Key Lime Martini
* 4 parts Stoli Vanilla Vodka
* 1 part Simple Syrup
* 1 part Fresh Lime Juice
* Splash Pineapple Juice
Pour Stoli Vanilla over cracked ice in a cocktail shaker. Add simple syrup, fresh lime juice, and a splash of pineapple juice. Shake well and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with a slice of pineapple.
And for the beer drinkers, how about a lovely pumpkin ale?
Our fridge/freezer went out today….it still is blowing air, but it isn’t cold. Everything in the frezzer melted (I put some stuff in our big freezer in the garage, but most of the stuff is trash now). The hub is supposed to be back soon with ice for all of the stuff in the fridge (I hope that it won’t go bad) — so it looks like we’ll be living out of coolers this weekend.
Neither one of us knows anything about fridges and we have no $$ to call a service person or get another one….I’ll have to pull out the lease, but I am pretty sure that the lease doesn’t cover the fridge. Yeesh. What next?
BUmmer about the fridge! If you lived up here, it’s at least chilly enough to help keep things cold over the weekend.
My fridge died when I was renting a condo, and I just called my landlord and she had a new fridge delivered the next day. I bet it is covered in your lease.
Oh no, I hope it’s covered in your lease – if it belongs to the landlord then it really should be. That sucks to be fridgeless – one of those modern conveniences that you don’t realize is so vital until it’s gone. Like vodka…
the mass of bankruptcy documents yet, but I seem to recall when we singed it last year that a big deal was made about how “lucky” we were to even have a fridge included with the house so the fact that it working or not working was our responsbility was in fact a “good thing”, or some other such nonsense that I found not-so-amusing.
Landlords can be real dicks. Our last one kept the pet deposit even though it was supposed to be refunded because he could “smell cat”…I had the carpets cleaned before we moved out and our cat lived mostly outside… He tried to make us feel bad because he had vouched for us on our mortgage application like he was some kind of hero…what a dick that guy was.
This guy really isn’t any kind of dick — though we haven’t aksed much of him yet (shit is falling apart all over the place, but since he let us be late a couple of times with th rent we’ve been sort of not aksing about it…) The house actually belongs to his 29 year old son, but the son lives up in Ft. Worth so he is the one we send the rent to and talk with about house issues.
I’ll give you a run down on what I do with my 26 yr old fridge in case you have a similar problem.
For whatever reason, what happens with mine is that that the water doesn’t drain during the defrost cycle. Then the ice builds up under the “floor” of the freezer compartment, then the coils get surrounded by ice. Once the coils stay covered with ice, no cooling can occur. Then a manual defrost is necessary.
So if’n you’re inclined to be the Handy-Andy/Ann, be sure to unplug electricity first.
Remove screws holding floor in the freezer compartment.Gently extract floor. Then pour warm water in the area to defrost ice from coils. (Remove everything from the fridge first… I forgot that the last time… as water runs everywhere)
After all the ice is gone, put everything back together, and it may just run fine again for several months. I’ve had to do this several times.
Caution: Keep your fingers away from the little fins around the coils, they are razor sharp.
so let me ask: what did you think of “Good Night and Good Luck?” I think David Strathairn and Clooney are both superb actors, and the subject matter was fascinating, but overall I was disappointed that it didn’t seem to keep the dramatic tension up and was pretty short.
I’ve not yet seen the movie, but I’m very much looking forward to it.
btw: I would highly recommend the book, by Bob Edwards, Edward R. Murrow and the Birth of Broadcast Journalism. I’m sure the read would enhance one’s appreciation of both Murrow and the movie.
Thanks, NDD — we’ll try that. The only upside in all of this is we don’t have a whole lot of food in the fridge ’cause we went to visit the souse’s parents last weekend and didn’t do the weekly shopping trip.
Still waiting for the ice (and the spouse) to arrive….
fruedian slip (see my comment at the top of the thread) — I would like at this point, to steep his ass in pork trimmings, perhaps I’ll just use all the food that has gone bad.
