Jim VandeHei and Carol Leonnig have a new article in the Washington Post that details the latest skinny on Karl Rove, Fitzgerald, and the current state of affairs in the White House. There is a lot to digest, but one thing is clear: the long knives are out:
If Rove stays, which colleagues say remains his intention, he may at a minimum have to issue a formal apology for misleading colleagues and the public about his role in conversations that led to the unmasking of CIA operative Valerie Plame, according to senior Republican sources familiar with White House deliberations.
Replace the name ‘Rove’ with the name ‘Cheney’ and we would really be getting somewhere. But the very idea of any administration official issuing a ‘formal apology’ for anything strikes my funnybone. Who are these ‘colleagues’ kidding?
And the article just gets more ironic:
That’s funny, because we have been considering whether it is tenable for Bush to remain on the staff, given that Fitzgerald has already documented something that Bush and White House official spokesmen once emphatically stated didn’t happen, and was ridiculous. Bush promised to fire anyone who was involved in the leak, but he doesn’t seem inclined to ask for Cheney’s resignation, or to fire any of his staff. Which makes me wonder about the following:
Once again, replace the name ‘Rove’ with the names ‘Bush’ or ‘Cheney’ and we would be getting closer to the truth. But since they insist on using the name ‘Rove’ we have to assume that some strategists think they can cauterize the wound by removing the Turdblossom. And that would seem to indicate that Rove does have some enemies in the White House. For example:
McClellan relayed Rove’s denial to reporters from the White House lectern in 2003, and he has not yet offered a public explanation for his inaccurate statements. “That is affecting everybody,” said a Republican who has discussed the issue with the White House. “Scott personally is really beaten down by this. Everybody I talked to talks about this.”
Things are turning strange when ‘mid-level staffers’ get uppity and start whining about the Rovester’s duplicity. Why doesn’t McClellan just quit (lying) and find a cushy job? Does he really think people will start being nice to him if Rove gets the axe?
There is clearly something bigger going on, and I think this article is preparing the public for Rove’s imminent resignation. It appears that Rove is still in the crosshairs.
Fitzgerald is considering charging Rove with making false statements in the course of the 22-month probe, and sources close to Rove — who holds the titles of senior adviser and White House deputy chief of staff — said they expect to know within weeks whether the most powerful aide in the White House will be accused of a crime…
Sources close to Rove say one pressing problem for him is that he initially did not tell investigators he had a conversation with Cooper, then he produced an e-mail to a colleague in which he reported he had spoken to Cooper. He told the grand jury he could recollect very little of the conversation other than a discussion of welfare, sources said.
According to sources who were made aware of the conservation, Fitzgerald has been speaking with Cooper’s attorney, Richard Sauber, by telephone in the past three days. He is said to have posed several questions to clarify whether Cooper had other conversations with Rove before and after the crucial July 12, 2003, discussion during which Cooper said Rove told him that Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA.
The aim was apparently to discern how common conversations were between Rove and the reporter, then a newcomer to the White House beat.
But, here is the money shot:
The long knives are indeed out.
“would expose Bush as a hypocrite?”
Hasn’t that horse already left the barn?
No kidding!
This is Bushworld: the important word in that sentence is not “hypocrite”, it is “expose”.
This is great news – they are actually worried that the dirt is visible (they never cared that it was there in the first place), which means that they must know that it is getting increasingly so.
The dam is bursting.
Horses in barns…milking horses… expose…?
Is it getting a little warm in here, or is it just me?
I was going to make a less than PC snarky remark about the Bush Administration still putting fingers in dykes, but I won’t… oops, guess I did…
Does anyone have a clue why our softball media has not mentioned Scooter’s lies and obstruction in the same sentence with the DSM? It seems to be a natural fit.
If this happens in the next few days while I’m traveling, please let it happen while I’m near a properly functioning TV. I would so hate to have Bush’s ventriloquist exit the building and me not there to see it.
