Turn on CNN (and MSNBC). Live coverage of massive demonstrations and some reported “violence.” Gosh. Don’t they like Bush? As The Carpetbagger (via Daou Report)
writes today, “It’s probably too much to ask, but just once I’d like our president to be able to travel abroad to a country that still respects and admires the United States.”
Cruz Del Sur, a BooTrib regular, is there. Check out her diary, where she has a lot of excellent background information, and has added updates (in the comments section) on what’s really going on right now. (Thanks, Janet, for the link.)
Cruz Del Sur is there.
They say there have been shots fired.
OH DEAR GOD! I love her! Be safe … be safe …
(I haven’t heard about shots being fired … where did you hear that?)
Cruz’s diary.
It went from tens of thousands marching and now it’s a few thousands of extremely violent people.
Buildings are on fire now….
The MSM is exagerating, the radio is saying that they are only about 200.
They undercount the peaceful protestors and overcount the violent ones. Typical CNN.
So damn glad you are safe!!!!! (((CRUZ))))
Thats it. Even the radio there is saying that it is a group of marginals.
I don’t know if you remember the riots during the 90 when they were looting the super-markets That was 10 times worse.
Right now they are condeming the rioters because they looted a candy store. BOOOOOOOOO!
It’s funny, the number orf the people participating of the protests were 50,000 (MSM said 10,000) the rioters were about 200 (MSM said 1,000)
The good thing is that they are highlighting the love we have for Bush: before he snatched the Presidency about 75% had a great opinion of the US. Now it is the opposite:75% don’t like the US, and only a 10% like the US One more thing to rub in this administration.
The Government just announced that it would compensate the store owners for all the destrucsion.
It’s funny, the number orf the people participating of the protests were 50,000 (MSM said 10,000) the rioters were about 200 (MSM said 1,000)
The good thing is that they are highlighting the love we have for Bush: before he snatched the Presidency about 75% had a great opinion of the US. Now it is the opposite:75% don’t like the US, and only a 10% like the US One more thing to rub in this administration.
The Government just announced that it would compensate the store owners for all the destruction.
of me totally loves ARGENTINA.
Everywhere Bush goes – he’s met with opposition.
That is for us,who cant be there, for us that get no attention when we protest, and for us, who cant stand the bastard.
By the way, when the MSM fails to show the US when we protest, just be assured that the rest of the world DOES SEE IT.
HmmmI wonder if those are the same 200 that were in DC as counter-protestors?? 🙂
I saw the images on Argentine TV, and there were definetly more than 200. They even said that when they were at the fence, there must have been between 2,000 and 2,500. But then they dissperced, and the only thing I can think of is that the rioters were only 200 after they dissperced
Shots fired on CNN producer there said and they showed a man walking with a rifle.
The split screen is just surreal. They politicians look like they are about to fall asleep and the streets are going crazy.
Susan they are now saying that the picaterros (sp) the trade unionists aka the violent protestors – are usually not armed.
So the shots fired might have eb over the heads or something else … that was right when the first fires started – so who knows. Sorry.
I love you too. But I am a he. At least so say my cojones :-0
And yes, I am absolutely sure that there are some guns there. There always are.
I am so glad to see you here!!!! So glad you are safe!!!!
I’ve been like freaking out!!!!
I got home and saw it on CNN and thought of you and your loved ones. Hugs and kisses!! And thank you for being there and thank you for telling Bush to go Cheney himself 🙂
Dammit Janet. I can bearly hold myself to go there. What you are seeing there is nothing.
In my first protest, I was 16 and was already listening the bullets go by.Then it was live ammo. Now they are rubber bullets. They hurt like hell.
The police knows that if they kill someone, It will be hell. Then the other 40-50,000 will come to their rescue. They are just standing back and trying to control the situation.
Hugs for you!!
I think, for me, since the DC march – I have so much more … gratitude to those who represent.
I know that all it takes is one second for a peaceful march to turn ugly. Fortunately I have not had that happen to me – but during these times… it can and so easily.
Personally I think we need more protests in the states. We need to shut this regime DOWN. Some how some way.
GLAD you’re okay! I think Wolf Blitzer is upset with you 🙂
Maradona and Chavez out in the streets. The one I cant see is Bush.
SusanHu: I wrote “cojones” on purpose because I noticed that everybody writes “cajones”, which means “boxes” in spanish, and I thought it was a good opportunity to bring that up. 🙂
I am safe here in Chicago. I am listening the radio through the Net. As much as I would like to be down there. I can only watch it on TV (Damm! Miss those days of my youth: Those protests (as opposed to the riots)ARE SO MUCH FUN. THEY BEAT THE DRUMS AND ALL YOU WAST TO DO IS DANCE RATHER THAN PROTEST.
but thank you all for your concern.
WHEW! Thanks for clearing that up!