I don’t know if this will help but Pacific Gas and Electric, PG&E in California has a program that replaces older refrigerators if you are below a certain income bracket. They do it for energy conservation.
The target sector for the program is the moderate income households who are ineligible for the Low Income Energy Efficiency Programs. The maximum combined annual income allowed is $53,600.
There’s also the EP Program, Energy Partners who do great work for lower income families in California.
I learned about these statewide programs by calling the Smarter Energy Line that is an extension of PG&E. I’m not sure who your energy provider is but they must have similiar programs. Another place to check is with you Public Utilities Commission.
This is probably information you already have but if not I hope this helps.
I didn’t know it — it’ll be interesting to see if Texas has any such thing, somehow, I am betting not, especially not with an income cutoff of 53,600, but I will check it out on Monday — yeesh, 53.6K, if we were anywhere near there we’d be ok.
I appreciate everyone giving me ideas for how to solve this problem! I am just deflated of late, can’t get up the motivation to much of anything and hating myself for it. All I want to do is sleep but I can’t ’cause then I feel guilty….blah, blah, blah.
Things will change, we’ll be ok, enjoy what you have, we are all dying a little every day….the daily mantra. (hmmm, maybe I need to leave off that last part! lol)
Is the compressor coming on or just sitting there humming from time to time? My sweet hubby fixed our old one by unplugging, very carefully removing the starter that’s fastened to the compressor and cleaning the contacts with an emery board. You have to be super gentle when removing the starter gizzy because there’s a glass seal that can be broken and then it’s all over. Here’s a site that may help to diagnose the problem.
Be sure to check the main page on refrigerators – it tells how to test various parts. My first move – if you haven’t tried it already – would be to unplug it for a couple hours and see if it’s a case of the compressor being too hot.
Best boxes I ever found were at Shurgard Storage if you have one in your neck of the woods. Another possibility would be to get one of the Shurgard or PODS system containers; you pack everything in there and they’ll store it till you need it, then ship it up to your new place. If you and the family haven’t settled on a new residence yet, that might be the way to go, or at least worth thinking about.
If I can drag the spouse over to our space at Shurgard this weekend, I might have some HUGE plastic storage bins I can send up to you, free of charge; I’d bought them to store stuff that was in our big space that we had after our eviction (long story there), but after I went through the stuff, I decided 90% of the junk wasn’t worth keeping. Best part of them is you can use them up there for clothing rotation — packing away the cold-weather stuff in summer and warm-weather stuff in winter. (If you don’t take them, I’ll probably just have to send them to charity, and I’d rather pass them on to a friend!)
Keep track of all your moving expenses — they may still be tax deductible (I Am Not An Accountant, but I did take tax accounting many many moons ago…).
I’ll email you over the weekend after I check the box situation. We have a hockey game that evening (Dallas v. San Jose), but we could tentatively rendezvous at the Century Theatres parking lot right next door to Winchester House.
Just talked to spouse on his arrival home; we can swing by Shurgard after we get our flu shots tomorrow; will try to email you tomorrow evening, Internets willing. 🙂
Chicken is in the oven and the kids are sacked out in front of the idiot box (PBS only!)and I’m thinking of opening a nice cold Labatt 50 to toast the end of another crappy week – wheeeeeeeee
I haven’t heard of Uncle Ben’s – was it a local brew? I quite like Labatt 50…it’s an old man beer and you’ll get a look at the beer store. Just ask them to dust off a case and bring it to you.
You may have to go to Manitoba though as my friend in Saskatoon says you can’t get 50 there anymore…damn shame. My parents bring it down for me when they come. I’m happier to see the 50 than to see them. (I’m half joking….)
Manitoba had Uncle Ben’s… ooops some three decades ago… so that could explain why you ain’t heard nuttin’ about it, especially if’n you’re a somewhat younger whipper snapper.
Winnipeg is straight north of me about 4 hours, so # 50 lookout!!!
