In honor of our ability to eat pie peaceably, who would you like to tell to “shut your pie hole!”?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
NOW what did he say? (I missed it.)
Has he ever stopped speaking? ;^)
beef panties?
Apologies to catnip
the basketball god? What’s he been saying?
He may have been a basketball God, but he’s a commentating nincompoop.
Every time I watch a game he’s announcing, I end up yelling at him through the teevee.
He called Marcus Camby drawing a charge from Kobe Bryant on a fast break ‘The Defensive Play of the YEAR’. Puhleeze.
Gee, kinda harsh putting Bill Walton in the same category as the other two. (No matter his commentating blunders – I’m a big fan)
They were just the first 3 that popped into my head. It isn’t necessarily indicative of how much they anger me, since there are probably millions of people that piss me off more than Walton does.
Plus I figure we all get so focused on the politicos here that it’s good to diversify.
I’ll update my comment to include:
Brit Hume
Star Jones
God yes!
And I’ll toss in Dr. Phil … he’s a given anyway, but yesterday on MSNBC they said that he “KNOWS” what happened to Natalie Holloway. She was kidnapped by a sex ring and could be in some sultan’s mansion!
(Of course, a rational person — i think from the FBI — said that there isn’t a single known case of a single U.S. tourist ever being kidnapped for sex trade.)
Plus, it’s terribly cruel to the parents — although they’re such media hogs that it’s hard to remember that they’re going through hell.
Allow me to add this Dr. Phil gem. A couple weeks ago the subject involved people who wouldn’t accept the sexuality of a gay family member. Two of the guests were a concerned couple, whose 4 year old son frequently asked his mother why she was a girl and he was a boy – and the boy got really upset when he didn’t receive girl’s dolls at Christmas.
Dr. Phil told the parents it was only a phase, and he pretty much guaranteed the child would behave differently soon. But. . .just in case the child still exhibited those behaviors, Dr. Phil assured the parents that he knew some excellent professionals in their area who could help with the child. Maybe I took it wrong, but he sounded like he was going to help “fix” the child. And who the hell was he to say it was only a phase? That was enough of Dr. Phil for me.
(Star Jones and her narcissism never cease to send chills up my spine!)
Dr. Phil makes me gag.
I’ve been known to jump into these threads, not knowing a backstory, but jump in with both feet and land with one foot in my mouth.
Good to see you back if I hadn’t said so already and your losses are shared in thoughts. Sorry to hear aboutyour friend.
This week’s fucktard award goes to David Brooks.
I have refused to read that shill’s clumsy writing forever. I don’t want the NYT to register my click-through on the web, even.
Somehow his Harry Reid column drew me in. I clicked it and got to read the most childish and irrelevant set of talking points I’ve seen. He won’t get clicked again.
David Brooks, shut your frelling pie hole.
Hell, my first thought was of course bushie but what with his numbers continuing to go south I think he should continue to talk and make more stupid elocution mistakes..maybe now the press will pick up on that more and the general public will see how empty headed(and empty hearted) he truly is.
As for really shutting the old pie-hole-Hannity…I can’t stand the sanctimonious fucker-I’d rather listen to O’Reiley all day than him-but please don’t make me ok.
He needs to get over himself.
So many pie holes, so little time to tell them all to STFU…
Salazar and Nelson.
Nuff said.
Well, I noticed a few weeks ago that a front pager a DKos said that there was anarchy at the Booman Tribune due to the BooMan himself not controlling the masses.
Yeah, right. Anarchy everywhere here.
So in honor if that statement I send a big raspberry pie his direction.
oh boy, I have to shoot Armando an email and tell him to duck! Heh.
I told Armando he should spend more time reading diaries that are not meta, and he might get a more balance impression of what this site is all about.
I also told him to STFU.
I’ll certainly second that sentiment.
what does meta mean?
What’s meta?
It’s when things get self-referencing, navel-gazing, and full of in-crowd jokes and references.
It’s when an author writes a book about an author writing a book, or a singer records a song about being a singer recording a song. You can have multiple levels of meta-ness. I read somewhere that the limit human brain can process is seven levels of such abstraction.
If you want to go back to the roots, it comes from Aristotle, whose works were divided into “physics” (his thoughts on what we would call natural sciences) and “metaphysics” (literally meaning “after-physics”) which had to do with philosophy, the origins of the universe, etc… The latter being more abstract than the former, and so colloquially anything “meta” is a level more abstract than the thing it’s talking about.
Sort of like this comment is becoming…
What was that word from a couple of weeks ago? Pedantic? Better stop now…
Meta-discussions are usually triggered by flame-wars which are posts between two, or more, people on a list hurling abuse and slanging each other to the detriment of communication.
Flames wars usually start, and have the intellectual substance of:
Neener, neener, pfffffffffffffttttttt
My family would probably agree with you!
roughly ‘one step back.’ On groups like BooTrib it means a discussion about a discussion.
Succinct. That’s what we like about you, AT.
Why couldn’t I have said it like that? 😀
Not sure if you meant your question seriously, but it’s a pretty interesting word. It is originally Greek and had a relatively simple meaning, “in the midst of, among, between, in common, along with” (Liddell & Scott Lexicon).
In English it has been used for a while as a prefix, e.g. metaphysics, meaning “With sense `beyond, above, at a higher level’ … Prefixed to the name of a subject or discipline to denote another which deals with ulterior issues in the same field, or which raises questions about the nature of the original discipline and its methods, procedures, and assumptions” (OED).
It has recently become more common as a standalone adjective with much the same sense of questioning/investigating the original discipline. Hence, a diary is meta if it is about diaries (or more generally about the site on which it resides, since it is about that site).
This comment, being as it is about meta, may thus be considered metameta.
