Crossposted from Dameocrat Blog
I guess Joe isn’t reading the polls!
SEN. JOE BIDEN, D-Del., made some interesting comments during his Manchester stop Tuesday night. He said too many Democrats were elitist and even unpatriotic, and he blamed them for helping Republicans paint the entire party as out of touch with America.
Biden noted that some Democrats had even questioned why he wore an American flag pin on his lapel.
The senator has been refreshingly honest about his run for the Democratic nomination for President in 2008. Further honest comments like those he made Tuesday night might hurt his chances within a party lurching increasingly to the left. But the Democrats need to hear them.
The anti-American left has seriously damaged the party, and unless more high-profile Democrats take them on, theirs will continue to be the minority party in America.
I think he made the part about the American flag pin up!
According to the latest polls Bush’s approval rating is at 35%. His favorability rating is 33%. If the Democratic party nominates him or someone like him it is truly dead, dead dead!
Tip Jar!
Biden rants and raves with the best of them, when it suits his purposes, but Mr. MBMA, can kiss my happy ass if he thinks he’s getting my support for president — jesus, how out of touch is HE if he thinks he even stands a chance?!?
how out of touch is HE if he thinks he even stands a chance
That is the point… Biden isn’t paid to win… Biden is bought off to destroy the Democrats from the inside. Just like LIEberman who knew damn well that he was not going to win… he just wanted to use the campaign media to push the DLC talking points and to attack Dean in the open where it would get lots of coverage.
And certain huge sources of cash in Delaware (mostly MBNA, probably also DuPont, Hercules Corp., Wilmington Trust, and Star Enterprises Oil Refinery) will reward him for three decades plus of services rendered by underwriting his kamikaze run. Biden is one of those deluded people with no sense of who and what they are. Rather like the current occupant of the White House actually, except Biden doesn’t have the powerful family connections and that indefinable something that comes across so well on television.
If he wants to run, that’s actually fine with me, he’ll provide a great deal of unintentional comic relief before he has to quit, which should come no more than three primary days into the campaign schedule – and I’m being very generous there. He can’t think on his feet, he can’t dissemble, and he can’t keep his mouth shut at times when it’s best to say nothing. Decades from now, people will point to his 2008 campaign as a paradigm for electoral disaster even greater than George “Brainwashed” Romney in 1968.
Biden can be a great attack dog when the purpose suits him. I too would not support him. I really do not think he would ever get the nomination though.
And I consider Joe Biden to be one of the most egregious samples of political inverterbrate ever elected to high office. What’s worst about him is that he’ll shoot his mouth off about something, then take it all back within 36 hours. When he gets mad, he blathers, and even when what he says is correct, he issues a grovelling apology for having spoken his mind because he’s one of those weak people who can’t stand to have anyone not like him.
BTW, I hated those godawful flag pins when Nixon started the practice of wearing them during his Presidency, and I hate them now. They remind me of those lapel pins Nazis used to wear. Do Americans wear them because they’re afraid that without them they’ll think unpatriotic thoughts? Or do they need to remind themselves what country they live in?