Well, Honey, I’ll put the tequila in the freezer. Being in So TX, I’ll supply the limes, fresh, please – no so-called “Margarita Mix” for this girl. I will take a tiny bit of sugar, but prefer Cointreau for a sweetener. Just fried up some home-made corn tortillas into chips, and the avocados are on the counter, ready to be cut up with lime juice, garlic, salt, onion, and jalapenos. Just tell me when to start shakin’ the ‘ritas!
If I could handle the politics I’d love Texas cooking!
One of the happiest years of my life food was Southern California…Margaritas and real nachos and homemade salsas and…oh yeah and I was happily newly divorced that year!
from the last farmers markets of summer, with a cinnamon stick and some cloves and a big shot of rum. That’s what I’m thinking. Until I get me some rum, I’ll settle for the usual cheap red wine.
I’m doing ok. It’s been a rough few months. My Bosses are spliting up thier partnership and I’m going with one of them and the other is retiring. It’s very tense around here. My 16 yr old daughter is due in Feb. and I’m not happy about that. I’ve just been hanging at home with my hubby and my adorable little basset hound
I figure whatever you all make up about me would have to be far more exciting that my life really is. Give some obscure, menacing ties to Suncruz or something….not too menacing though.
I’ll get the second round and say I’m pretty much an open book when it comes to my life. I’m not good at deception or manipulation and I think that’s what got me going in getting all fired up against the BushCo spin.
From what I’ve seen here, you all have a great community with some damn good people and honest communication regardless of occasional differences. Thanks for letting me stumble in. Respect for humanity and a sense of basic human dignity was something I saw here that I highly value.
I might be a little quiet until I figure out the subtle standards and if I happen to blurt out something completely unexpected, please don’t take it too seriously. I’m passionate for my ideals, ones that are common here, but I don’t take life more seriously than I have to. My sense of humor might not translate well at times so an insult from me would be rare or nonexistent.
Just for paying attention (HOw can you miss the front page invitation, eh?) you get a free 4 AND we decided that all of those rumours about your uncle’s-siter’s-kid on your mother’s side of the family certainly couldn’t be true! (Or was that your Aunt’s-Brothers-kid on your Dad’s side? Something like that?)
As for the Tab? Well, you can run it up as high as you want since the FBC keeps everything you ever get in the back of your own fridge. (How convenient!)
Here’s another tidbit. I’m old enough to remember the real Tab that awful, poisonous beverage and it was in a bottle that required a machine to open it.
Damn, that even sounds old.
Fresca was pretty good though.
I’ll need some pointers on the voting procedures. If go without voting it’s not a subtle statement. I just haven’t figured the damn thing out yet. I start to look for tips and then get distracted reading something else interesting instead.
and delighted to find this lovely cafe! I’m recovering from being sick, but thinking perhaps a nice little glass of something would be a good change of pace from the Nyquil. Couldn’t hurt, could it?
Well, that’s just fucking great. The spouse just called, claimed he got neither my voice mail or email about the ‘fridge situation, and has been over at friends’ since he got off of work, somewhere around 4 o’clock, doing what the fuck ever. He calls me to ask if I will gt the kids, apparently because he’s doing some important drinking or whatever, and even after I say, well, ok, but we’ve got food going bad here, doesn’t seem to give a flying fuck.
I would have gone out and gotten the ice myself, excpet you see, I had to have my debit card cut off becuase someone was changing their cell phone bills to it — we JUST got the $$ refunded into our account three days ago, so I haven’t gone over to the bank to get a new one. In short, I have no access to the little amount of money that we DO have.
Jesus, now I’m not tired, I’m fucking pissed off. And since I’m being a total drag on the mood around here, I’ll just fucking stop. I need to go out and get the kids here in about 20 minutes, and need to be in a good mood by then.
Thanks for listening and sorry for venting all over the party!
Thats what these cafes are for. Don’t every apologize for dealing with daily matters.
I was called a “drag” because my son almost died last December. I was no longer the life of the “chat party” as I watched my son waste away after 3 months of sheer hell due to dental matters gone awry. Wesley could have DIED and my “friends” said they needed to “cancel the subscription to my issues” 🙁
I left that chat and never went back.
