate Intelligence Committee Report to back up his smear on Wilson. No surprise – the ability to cherry-pick is one of the qualifications listed in the neocon job description.

He then concludes:

So much for the lies that led to war. What we’re left with is the lies that led to the antiwar movement. Good thing for Wilson and his pals that deceiving the press and the public isn’t a crime.

I hope Joe Wilson has a good lawyer who is collecting all of these press clippings in preparation to drag liars like Boot into court.

If you missed Larry King’s interview with Joe Wilson on Tuesday nite, you can read the transcript here.

(The views expressed in this piece are my own and not those of the site’s owner, in case you want to sue someone, Mr Boot. Just try it. I dare you. – catnip)