The National Strike for Truth:  December 7, 2005

The Butterfly Effect is alive and well. Yesterday, this whirlwind of reporting on student walkouts all across America spawned a new possibility for action. Today their actions are carrying progressives forward to declare an unprecedented National Strike for Truth.

The National Strike for Truth will build on the momentum Harry Reid started on Monday . . . and the students continued . . . by carrying our nation to a tipping point for integrity.

Get the details below.

Thanks for considering this from a BT lurker. Cross posted everywhere I can think of
The Bush administration and Republican co-conspirators in Congress have hijacked truth to serve their personal interests and twisted view of America’s role in the world. It’s 1984 all over again.  But this week the most-magnificent Senator Harry Reid resorted to extraordinary measures to stop the lying – and now it’s our turn. There will be no business as usual until the truth is out.


Why Truth Instead of Peace

Without the truth there will be no peace. Without the truth there can be no government of, by and for the people.


Why December 7

December 7 is a “day of infamy” – and there is no better time to demonstrate out our ethically challenged president.  Almost everyone agrees that the attack on Pearl Harbor pulled America into a war that was just and honorable. We were indeed defending ourselves from a real threat. Contrast that scenario with the disaster of Bush’s War of Choice in Iraq – a tragic war waged with a stunning combination of incompetence and lies.  The juxtaposition of these two momentous actions is a perfect backdrop for our demand for truth.  


Here’s What We’re Asking

1.    Make a personal commitment to the National Strike for Truth . . . to making December 7 a day of mourning for the loss of integrity and a day of truth.

2.    Do not work or attend school that day.  You might need to take vacation, call in sick, cut classes, whatever. Just make sure it’s not business as usual. Don’t buy anything on December 7th if at all possible.

3.    Organize a vigil or protest at your local city hall.  Demand that your local elected officials pass a resolution calling on Bush to tell the truth and end the war in Iraq.  Here’s a sample of on resolution that ties the war to local government challenges. It was passed unanimously in Chapel Hill, NC.


How Else Can You Help?

*    Graphic designers.  Make up posters and bannersand post them for us to use and distribute.

*    Writers.  Develop talking points and guides people can use in conversations with friends and media.

*    PR professionals.  Draft a press release people can adapt for local use.

*    Web designers.  Develop a National Strike for Truth web advertising campaign.

*    Bloggers. Run the ads they design for free.

*    Everyone. Link this diary (or your own)  everywhere that might make a difference.

*    Religious leaders.  Get your congregations involved.

*    Union members. Get your union to support the strike.

*    Department of Homeland Security.  Stage another fake terror alert to distract us.

*    George Bush.  Tell the fucking truth.



More coming.  

A number of committed truth-seekers are already signed on to this effort. You’ll be seeing diaries every day representing different perspectives and personal views about this National Strike for Truth. Please join us if you can.  Write your own diary. Spread the word. Cross-post like crazy. Anything and everything you can do will make a difference.

We’re not asking for money . . . just for commitments to join this cause for truth and spread the word.  Our first goal:  50 million strikers worldwide. Our ultimate goal: a responsible government worthy of our trust.



National Strike Countdown:  33 days