Bri, you VENT. You vent as much and as often as you need to!!!!
I’m sorry about your fridge. Been there, darling. Lost a fridge and then the next week the oven then the dishwasher about ten days later. Then a few months later the washer and dryer died. ACK LOL
Thanks, Janet, it’s not so much the fridge as it is my husband complete and utter refusal to be involved in any meaningful way with “shit he doesn’t feel like dealing with after a hard day at work” — lately, this is his excuse for piing EVERYthing on me:
I work all day ev ery day and you don’t do shit.
I have been drivien crazy by this for months. Never mind that I get the kids up and off every morning, never mind that I ALONE put the entire bankruptcy application together, he only came to meet with the lawyer one time, because he had to. Never mind that I pay all the bills and get snapped at every time that I dare to mention that we HAVE TO stick to a fucking budged. Never mind that I would love more than anything to be working but have been told that at this point any income-earning activities on my part could endanger all or a part of the bankruptcy discharge.
I am losing my fucking mind and this marraige, while never the best of the best in the first place, just fucking sucks at this point. Just sucks. I know what it is like to be alone and I would MUCH rather be feeling alone when actually ALONE, then when having to deal daily with someone else’s bullshit.
Whew. There was a lot under there, huh? I gues it’s a good thing I have to go get the kids….
I do know that when I’m stressed out – it’s not the time for me to make decisions… sounds like you need to set some time aside with a good friend and write out the pros and cons to this marriage. EEK.
Just remember that there are alot of us in this place we call Booman that care and can offer you either a shoulder or some advice or both.
Just for this weekend… don’t make any decisions. Just try to keep from imploding… and keep your food cool 🙂 xoxox take care!
Yeah, you’re right about the decisions thing — this has just been going on for a LOOOOONG time and, to top it all off, all the the friends I have here locally have been sort of taken over by him, I lived here before he did and as far as I can tell, he, in 5 years, has made no friends outside of the ones I introduced him to….For example, the friend’s house he is over at tonight. There was a time when she would be the first person I would call — I suppose though, that she and her husband have more in common with my husband than I do at this point and, as he is THERE right now, that would be an awkward place to put her in!
Anyway, I feel wierd talking about this here….but it good to know that you’re out there and will listen — you don’t know how much I appreciate it.
That was awesome, no3!! That chuckle was just what I needed!! (and, yes, there was snortage!)
Fortunately for him, he is not in the house right now, or that ‘fridge/husband/’fridge/husband thing might take on a life of its own and I LOVE Aflie, simply adore the man and his works!! Did you see Jon Stewart use clips from The Birds in his bird flu bit last night? Simply brilliant it was!
Please don’t be dismayed (but I appreciate you saying so!), one thing I know is whatever happens, I am a survivor, always have been always will be, and I’ve got these two little kiddos to think of, that’s what’s mostly tearing me apart at this point — what is best for them?
Really glad to hear about the chuckle. It seemed like you could use it!
I didn’t see the bit you’re talking about because we don’t have cable. As often before, I’m hearing about a great TDS bit and going, “Dang, there’s another one I missed. I’ve got to get hooked up.” The very idea of juxtaposing The Birds with the bird flu furor … I’m sure it was hilarious.
Anybody who reads here knows you’re a survivor. That’s part of what bugs me. Why do survivors have to survive (in the sense of endure) so frigging much?
You make my troublesome spouse sound like this side of heaven…when he doesn’t make it home, it’s usually because he fell asleep in the car or other places (one time he found a quiet corner at Borders, and it was ZZZZZ City!).
Oh, and if push comes to shove, we could all probably come up with several good alibis… 😉
A lawyer AND an artist, wow, how lucky is YOUR family?!?
You do divorices? My parents were divorced when I was 7, so I know nothing about them outisde of that….are they costly? Definately have to wait until after 11/8 and see if the most stupidly written constitutional ammedment ever passes, if it does, I will simply submit that I am, by means of being a citizen of Texas, included in the “state of Texas” and if I recognized or sanctioned my marriage, I would be breaking the law….or something like that!
brin, sorry to hear about your husband and the fridge. Take some time and think about things and then see how you feel. I’m sure that things will get better.