I actually hope that he keeps the albatross and goes with the formal apology… this makes the eventual charging with complicity of the Perp and Vice Perp much more believable…
is that it doesn’t really matter which way it goes, in one sense.
Rove stays and stinks up the place
Rove resigns and we can point to that until the elections
Rove and then everyone else resigns- not likely but why not.
I’d take those in that order of preference, actually, at least the Rove parts. Staying would be best. Either way though, the midterms are where it counts.
Even Bush staying (instead of the wild dream of this all leading to impeachment) would be better, IMO. Take back both houses and put a pox on theirs that lasts for decades. Then he’s an unpopular opposition party President with the overpowering stench of corruption on him right to 2008.
Anyone else catch Ken Duberstein’s oddly surreal op-ed in yesterday’s NYT?
Duberstein was one of the folks brought in to clean up the Reagan WH following Iran-Contra. His op-ed basically advises Bush to similarly clean house, and even to apologize.
To begin with, one shouldn’t oversell Reagan’s Iran-Contra apology, which was, IIRC, the original non-apology apology, all passive voice sentences and evasion (“mistakes were made”), leaving everyone plausible deniability (most importantly Bush père, who famously claimed, during the 1988 campaign, to be “out of the loop”).
But reading Duberstein one is struck, yet again, by how unlikely even the Reagan-level of apology is coming from this White House. Shrub is nothing without Rove. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that some (relative) adults will be brought in to clean house. And I’m sure that making Reagan apologize — even non-apologize apologize — was a walk in the park compared to making the Chimperor do so.
Getting Bush to change would probably involve quietly incapacitating him and having someone else secretly run the country in his stead (of course, this is not that different from the way this presidency is already structured, but one can always dream). This might actually be pretty easy to pull off. Just leave a lot of beer, cocaine, pretzels (cheese doodles?), and/or mountain bikes lying around the White House. Sure this is almost like a coup d’etat, but since this presidency began with one of those, what’s another coup among friends?
Perhaps the Times can perform a seance and locate Edith Wilson to write an op-ed from beyond the grave about how to run the second term of a presidency in the unofficial absence of the president himself?
Raygun’s apology primarily consisted of saying, “I’m sorry I got caught and it won’t happen again.”
He then climbed into his PJ’s and took an early afternoon nap.
Yes, Rove must not resign but be fired as Bush promised the American people.(I know, that’s a joke)Let me pose this question though. Let’s say Rove resigns or is fired. Does anyone for one second believe he won’t still be running things from an undisclosed location? I am serious. What would stop them from doing this?
Patrick Fitzgerald said in his original press conference:
Investigators do not set out to investigate the statute, they set out to gather the facts.
It’s critical that when an investigation is conducted by prosecutors, agents and a grand jury they learn who, what, when, where and why. And then they decide, based upon accurate facts, whether a crime has been committed, who has committed the crime, whether you can prove the crime and whether the crime should be charged.
Agent Eckenrode doesn’t send people out when $1 million is missing from a bank and tell them, “Just come back if you find wire fraud.” If the agent finds embezzlement, they follow through on that.
FITZGERALD: That’s the way this investigation was conducted. It was known that a CIA officer’s identity was blown, it was known that there was a leak. We needed to figure out how that happened, who did it, why, whether a crime was committed, whether we could prove it, whether we should prove it.
And given that national security was at stake, it was especially important that we find out accurate facts.
They set out to gather the facts about who, what, when, where and why and crime was committed.
It is obvious that Plame was outed.
It is obvious that this is a statutory crime.
Libby has been charged.with lying about facts in this case. The only thing left to do it prove the he lied rather than simply “misspoke”. A NUMBER of times. I believe that they have him on that. He can run, but he can’t hide.
Which takes care of who, what, when, where.
But not “why”.
The servant does not independently undertake serious acts without the direction of his master. When pinned, the servant will usually…unless he feels a FAR more serious threat from his master than from his accusers…point upwards.
Cheney is Libby’s master.
Cheney is in hot, HOT water.
“Why” was this Plame outing done?
