The American people are waterboarding the Torturer-In-Chief and his Dick, both of whom once thought they and their henchmen walked on water.
While, as Catnip reports, Bush is still choking and sputtering at a 35% job approval, the Dick is beyond help at 19% job approval.
This morning, as “Horny Bear Scooter” gets arraigned (approximately 10:30am ET) — and we get to dissect the political and legal pundits who are sure to pop up on all the cable news channels (and I’m game for live-blogging if you are!) — CBS News releases more bad news:
Most Americans believe someone in the Bush Administration did leak Valerie Plame’s name to reporters – even though Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald indicted no one for doing that. Half of the public describes the matter as something of great importance to the country, and this poll finds low assessments of both the President and the Vice President – with the President’s overall approval rating dropping again to its lowest point ever.
Sixty-two percent of Americans, according to the usually red-leaning Gallup Poll, believe that someone in the Bush administration leaked Plame’s name, and 61% believe that Libby and Rove’s actions deserve prosecution. Fifty-one percent of Ameicans believe the CIA Leak case is of “great importance” while only 41% still believe that the Clinton/Lewinsky matter is of “great importance.”
Then there’s the A1 story at the WaPo:
Top White House aides are privately discussing the future of Karl Rove, with some expressing doubt that President Bush can move beyond the damaging CIA leak case as long as his closest political strategist remains in the administration. – Via AmericaBlog and Daou Report
And here’s your Oh-yeah-baby!-This-makes-my-day:
[T]here are new indications that he remains in legal jeopardy from Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald’s criminal investigation of the Plame leak. The prosecutor spoke this week with an attorney for Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper about his client’s conversations with Rove before and after Plame’s identity became publicly known because of anonymous disclosures by White House officials, according to two sources familiar with the conversation.
Fitzgerald is considering charging Rove with making false statements in the course of the 22-month probe, and sources close to Rove — who holds the titles of senior adviser and White House deputy chief of staff — said they expect to know within weeks whether the most powerful aide in the White House will be accused of a crime. .. Via AmericaBlog and Daou Report
And Raw Story is reporting that “Bolton’s chief of staff gave information on outed agent to Libby, lawyers involved in leak case say.”
Jeffrey Toobin was just on CNN, commenting that Libby has no way to get a plea ageement — thereby avoiding trial and The Dick being forced to take the stand — without forking over more information to Fitzgerald. But, notes Anonymous Liberal, quoting Mickey Kaus, “Who would take such an idiotic risk [of lying to a grand jury] before a much-feared special prosecutor? One answer: Someone who knows he’ll be protected in the end. Someone who knows, for example, that he’ll be pardoned.” Anonymous Liberal says that “Congressman John Conyers has a petition and form letter on his website demanding that President Bush promise not to pardon anyone convicted in the leak investigation.” Sweet idea. But, hardly real unless GOP Senators press Bush. As Gadfly asked yesterday, “Sam Ervin, where are you now that we need you?”
Anyone want to bet that Libby’s lawyer has a motion to dismiss in his pocket for some idiotic technicality?
Motions to dismiss are pretty routinely made, but rarely work. He’d be remiss in his job if he didn’t at least try to get the case dismissed. It’s part of the ritual. ;-D
Does anyone know if this hearing will be televised?
I doubt it … but they are holding the arraignment in a HUGE room to accommodate all of the journalists (!).
Now it’s talking heads … one after another.
I’ll watch MSNBC. Anyone want CNN or FOX?
I can do CNN until about 8am Susan.
The cube inmates thank you all!! 😀
“Sam Ervin, where are you now that we need you?”
– Amen to that!
(With apologies to Simon and Garfunkle):
Where have you gone, Sam Ervine?
Our nation turns it’s weary eyes to you,
What’s that you say, Ms. Susanhu?
Southern Sam has left and gone away,
hey-hey-hey, hey-hey-hey…
CNN just had a fmr Repub stratagist on and he is spinning away. Said the dems pulled a publicity stunt and that Rove should stay on. He also said that Fitz was a fabulous prosecutor but concluded that no one outed Plame. The Solidad leaves it at that. When are these so called “journalists” going to do the followup questions? When will they call bs on these liars and say that Fitz could not bring that charge about because GD Libby lied to obstruct that justice and the GD investigation is still on going?
just in the nick of time<snark>.
Sorry, it is terrible that they are missing.Just could not help myself this morning.
Oh good, the girls have just been found.Back to Libby.
Two new lawyers
Ted Wells — helped defemd Espy — well regarded in DC as white-collar defense attorney
William Jeffers — with Baker Botts (sp?) — James Baker is Snr. partner there
I’ve been wondering when Baker would make his entrance…it would appear he has now surfaced, in surrogate, and is deeply involved in trying to save jr’s ass and protect the family empire. Everybody else is expendable.