Yep, I’m one of those damned lawyers. Right now I’m woking in family court with child support issues.
My son is doing well. He’s on his way to becoming a real liberal. Today he said that if he had some wishes he would use one to help the people in NOLA.
No lawyer who works in family court is a damned ANYthing! I wish I had known you back when I was pregnant with my elder son (my first grader!) and was trying to see if I could get help to determine who his father was for sure….I threw up my hands at that one, what a fucking waste of my time and dignity THAT was!
I’ll be ok. I need to just, well, I don’t know, right now, I just need to fix the fridge! 😉
Anyway, I wish our sons lived near enough each other to play together — he sounds like a great kid!
The bitch of it is, I LIKE the guy, you know? I don’t wish him any harm, we just infuriate each other all the time now. He is a nice guy, he’s a good dad (most of the time, his temper worries me at times, well, not his temper exactly, but his inability to control himself when he’s angry and I am hypersensitive to this given my past experience with abuse, but the boys love him to death), laid back and used to bring out good things in me as well.
But, lately, I don’t know, it’s like all the trust is gone, we aren’t even being good friends to each other, let alone good spouses, we have massive trouble communicating even about the simplest simple things and he is ALWAYS on the defensive. Shit, this last year, I have been feeling less than worthless, and I’m not doing the best that I can do either, but this just isn’t working for me anymore.
I want to go get us some outisde help, but he refuses. He says if we can’t fix our own marriage than it isn’t worth fixing — I don’t know what he is so afriad of. My comeback to that is, well, if we are capable of fixing it, then why is it that you think we have chosen not to do so for the last 3 years? How fucked up is that? He will say, well, I think we haven’t really tried. I say, well, I feel that I have tried and I’m at the end of my capabilities to make anything better between us. It’s like banging my head against a fucking wall.
Just wanted to say that you are not alone in this… I swear! What you just described sounds like what is starting to happen with the Hubby and I…. If I find out something I will let you know!
If you do, put on side B, or start at the track called ‘Worried About You’ and play it through to the end.
On another note: does anyone remember the SNL skit when Dan Ackroyd played Jimmy Carter taking calls from the public?
Some kid calls up because he is wigging out on acid, and Jimmy tells the kid to drink a beer and put on the Allman Brothers. Then he tells the kid that he will be fine if he just remembers is one with the whole ecosystem and universe.
No, I wasn’t implying anything about the lyrics of that song as it relates to you. I just think that side B of Tattoo You is one the best things to listen to when you are feeling down about your relationships in life. It always makes me feel better.
Of course, if it is really bad I recommend Derek and the Dominoes.
Around and Around, Mississippi Half Step, BIODTL, Peggy-O, Tennessee Jed, B. T. Wind, China Cat> I Know You Rider, Loser, Black Peter, Weather Report Suite Prelude> WRS Part 1*> Let It Grow> Stella Blue
Me & My Uncle, Dire Wolf, Not Fade Away, Ramble On Rose, Big River, Dark Star> Morning Dew, Sugar Magnolia Encore: U.S. Blues
Oh, wow!! Another Grateful Dead fan – now I really feel at home <g>.. I like all the albums, but Europe 72 is probably my favorite, back when Pigpen was growling the blues. Do you have the double Jerry Garcia album, Boo? The 2nd CD has some of the most incredible guitar I’ve ever heard. (It’s too bad we had to lose Jerry when he was still young, but 10 years ago people were just learning the dangers of sleep apnea which probably had something to do with his death. If anyone out there has a significant other who quits breathing during the night, run – don’t walk – to your doctor and ask for a sleep test. My hubby was diagnosed about 5 years ago and my daughter got her CPAP last month.)
Sleep apnea took my good friend Bobby Sheehan, the former bass player for Blues Traveler. Well, that and a fifth of whiskey and some other odds and ends.
Jerry probably died out of a combination of diabetes, obesity, and a irascible heroin addiction.
