When will Bush’s poll numbers hit bottom? I thought that Alito was supposed to shore up the base, but the latest CBS poll has his approval rating dropping to 35%. Kind of reminds me of the scene in Apollo 13 when they shut off the reactant valves to stop an oxygen leak and the gauge’s needle only paused for a split-second before continuing to plummet. Okay, maybe I geeked out there for a second, but you get the idea.
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Political Animals – Featuring an All-Nude Cast!
Righteous! We have yet to see the Bottom. Jr’s. real close to flatline status…
Once again “spot on!”
I read somewhere that there’s still 20% of respondents who “strongly approve” of his job performance, so the basement is somewhere around there. I saw a joke on SNL where Tina Fey said that the 34% of respondents who felt Bush was doing a good job in Iraq also believed that Adam and Eve rode their dinosaurs to church.
He is at or near his absolute, kool-aide drinking bottom. Those who still support him cannot be swayed by reason or facts and are beyond redemption…disregarding, of course, the Rapture…
Personally, I think that’s potentially huge.
If his numbers keep falling while the press keeps telling us how excited the conservatives are about this Alito nomination, it will prove that conservatives aren’t a majority — they’re a whiny noisy self-centered small group of people that just happen to control the media :P.
Let all 22% “true conservatives” and 10% of the clueless support the current horrid performace of this president and his GOP party.
Maybe that’ll encourage the vast majority that this conservativism crap isn’t anything special, let alone positive, no matter how many “talking heads” keep praising it.
I think that people are realizing that their is no magic, self-contained, good-for-all-occasions ideology out there that answers all problems. Conservatives have long relied on the perceptions like “the free market’s self-correcting” in order to convince people that there’s no need for government to act, only to be restrained. Katrina blew a hole in the bottom of their boat.
Oh, I don’t know.
To quote those who will bring harmony to the universe:
Be excellent to each other.
Party on, dude.
(can you believe there is a wikipedia entry for that? I’m impressed anew.)
False advertising! That sheep is not naked! He has a wool sweater on! SHEAR HIM NOW OR RETRACT YOUR AD!
I can’t shear Woolly! It would be like cutting Sampson’s locks. =^)
has Wooly been binge eating out of depression for the state of affairs?
At this point, I doubt he can keep anything down!
Well, OK. Sheep’s a pretty lovable character, I guess I’ll let the sweater thing slide….. No need to get lawyered up over it.
With the rising price of heating oil, I think Woolly needs all the layering he can get!
Spot-on, as usual, Spike!
I can’t get the cartoon to come up! 🙁
I’ll check over at MLW…