To discredit…and threaten…Wilson.
And why discredit Wilson?
Because he represented a faction in the PermaGov that did not want to invade Iraq and was opposing the admin spin about WMDs. Which was a blatant falsehood, put together because the REAL reason…a forcible continuation of US/British hegemony in a region that threatens to fall to Islamic interests over the next decade or less…would not fly with the American sleeple.
Bet on it.
On to Rove.
ANYTHING Libby does Rovie does better.
Rove also gave false testimony.
Rove ALSO leads to Cheney.
Possibly NOT to Bush, at least until well after the fact.
Do the producers of a game show consult the host’s empty suit if they are planning some kind of tricky maneuver?
He’d just look guilty as he said his lines.
Do news producers consult their newsmuffins as they accede to governmental spin?
No. They just tell them to read whatever is on the teleprompter and smile, smile, smile.
Rove leads to Cheney.
The oil interests’ man in power.
Cheney. The man who presided over a meeting of the large oil producers well before the invasion that was called to cut up the potential booty. A meeting that is STILL classified information as to who was there and what was said.
Cheney, who through his Halliburton and Bechtel interests sits atop a pyramid of “contractors” that leads DIRECTLY to the Abu Ghraib thing, the IMMENSE set of swindles in place in Iraq right now that are the real reason Iraq is still in successful insurrection, and the total failure of Homeland Security, FEMA and the other domestic versions of the same boondoggle to be able to function in any way whatsoever other than for the enrichment of right wing, new money corporate interests.
Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney Cheney.
THEN comes Butch.
High level aide: Ahhhhh….Mr President. We have some…ahhhh…bad news. Remember when we suggested that you say…ahhhh…that you say “If there’s a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. If the person has violated law, that person will be taken care of.”
THAT one.
When we wrote out that “impromptu statement” for you to memorize and deliver in Chicago? The one where you said ‘”I welcome the investigation. I am absolutely confident the Justice Department will do a good job.I want to know the truth, Leaks of classified information are bad things.”
When we told you to say that you do not know of “anybody in my administration who leaked classified information.”
Yeah…that one, Sir. Just before you fell off of your bike again. That’s right
Welllll….that might have been a little…premature….
Butch: “Yeah but…leaks of classified information are bad things!!!”
High level aide: Sigh…
Yes, Mr. President. they are. Except…sometimes. It’sd hard to explain, sir. It’s just that…
Butch: Explain WHAT!!!??? It’s HARD WORK, being President!!!
Cain’t get no good help, no more!!! It’s HARD WORK!!! Where’s mah bike? AH need some recreATION, goddamnit!!!”
High level aide (sotto voce): It’s hopeless…
(Normal voice) Yes SIR, Mr. President!!! We have a brand spanking shiny NEW one for you, sir!!! With hi-tech training wheels this time, Sir. The “My Pet Goat” model, Sir!!!
Butch: Great!!! Now tell Turdblossom to take CARE of this. PRONTO!!!
High level aide: Sigh…
Yes SIR, Mr. President!!!
(sotto voce): It’s hopeless…
Yes SIR!!!
It IS hopeless.
Best bet…
Cheney goes down.
They leave Bush in there, swing Congress to the Dems, and strand Butchie AND his bike…the lamest of lame ducks, and the least effective, as well… for another couple of years while we get the fuck out of Iraq.
Rocking the boat TOO badly is bad for business. Just anchor the damned thing so’s it can’t go off course any further and then clean up the debris.
Who “they”?
Do you really want to know?
It’s Hallowe’en 24/7 in DC.
And all those spook costumes?
They ain’t costumes.
BET on it.
(They don’t call it the PermaGov fer NUTHIN’…)
BET on it.
VCHENEY leads to Bush.
Ignore the last couple of lines, please.
your post put a huge smile on my face.
I’ve been wondering if there might be a flurry of activity today after the first arraignment. It would be reasonable for both sides to be waiting to see exactly what Libby does before making their decisions if indictments, deals or pleas might be pending.