If I remember the news stories at the time, a nurse at the clinic mentioned that he was snoring heavily and that the snoring would stop from time to time which can be a sign of apnea episodes. I grew calluses on my elbows from nudging my hubby when he quit breathing during the night. Back then the standard test was something like “Do you fall asleep while driving?” He didn’t because he was going through two pots of high octane coffee (I swear it would melt a spoon if he had to stir it, but he takes it black). The other problems didn’t help, but neither would apnea. I’m just thankful that some of the things my daughter & son-in-law mentioned about her sleep problems this summer let me suggest that she check into the possibility of apnea and she’s now being treated.
Yes, take care of those breathing issues…very important. Meanwhile…
I’m up to this:
Comes a Time
Comes a time
when the blind man takes your hand
says: don’t you see?
got to make it somehow
on the dreams you still believe
Don’t give it up
you’ve got an empty cup
only love can fill
only love can fill
Been walking all morning
Went walking all night
I can’t see much difference between the dark and the light
And I feel the wind
And I taste the rain
Never in my mind
to cause so much pain
Comes a time
when the blind man
takes your hand
says: don’t you see?
got to make it somehow
on the dreams you still believe
Don’t give it up
you’ve got an empty cup
only love can fill
only love can fill
From day to day
just letting it ride
you get so far away
from how it feels inside
You can’t let go
cause you’re afraid to fall
till the day may come
when you can’t feel at all
Comes a time
when the blind man
takes your hand
says: don’t you see?
got to make it somehow
on the things you still believe
Don’t give it up
you’ve got an empty cup
only love can fill
only love can fill
My mother in law has it…has to use a machine at night to force her to breathe. I am starting to suspect that the Hubby has it as well. Just can’t convince the man to see a DOc about it…
He says, so, how much ice do you think we need? I brought one bag of ice.
I said, just look in the firdge for whatever you think is savable, it is probably too late for most of it. Then he called me “slothful” — yeehah another Friday night.
I confess I really just downed a Squirt, so my Absinthe is whatever color that is in the ad.
I was just trying to introduce a little lighthearted sexiness on the ‘I object to the Absinthe boobs’ thread, when I probably should have been here partying with y’all.
Man, ever since the pie fight it’s like that movie PCU – “Is he implying that you, a womenist, participated in a phallus naming?!” Lighten up already.
Morning comes, she follows the path to the river shore
Lightly sung, her song is the latch on the morning’s door
See the sun sparkle in the reeds; silver beads pass into the sea
She comes from a town where they call her the woodcutter’s daughter
She’s brown as the bank where she kneels down to gather her water
And she bears it away with a love that the river has taught her
Let it flow, greatly flow, wide and clear
Round and round, the cut of the plow in the furrowed field
Seasons round, the bushels of corn and the barley meal
Broken ground, open and beckoning to the spring; black dirt live again
The plowman is broad as the back of the land he is sowing
As he dances the circular track of the plow ever knowing
That the work of his day measures more than the planting and growing
Let it grow, let it grow, greatly yield
What shall we say, shall we call it by a name
As well to count the angels dancing on a pin
Water bright as the sky from which it came
And the name is on the earth that takes it in
We will not speak but stand inside the rain
And listen to the thunder shout
I am, I am, I am, I am
So it goes, we make what we made since the world began
Nothing more, the love of the women, work of men
Seasons round, creatures great and small, up and down, as we rise and fall
09-28-76 Onondaga County War Memorial, Syracuse, N.Y. (Tue)
Cold Rain & Snow, Big River, Bertha, Cassidy, Tennessee Jed, New Minglewood Blues, Candyman, It’s All Over Now, Friend of the Devil, Let It Grow> Goin Down the Road Feelin Bad
Playin in the Band> The Wheel> Samson & Delilah> Jam> Comes A Time> Drums> Eyes of the World> Dancin in the Streets> Playin (reprise) E: Johnny B. Goode
Fortunately there were no problems found. Yahoo! I’ll party tomorrow when I’m less drowsy. Upon leaving, they advised that I should not make any important decisions or operate heavy machinery. Too bad, I was hoping to get in some time on my earth mover today. 😉
(((Boran2))) you can get back to the big rigs soon 🙂
What totally disables me is the eye dilation. Those drops they put in your eyes. I turn into one of the undead or something. “ACKKK my eyes, the sun.” and I’ll be useless for a few hours due to it.