And just because I want to step down one tortoise further, the previous sentence pointing out metametaness becomes metametabakedbeansandmeta.
Doesn’t the Froggy Bottom Cafe serve that with spam, spam, spam, spam, eggs, sausage, and spam?
With pie and absinthe on the side?
Speaking of the Froggy Bottom, is it Beer:30 yet?
Us? Meta? I’m shocked, shocked… ;-D
I would post a rebuttal but my head exploded.
If Armando sees this diary his head will explode!
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen so much meta in one thread before, LOL.
If only we could bottle it and sell it, using blog ads with young chickeroos on the side. All profits to be evenly divided between Boo, Susan, and Catnip, of course, for site maintenance and upkeep.
And it’s not nearly as bitter as “that other beverage.”
Is that a bad thing?
Only if you’re within distance of getting hit with the splatter!
Controlling the masses?
And here all along I thought we were supposed to be using these Blogs to support real free-thinking and discussion?
I note that they seem to have lost control of all of those nasty, embarrassing posts about election fraud over there lately.
Maybe certain front pagers should just stop trying to “control” things and pay attention to what is really going on?
If you have to purge members IDs to get your way… Or invite them to leave on a regular basis… Than maybe you are going in the wrong direction?
I’ll stick with the anarchy over here, even though I still like to read what is over there occasionally.
Hey, man, anarchy rules!
BooMan is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.
you went to high school with me, I know that you know that I know that that is not true 🙂
How many nested levels of meta-ness (degrees of metanocity?) were in that comment?
But I have gained a whole new level of respect for you recently.
I can’t say that I was a particularly wonderful person in that era, myself.
You’ve been reading The Wit And Wisdom Of Harriet Miers, right?
The Third Way… etc.
Although I would prefer if they just joined the Republican party.
O’Liely, Oxy-Rush. I am thinking that a cast-iron fry-pan to the head should be considered a restrained reply to their outrageous statements. It might knock some sense in to them too!
“Oxy-Rush”: I love it! Gives a whole new meaning to “oxymoron.”
I am not sure who coined the monicker “Oxy-Rush”? But it is appropriate, and well worth abusing.
I am quite content. Just got meself a new PC (old one was way slow and ancient) and now have the pleasure of browsing boo with firefox again 🙂
oh happy day!
(and that no knives came out over pie… er… absinthe…) 😉
Congrats on the new PC!
(and that no knives came out over pie… er… absinthe…) 😉
That’s because I haven’t visited the cleavage war thread yet. 🙂
That’s so exciting! You deserve a new PC with all of your fabulous comments here!
Firefox rawks! And I love Thunderbird for my e-mail.
ANYONE, that believes that bush is the entire problem, he would be a good place to start…..
Interesting picture of protest at the WaPo. Please visit for a grin:
Not always on the front page, but it was there, just a moment ago.
Will he please crawl into his cave and be quiet??? Please???
And will someone please take Maria out for 3 meals a day??? Between Maria and Ann Coulter they make Twiggy look overweight. May I please have a saucer of milk now?
Sally Cat,
You may have your saucer of milk now…… EtJ
It was nice to see that you stopped by Watersmeet Inn.
Now off to my milk saucer. Meooooww!
It was nice of you to suggest the Watersmeet Inn.. THANKS, EtJ
I see no one wants me to shut my pie hole. I’ll carry on then…
Cheesecake holes don’t qualify for this thread on a technicality.
“And dar’st thou then
To beard the lioness in her den?”
– With apologies to Sir Walter Scott
My evil twin is saying, “So what that you just ate a healthy lunch with lots of veggies, I want some ice cream, dammit, and you dope — you’re out. In fact, you haven’t bought any ice cream for almost three weeks. What in the hell is wrong with you? You have perfectly good chocolate sauce sittin’ idly by with nothing to do!”
Can I resist? Can I rationalize wasting gasoline for a trip to the store to buy one thing that I do not need?
Woe … oh woe. …
Save gas. Just eat the chocolate sauce. Yum.
What you want is pie, rhubarb pie…
…It’s healthy; it’s a vegetable (sort of)…
And it’s another excuse to buy vanilla ice cream.
It’s not really ice cream; think of it as akin to a delicate cheese sauce on asparagus…
…It’s just a condiment. and we all know condiments have zero calories! ;-D
SusieHu(didn’t CCR do a song about you?),
Walk to get the ice cream…. Walks are often good for centering, will help to burn some calories, and who knows what adventure that may present itself, when on a walk-about. Deny the evil oil gods, please the evil twin, pamper her.
and the ideal of post-coital purity.
Fred Barnes! Oooh, if I ever see him it will be all I can do not to beat him about the face and neck, being careful not to spill my beverage of course.
Hi Boogal! Nice to have you drop in!
We’re all in a really weird mood today, and it’s not even a full moon or anything…
Hey Knox,
I just read your comment to boogal and she says hello to everyone and that you all should lay off Joey Biden.
Joey is one of her favorites.
exactly who I want to STPH, but I wouldn’t grieve if FoxNews came down with “technical difficulties” for, say, about a month or so…
How about on the religious front?
Jerry Falwell actually seems to have shut his on his own accord…haven’t heard him in the news much.
Oh, and I was asking the spouse (nicely) to shut his this morning, as I was trying to watch some of my DVR backlog while working on my current crochet project, but that was a temporary SYPH, not a permanent desire…
Don’t buy it, but check it out:
It’s too early, no?
The image is a mosaic of the war dead.
I’d like to tell the Snatchzilla who answers the phones at my husbands job to go fuck off.
🙂 There. I feel better.
Or you could just send Mothra over to attack her. 🙂
I would be she’s a real MothraF**ker 🙂
Monday my husband gives his notice. LOL