Glad you are safe. And glad you are there. Representing. Tell the good folks of Argentina that we all here at Booman hate Bush, too, won’t you. 🙂
Argentine TV LIVE here
They said they didn’t want Bush there.
They didn’t want Bush the Terrorists on their soil.
Bush this morning. This is a White House photo. I feel sorry for the WH photographer…. what are the odds he can ever get a photo of Bush when he doesn’t look like an idiot?
The riot police arrived.
Now it will get worse.
I hope all the marchers and protestors have left to safety.
tense, tense times…I hope no one gets hurt…
Before the Summit started, 80 members of the police where intoxicated with Lasagna. Aside of that, yesterday a police chief had a hart attack because of th tension there. Other than that, there are noreports.
Did you hear that when the White Sox came to Chicago they were recieved with a 400 pouns cheesecake? Surprised you didn’t decide to crash the party 🙂
Man, I am proud of my President. He is a real charmer. I’m thinking world tour, now. Go Georgie. Go Georgie. Fascist.
I just want one of those “stop bush” t-shirts…
No shit. I can’t believe we live in a Fascist regime. Never thought it would happen. So glad to see world greeting him like the fascist he is. Those folks are willing to try to stop him. Me too.
I’m glad he has to face the reality of how the world views him, but not so happy abut what it means for our country. How will the true believers respond? Can’t blame it on the Dems, it must be the damn libruls in South America.
WOlfe called them carrying the red flags as “left wing” socialists or commies… but LEFT WING.
I hope Bush gets the same treatement whereever he goes.
It’s time. Bush and his regime are torturing, wathcing people drown… they don’t care…
Why are they acting so surprised???
It’ll be a great day when Bushco gets the same reaction from the RIGHT WING, won’t it?
I think the day may come…
I’m listening to CNN. On scene reporter is talking about the horrors of the protests of violent anarchists. Ten to twenty businesses with broken windows, in his best, “Oh the humanity voice.” Needs to take his ass the fucking Baghdad or Fallujah and check out what a 2,000 pound bomb does to kids. Laughable, this whole country. But yup, seems like they are spinning it. Those darn “anarchists.” Damaging banks and such. Tsk. Tsk. They don’t know that free trade is good for them. Ugh!
Gawd — where did this happen to Nixon in South America? Trying to recall. He wrote about it in his book.
That was when he was vice-president, right? When they threw eggs at him? I don’t remember the country either….
Venezuela, or maybe Colombia, I think.
as I asked in my diary this morning
Will Bush survive his trip to South America?
At least he’ll see what some of his actions is creating in other countries. We should be so bold…
I’m worried that this will give Bush Supporters the go ahead to want an invasion of those “nasty evil South Americans” … they do have oil you know. ;(
Bush is not worth being injured or killed over.
Shit.. the marchers are just a block or two away… is that still there?? Or are they gone???
Magorn had a diary that is surely a sign of things to come. It exemplifies the the bush regime ignorance, incompetence, and uncaring attitudes in almost everything they do.
If you think that is all there is to it…
Noooooo! His visit to Howard U was one embarassing blunder after another, and this is just the very begining of the diary.
Bear in mind that this is on the day the rest of America was mourning the loss of Rosa Parks… Back of the bus? Back of the dining hall? What’s the difference to a bush in a bubble, eh?
You have to read this diary.
Why is Blitzer so clueless about the political situation there? You’d think he would have done his homework.
Exactly…most of us here knew that a big demonstration was brewing for shits sake. Wolfie acts like he is dumbfounded by this whole thing and doesn’t seem to know anything at all..and what he is saying is such stupid crap-he seems much more intent on painting all the protesters as communist, socialist or just plain criminal looters…Our newspeople just really don’t want to acknowledge how hated bush is.
Wolfie keeps talking about molatov cocktails being thrown while reporters seem to keep saying that protesters are armed with sticks and fireworks…pretty obvious how the American press is going to slant this and of course so far I’ve seen nothing about how disliked bush is from American press..and wolfie just was asking if any of these protestors were communists or socialists…gasp…like I said we know how the press here is going to slant this whole fucken protest. Leftist = communist or socialist according to Wolfie ..stupid prick.
NOw saying that maybe these summits shouldn’t happen… WHAT??
Wolf is such a dick!
Cruz said there were 40 to 50 thousdand there. CuNNt says ten thousand. Undercounting again.
Yeah I suppose it’s too much to ask that Wolfie would discuss the underlying fucken anger at our not so illustrious idiot president.
EXCEPTIONIALIST US media — America=Good, Not-America=Bad
Spineless fuckers.
And that is just in Mar del Plata. there are protests all over the country. Someone said this morning that there were 3,000,000 in the whole country That is 10% of the population. School teachers (they are so political) were saying: No classes because I have to go to the protests.
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is walking along the streets!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!
Bush and Condi are running to their armored limo.