Hi everyone, missed all of the FBC’s today, what has been going onnnnnnn!!!!!!! Love to see the old cafe on the f/p but I did have a hard time finding it. lol
I went shopping at Costco today and stocked up on a lot of food and plenty of dried raspberries, my latest food addiction…Feels good to have a supply of food.
This from a woman who normally has just a bit of this and that.
Hi Diane! I’ve been thinking about you and your upcoming move today. How are things going with that? How close is the new site to your kids? (I think I might have missed this earlier this week)
Hi Cabin and thanks for asking!!
I have written all about it on VB.(running saga)..but it is right across the street from where I am now and address will be 911….First it was to be a mobile home, then travel trailer, then mobile home again, now iffy…it has to be max 12 x 36 but less width would be preferable for more outside space surrounding and for all my plants. Actually I am thinking I might like it much better than where I am now, my space is really small so 12 x 36 will be bigger. I wanted 60′ feet, ha ha…no such luck, they need all the space they can get for business equipment. And if I get a half way decent kitchen and bath….my kitchen here is tiny with almost no cupboard space.
Hey all! Don’t really know if most of the regulars remember me…posted alot after the “second crossing”, and then dropped off for a bit. RL has been quite hectic look for a diary soon. 😉
tonight’s drink is:
Cruzan rum and ginger ale on ice…real smooth on the tummy 😉
haven’t read the thread yet…just thought I would drop in the cafe and see if my comfy chair is still around…
I’m having one of these:
Key Lime Martini
* 4 parts Stoli Vanilla Vodka
* 1 part Simple Syrup
* 1 part Fresh Lime Juice
* Splash Pineapple Juice
Pour Stoli Vanilla over cracked ice in a cocktail shaker. Add simple syrup, fresh lime juice, and a splash of pineapple juice. Shake well and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with a slice of pineapple.
And for the beer drinkers, how about a lovely pumpkin ale?

that last week — I found it very yummy!
Our fridge/freezer went out today….it still is blowing air, but it isn’t cold. Everything in the frezzer melted (I put some stuff in our big freezer in the garage, but most of the stuff is trash now). The hub is supposed to be back soon with ice for all of the stuff in the fridge (I hope that it won’t go bad) — so it looks like we’ll be living out of coolers this weekend.
Neither one of us knows anything about fridges and we have no $$ to call a service person or get another one….I’ll have to pull out the lease, but I am pretty sure that the lease doesn’t cover the fridge. Yeesh. What next?
BUmmer about the fridge! If you lived up here, it’s at least chilly enough to help keep things cold over the weekend.
My fridge died when I was renting a condo, and I just called my landlord and she had a new fridge delivered the next day. I bet it is covered in your lease.
Oh no, I hope it’s covered in your lease – if it belongs to the landlord then it really should be. That sucks to be fridgeless – one of those modern conveniences that you don’t realize is so vital until it’s gone. Like vodka…
the mass of bankruptcy documents yet, but I seem to recall when we singed it last year that a big deal was made about how “lucky” we were to even have a fridge included with the house so the fact that it working or not working was our responsbility was in fact a “good thing”, or some other such nonsense that I found not-so-amusing.
I am tired. Just tired and sick of myself.
Landlords can be real dicks. Our last one kept the pet deposit even though it was supposed to be refunded because he could “smell cat”…I had the carpets cleaned before we moved out and our cat lived mostly outside… He tried to make us feel bad because he had vouched for us on our mortgage application like he was some kind of hero…what a dick that guy was.
Good gawd, 27 pages….what a pain.
This guy really isn’t any kind of dick — though we haven’t aksed much of him yet (shit is falling apart all over the place, but since he let us be late a couple of times with th rent we’ve been sort of not aksing about it…) The house actually belongs to his 29 year old son, but the son lives up in Ft. Worth so he is the one we send the rent to and talk with about house issues.