This is likely to be very entertaining and enlightening. Methinks Cheney’s done for, and there’s certainly no love lost between Bush 41 and Rove. The adults appear to be taking charge. 43 will do as he is told…or else
If Justice sets a trial date DURING the hearing today, that is MAJOR.
GOP doesn’t want this to go to trial — says, Norah who talked to all her GOP buddies.
If Libby tries to prove innocence, could force lots ofWH officials to testify — Cheney, McClellan, Rove, etc.
Fitz walked into courthouse — Norah shouted, “Have you oncluded ivnestigation into Rove? — Fitz said “No comment.”
Norah is referrring to WH story quoted above in the story.
Libby pleads not guilty….imagine that!
Are you watching CNN? MSNBC hasn’t announced that …
they’re commenting on the verdict in the 2nd VIOXX case — it’s in but not announced yet
FYI — VIOXX verdict: Merck not responsible for non-fatal heart attack/VIOXX.
Nothing on CNN about that case. ALot of speculation about new Libby attorneys. They want to know if Libby’s passport will be taken away.
Verdict in Vioxx case….Merk not held liable for the man that suffered heart attack.
Someone needs to take the CNN part of this thread. I need to get ready for work…ugh. Sorry Susan.
The defense attorneys need to file for classified status — takes a lot of paperwork and time.
Fitz said he’d start right away giving them the docs that aren’t classified.
Feb 3 : status hearing
Fitz anticipated that a trial would take two weeks.
More coming.
WaPo’s Jim Van …
Libby plans on going to trial. The WH doesn’t want a lengthy trial that exposes their rationales for going to war and don’t want Cheney to have to testify, which he would HAVE to.
Bush and aides have publicly stood behind Libby.
Libby spoke 15 words. “yes I do” (want to plea)…. … (not important)
Waiving right to speedy trial? (because of classified docs)
STATUS HEARING ONLY on February 3, 2006
Libby is at U.S. Marshall’s office now being “processed.”
Libby still on crutches with broken foot — smiled and aid to John King, “This isn’t where I’m used to seeing you.”
Bail? Released on personal recognizance. Fitz said he wouldn’t ask for bail. (The judge interjected and said that he was planning to release Libby on personal. recog.)
One of the more fascinating discsussions: Issue of classified info. So much of the evidence is classified …. will turn over during discovery … Fitz brought 10 STACKS of documents for the defense attorneys to fill out, and that can take 4-6 weeks.
libby was still with Joseph Tate … but William Jeffers spoke the most today … Wells was there too. (see above =- new attorneys)
Ted Wells is a SUPERB attorney who’s won a lot of white collar cases
Toobin was an attorney in Oliver North case … the defense in that case, had to set up an ENTIRE SEPARATE office to store that information …
even if a private attorney has access to classified evidence — you have to have a skiff, which is barred and guarded, for the classified docs.
FEB 3 is a pretty long time from now! Nothing much is going to happen between now and then.
it shows that the complexity pre-trial is going to be considerable, and the delay as well.
(Libby did waive his right to speedy trial.)
KING: Jeffers said that the classified info is one reason it will take a long time…. the other point is that he expects extended litigation on FIRST AMENDMENT issues … they will try to get NOTES and PHONE RECORDS of the REPORTERS (!).
You might think this story is a satire, but it is sadly true.
What follows are e-mail after e-mail in which Brown proves to be a complete idiot.
An example:
Then there are the e-mails where Brown is concerned about his attire:
Almost too good to be true.
Libby’s attorney (Jeffers or Wells) just spoke — “declared his innocence.” We will not fight this in the media, we will fight this through the justice system.
reporters tried to get Libby to talk but he wouldn’t….
then some unidentified reporter was heard saying, “He sounds just like Al Pacino in The Godfather.”
— dunno what that means!
It was Wells speaking, saying that Libby is innocent, etc.
Bringing Ted Wells into the courtroom was “like putting a machine gun on the table.” It’s Libby’s way of saying, “I’m going to fight you.”
And Wells, Chris Matthews continued, is African American and that might affect the jurors.
Posted earlier, most recent in diary ::
THIS IS MAJOR! ¶ Our Reichstag’s Fire
Thu Oct 13th, 2005 at 03:35:20 AM PST
Conyers, Democrats, Patriots …
and Republicans in Congress are forced by We The People to take notice and start a true independent investigation leading to Impeachment Proceedings of P Bush and VP Cheney with rest of their cabal.
“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Destroy the neocons in Election 2006 & 2008.
Conyers – DSM – UK – Sam Ervin
When will the hearings convene?
I Miss Sam Dearly In These Trial Times!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
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