Hereby I am answering neoconnedagain and his-her odd find of an anti-Zionist style report on laser detonated explosive charges. I am sad by the language used, but thought it worthwhile to look into the content. Here is what I found on another website —
I get the shivers reading material on this website, I’ll do a DNS & WhoIs to check its origin.
I have a vague recollection this event was reported but not pursued in MSM – perhaps useful to check a site like Daily Kos.
Unbelievable? Please proceed below the fold »»
I’m thinking of the propaganda initiated recently by UK Intelligence and MoD in Basra, accusing the Iranians of supplying electronic devices for detonation of precision remote controlled bombs used by Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The Minister of Defense referred to the electronic devices as infra red. A dozen UK soldiers were killed by these new devices, links in with the capture of two SAS agents in Basra. Also puts a different light on the Hariri killing in Lebanon, only one intelligence service has managed assassinations in Lebanon these past 25 years: the Israeli Mossad. A mother of all smoke screens, using the expression of MP Galloway.
Q. Motivation or purpose by subversive acts?
A. Keep US troops occupied in Iraq and set up permanent bases and not leave for the comimg 10 to 15 years.
- Planting False Flags In Basra – SAS Agents
Thu Sep 29th, 2005 at 03:42:26 PM PST - SAS Agents Provocateur by William Bowles
Sun Sep 25th, 2005 at 02:28:26 AM PST - Iraq Arrest Warrant for 2 UK SAS Soldiers :: J’Accuse Iran of IED Bomb Terror
Sat Sep 24th, 2005 at 01:55:16 PM PST - TIMELINE :: Basra Police Station – Jail Break – MoD Lies IRAN Crusade
Wed Sep 21st, 2005 at 02:25:47 PM PST - Stand-off Basra :: Iraqi vs UK Forces – Riots After UK Soldiers Arrested
Mon Sep 19th, 2005 at 06:56:10 AM PST - British Forces Are Losing Basra!
Thu Sep 8th, 2005 at 09:35:56 PM PST - BURNING CANDLES
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
These all point to the same story. Each of them have different links to further research.
Here’s a teaser. See above links for the whole sordid affair:
“” A growing number of reports suggests that the US military and intellegence agents are behind many of the Iraqi bombings that have been attributed to “insurgents.” Attacks on mosques and shrines and on civiian targets do not advance the goals of the insurgents. Iraqi drivers have stated that they have found explosives secretly planted in their vehicles after being detained by US forces. “”
that many elements of the war on terror would involve a variety of covert operations.
Yes, but they definitely did not ever mean to imply [by the use of the word covert] planting explosives on unsuspecting Iraqis, using them to kill Shia’a and multinational forces, and then blaming the insurgents.
they feel will best achieve the goals and objectives of key US business interests working to generate revenue and secure America’s high-profit natural resources in the region.
We are in agreement here. I was simply stating that they would never intimate killing US & “coalition” forces for a desired effect, publicly.
The leaked document is unsurprising.
The continued deaths of US personnel doesn’t really help the US war machine anyway. The “revenge” motive hasn’t held. What third countries in the region would perpetrate such acts and to what end?
acknowledged that the number of people who have travelled to Iraq to help the Resistance there is pretty small.
For one thing, US covert operations are already taking place in the countries most often cited in that regard, and those opposed in those countries are busy with their own Resistance.
No one denies that US is very powerful and capable of slaughtering many people, and paying large amounts of money to dollahos, who can be found everywhere.
I don’t entirely agree that crusader deaths do not help the war machine. The figures released by the warlords and the actual number of expendables who have become permanently and totally unusable have some differences. I realize this is a controversial subject, suggesting as it does that US press releases may not be the sole and completely accurate authority on the fate of its gunmen, but at some point in the argument, it also puts the Pentagon believer in the awkward position of questioning the loyalty of “military families,” who may have been requested to grieve in private, for reasons of the security of their loved ones comrades in atrocity, which invariably planting another unpleasant question: After three years of continuous and brutal military aggression, how likely is it that Jessica Lynch and her party have been the only “official” crusaders to be captured, as they go pillaging and marauding about unfamiliar and hostile territory?
Surely any reports to the contrary are merely terrorits propaganda, and not at all credible.
Because USA is after all, Number One, and Americans can’t be captured.
Thus “casualties,” carefully titrated, carefully “framed,” with disturbing images of rows of flag draped coffins, and especially trucks of body bags, kept carefully under cover ban, are an important part of maintaining an optimum level of bloodlust, or as Washington prefers to call it, “support for the war on terror.”
Citing security concerns, the Marines escorted the convoy without incident to Camp Fallujah for questioning. Convoy personnel cooperated fully with the Marines’ requests. Prior to this date, we had safely completed hundreds of similar convoy missions in Iraq.
Statement of Manuel Zapata,
President, ZapataEngineering,
Regarding Recent Reported Incidents in Iraq
Press Statement,
June 9th, 2005
Media Contact:
Gail Rosenberg
Epley Associates, Inc.
(P) 704-442-9100
(M) 704-712-0140
ZAPATA ENGINEERING, based in Charlotte, N.C., is under contract to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to manage an ammunition storage depot in Iraq, and for the collection and transport of ammunition from many points to our depot for destruction.
Gail Rosenberg
Senior VP and Managing Director, Epley Associates, Inc.
Dep't of Communication - Appalachian State Univ.
‘How Do You Like Your Contractor Money?’
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
heh,…how about that. Isn’t Zapata the name of one of the Bush family’s early oil businesses? Isn’t it also one of the code names for Poppy Bush from his spooky days?
Some of these attacks involved some vehicles that were traced back to have been stolen in Texas, USA, coincidently.
Speaking of Security firms, the one who got the main contract for several agencies’ security is the infamous Mr Tim Spicer of Aegis Security and it has many curious ties.
Blame these on the one-legged, uneducated, computer genius, multi-lingual, nonexistent,….dead, al Zarqawi.
Newest Bombs Pose Major Threat to U.S. Troops in Iraq

tell me I am reading this wrong. Is this really saying the US military is planted the roadside bombs and bombing mosques and civilians and blaming it on the insurgents? Please tell me this is not happeneing. Please. I have to know the truth.Before I scream so loud it will wake up the dead.
Well, it’s certainly unconfirmed. War is a very messy business, replete with psychological operations. Clearly, those who wage war (gov’ts) are not much concerned about the value of human cannon fodder(our grunts or their people.) Some entities, gov’ts may have a stake in protracted internicine warfare. We may have a stake in turning the larger population against the Sunni insurgents, by “proving” their brutality. Car bombs are a pretty recent phenomenon in Iraq. (circa 2/2003) We must honestly look into it.
This is an issue that I’ve been trying to get more discussion on for a while now. I don’t think it’s the military specifically but close. It appears to be special forces or elite units from not just the US but from several countries. Another nasty factor is all of these private contractor security and specialty ‘vendors’ that are unaccountable but act as military for cover.
I remember reading Graham Greene’s book “The Quiet American” many years ago and recently saw the excellent film which updated the story from the French to the US Vietnam era.
I have to say that I’ve never doubted for a minute that it was entirely possible that our own government was directly responsible for perpetrating some of the bombings in Iraq. After all, our government conspicuously refused to secure the massive ammo dumps in Iraq in the immediate aftermath of the invasion, thereby guaranteeing a huge quantity of ordinance and explosives would be readily available to whatever resistance movement might develop.
Given that our Pentagon wizards could perpetrate this act of willful strategic negligence, it follows that suspicion of their complicity in these bombings cannot be summarily dismissed as the irrational ravings of conspiracy nuts. (I am not wearing a tinfoil hat here.)