And what better dichotomy to show who the real target of these demonstrations are right…do you think the press will discuss how Chavez is walking about while bushie is running for cover? No bets on that..unless to somehow vilify Chavez somehow.
The city is crawling with US gunmen.
Can you imagine a head of state coming here and bringing his/her own ARMY to our streets?
Can anyone?
They showed him walking among all this.
He isn’t hated. Bush is.
I missed the footage of him walking around, just turned TV on.
And I know he is not hated by the people, I think the security threat to Chavez would be from the US gunmen there to “protect” Bush.
Most definitely. I thought it was so admirable of Chavez. I also though worry that this could be used to turn American sentiment against S.A. They do have oil ya know.
They are saying that the majority of protestors, and that the violence is being done by a few.
I’ve seen Bush’s “gunmen” up close and too personal. No fun. Bush feels threated by “reality” and anyone living in it = we all have guns at our heads.
Fucking clueless losers. Oh, how I wish them ill — I don’t like myself for it, but there it is.
that he couldn’t because of all the US gunmen in the city. I’m glad he found a clean area!
Maybe Fox can read him for trash for pandering to the Argentinians instead of helping to protect Bush from evildoers who hate summits.
From Cruz’s diary – states that Chavez is staying outside of the “secure zone” so staying in another hotel.
It also states that all the security that was done in advanced made that city a ghost town. They have listed all the security having to be done.
Chavez is staying in a hotel outside the security area.
Dana Bush says it’s unclear whether Bush knows about how violent those protests are? WTF??
If I was the president, I’d damn sure want to know.
reminds me of his “My Pet Goat” moment…
He looks really really confused. Just sticking his hand out to be shaken.. by anyone.
He’s such a moron.
pictures of the prostest posters from Cruz’s other diary.
I did not know that i passed the amount of Band with so they suspended my account for a month. Bummer!
CNN has map up, with spokesmodel circling “flash area” in green, assuring the American people that Bush is several blocks from harms way. Guess they don’t understand how much most of us would like Bush to face the music he has created.
would he even know what danger he was in?? I doubt it. The man is living in his own world.
Check out the violent protests in Summit city.
1,000 protesters smashed windows and burned a bank. Bush returned to his hotel.
More uh, “breaking . . .”
Check it out live.
they are actually talking about how “unpopular” Bush is down there (though they did say that that is not unusual for American presidents ?!)
Bob Kerr is actually discussing why they might not be so thrilled with the free-trade agreements…ooops, that ends that 30 seconds!
Now the anchor is saying that this has been building for about a week, Bush being called a terrorist….ooops, time for Hardball, freaking Chris Matthews. ick
Nov. 4: Soccer legend Diego Maradona, with new t-shirt and Bolivian politician Evo Morales, center, in Buenos Aires.
Do you know what we call him there?
You mean to tell me they are not greeting Dear Leader with hearts and flowers? Imagine that! And, isn’t it amazing how the MSM will cover these protestors but not the 200,000+ that visited DC 9/24?
Exactly Alohaleezy!!! But at least they undercounted us too though.
Every time I think the media is coming around they pull this crap and it is just so disgusting Janet!!
And how nice of that twit Dana Bash to say that Chavez was out egging the protesters on….because he was stating some simple facts…
Boy that Commerce Sec. is another delusional fucker on the economy isn’t he..our economy is growing-blah blah blah and talks about the ‘fact’ that we can’t argue with the ‘facts’ of bush’s policy for creating jobs …beg to differ asshole. Don’t know what ‘facts’ he’s reading but the ones I read are not good. He just said that they’ve just created some 56,000 jobs after katrina-well ya dumb ass some half million people are out of jobs due to katrina soooooooooo I think I’ll take my ‘facts’ over your ‘facts’.
More and more people HATE YOUR ASS
Hugo Chavez said “go to hell”
Now they are saying that the “internets” were used to organize various protests.
But the skeery part is that it seemed like CNN felt this was a bad thing and that this could be a tool for the SS eer…. secret service to look into.
But they are saying that Bush is being hounded for his mess at home.
Yessirree, bob. Sure helps just to “get away,” sometimes, don’t it?!
Alice, my son just came home and of course he was worried about the riot that was on tv. He’s autistic and violence like that usually upsets him. So as I was turning it off, I was quickly explaining to him that it’s a protest against Bush.
He settled down and now has the tV back on – albeit turned down… but you know what he said??
with a shrug, “Bush will go on (another) vacation” 🙂
Your son is truly savant.
“Joking about his rivalry with Bush, the Venezuelan president has said he might try to sneak up and scare the U.S. president during the summit.
I would love to see that 🙂
When asked how he would react to Chavez, Bush said he would be polite. “That’s what the American people expect their president to do, is to be a polite person,” he said. “And if I run across him, I will do just that.”” from yahoo news
and if I run across him, I will do just that….
WTF?? He’ll run over him?? LOL Bush can’t even speak!