I hate to shut the last one down, but it was getting pretty crowded, what with all the people and pets.
In honor of those charming critters. . .here’s a last chance to howl tonight, depending on your time zone, of course. For some of you a rooster crowing might be more appropriate.
But from here, it’s. . night all, night owls.
(If you didn’t get a 4 from me on some comment in the other diary it isn’t because I didn’t read and enjoy what you said, it’s just that my ratings aren’t sticking today. You’re all 4’s to me.)
Posted this reply to her comment on my poncho project in the last diary:
Lion Brand Yarns has the free pattern for the “Coming Home” poncho that Martha Stewart wore when she got out of prison; I’m making that one because (a) I liked the look, and (b) they have a Plus Size pattern available (a lot of poncho patterns I looked at only came in S, M or L, and I don’t know how to adjust patterns for larger sizes without them getting waaaay out of proportion). Oh, and I’m doing mine in sort of a denim blue instead of the grey, since I’ll probably be wearing mine with blue jeans.
Lion Brand honored the crafter by donating yarn and crochet hooks to the prison; I thought that was quite cool. 🙂
Would’ve responded sooner, but had network problems; somehow my wireless base station (AirPort Express) came detached from the wall. I think I may switch to a base station that mostly sits on a surface, instead of the one I have; the unit may just be a bit too heavy for the outlet it’s in, and it has to be in that outlet because of where the cable outlet is located. Maybe I should pay a visit to the Apple Store at Valley Fair tomorrow… 🙂
Boran — good luck on the test tomorrow; hope everything comes out okay. (Pun semi-intended.)
Okay, time to watch “Countdown” with the spouse, then to bed. Night, folks…
Oh, don’t go thinking you have to make a poncho for someone else…you know how sometimes you love to do something until you feel like you are obligated to do it and then you really resent it? Well, maybe that’s just me and my passive agressive streak.
I’m just saying, if you enjoy crocheting and have time on your hands, and if you happened to post a pic of the finished product, I’d probably bid on it…knowing that the possibility exists that I’d get into a bidding war with others who are looking to keep warm and snuggly this winter!
During that thread last night there was one subject head that kept repeating: “Sympathetic ear.” It referred to you and how you’re a sympathetic ear to your sister, but I kept thinking how well it also described everybody at the Cafe who was talking to you.
I agree — In fact if you could have heard some of what I said to my sister yesterday, you’d think that it was a much more accurate discription of the Cafe than me!
I hate to shut the last one down, but it was getting pretty crowded, what with all the people and pets.
In honor of those charming critters. . .here’s a last chance to howl tonight, depending on your time zone, of course. For some of you a rooster crowing might be more appropriate.
But from here, it’s. . night all, night owls.
(If you didn’t get a 4 from me on some comment in the other diary it isn’t because I didn’t read and enjoy what you said, it’s just that my ratings aren’t sticking today. You’re all 4’s to me.)
G’nite. (Rooster in this zone) Wish me good luck on my colonoscopy tomorrow. Wish you could all be there. Bottoms up! 😉
May you have a gastroenterologist with a light touch!
but since I’ve already had a colonoscopy….I’ll pass on joining you! ;^D
Posted this reply to her comment on my poncho project in the last diary:
Lion Brand Yarns has the free pattern for the “Coming Home” poncho that Martha Stewart wore when she got out of prison; I’m making that one because (a) I liked the look, and (b) they have a Plus Size pattern available (a lot of poncho patterns I looked at only came in S, M or L, and I don’t know how to adjust patterns for larger sizes without them getting waaaay out of proportion). Oh, and I’m doing mine in sort of a denim blue instead of the grey, since I’ll probably be wearing mine with blue jeans.
Lion Brand honored the crafter by donating yarn and crochet hooks to the prison; I thought that was quite cool. 🙂
Would’ve responded sooner, but had network problems; somehow my wireless base station (AirPort Express) came detached from the wall. I think I may switch to a base station that mostly sits on a surface, instead of the one I have; the unit may just be a bit too heavy for the outlet it’s in, and it has to be in that outlet because of where the cable outlet is located. Maybe I should pay a visit to the Apple Store at Valley Fair tomorrow… 🙂
Boran — good luck on the test tomorrow; hope everything comes out okay. (Pun semi-intended.)
Okay, time to watch “Countdown” with the spouse, then to bed. Night, folks…
Oh, don’t go thinking you have to make a poncho for someone else…you know how sometimes you love to do something until you feel like you are obligated to do it and then you really resent it? Well, maybe that’s just me and my passive agressive streak.
I’m just saying, if you enjoy crocheting and have time on your hands, and if you happened to post a pic of the finished product, I’d probably bid on it…knowing that the possibility exists that I’d get into a bidding war with others who are looking to keep warm and snuggly this winter!
Good morning! I’m sorry I abandoned everyone last night, but at some point I fell asleep & that was it for me.
This daylight/standard time change is still difficult.
I have a feeling this is going to be another lovely day (weekdays usually are, rain is for weekends, I think)
I’m off to read the front page, then to work, then mostly lurk until tonight.
I have to say again, in case I didn’t make it clear — we’ve got a wonderful group of people here. I love and appreciate you so much.
During that thread last night there was one subject head that kept repeating: “Sympathetic ear.” It referred to you and how you’re a sympathetic ear to your sister, but I kept thinking how well it also described everybody at the Cafe who was talking to you.
I hope today (it’s morning now)is better for her.
I agree — In fact if you could have heard some of what I said to my sister yesterday, you’d think that it was a much more accurate discription of the Cafe than me!