I’ll give you a run down on what I do with my 26 yr old fridge in case you have a similar problem.
For whatever reason, what happens with mine is that that the water doesn’t drain during the defrost cycle. Then the ice builds up under the “floor” of the freezer compartment, then the coils get surrounded by ice. Once the coils stay covered with ice, no cooling can occur. Then a manual defrost is necessary.
So if’n you’re inclined to be the Handy-Andy/Ann, be sure to unplug electricity first.
Remove screws holding floor in the freezer compartment.Gently extract floor. Then pour warm water in the area to defrost ice from coils. (Remove everything from the fridge first… I forgot that the last time… as water runs everywhere)
After all the ice is gone, put everything back together, and it may just run fine again for several months. I’ve had to do this several times.
Caution: Keep your fingers away from the little fins around the coils, they are razor sharp.
Good night, and good luck!
so let me ask: what did you think of “Good Night and Good Luck?” I think David Strathairn and Clooney are both superb actors, and the subject matter was fascinating, but overall I was disappointed that it didn’t seem to keep the dramatic tension up and was pretty short.
Still, better than Hollywood schlock by a mile.
this weekend, probably tomorrow…need to make sure it’s still playing at the same theater and what times it’s on…
I’ve not yet seen the movie, but I’m very much looking forward to it.
btw: I would highly recommend the book, by Bob Edwards, Edward R. Murrow and the Birth of Broadcast Journalism. I’m sure the read would enhance one’s appreciation of both Murrow and the movie.
Powells has a link to it in the ads here on BT.
Thanks, NDD — we’ll try that. The only upside in all of this is we don’t have a whole lot of food in the fridge ’cause we went to visit the souse’s parents last weekend and didn’t do the weekly shopping trip.
Still waiting for the ice (and the spouse) to arrive….
Electicity off, water everywhere. Check.
we went to visit the souse’s parents last weekend
I am hoping for both you and your “souse’s” sake that this is not a freudian slip and simply a typing error? (lol JK)
fruedian slip (see my comment at the top of the thread) — I would like at this point, to steep his ass in pork trimmings, perhaps I’ll just use all the food that has gone bad.
grrrr. I am NOT a happy camper.
Cook it partway and serve it up on a platter…”what spoiled food, honey?”
</evil thoughts>
making a cameo on Desperate Housewives? or are you one of the writers? :/
Hmm…maybe it IS time for a career change!
I don’t know if this will help but Pacific Gas and Electric, PG&E in California has a program that replaces older refrigerators if you are below a certain income bracket. They do it for energy conservation.
The target sector for the program is the moderate income households who are ineligible for the Low Income Energy Efficiency Programs. The maximum combined annual income allowed is $53,600.
There’s also the EP Program, Energy Partners who do great work for lower income families in California.
I learned about these statewide programs by calling the Smarter Energy Line that is an extension of PG&E. I’m not sure who your energy provider is but they must have similiar programs. Another place to check is with you Public Utilities Commission.
This is probably information you already have but if not I hope this helps.
I didn’t know it — it’ll be interesting to see if Texas has any such thing, somehow, I am betting not, especially not with an income cutoff of 53,600, but I will check it out on Monday — yeesh, 53.6K, if we were anywhere near there we’d be ok.
I appreciate everyone giving me ideas for how to solve this problem! I am just deflated of late, can’t get up the motivation to much of anything and hating myself for it. All I want to do is sleep but I can’t ’cause then I feel guilty….blah, blah, blah.
Things will change, we’ll be ok, enjoy what you have, we are all dying a little every day….the daily mantra. (hmmm, maybe I need to leave off that last part! lol)
Is the compressor coming on or just sitting there humming from time to time? My sweet hubby fixed our old one by unplugging, very carefully removing the starter that’s fastened to the compressor and cleaning the contacts with an emery board. You have to be super gentle when removing the starter gizzy because there’s a glass seal that can be broken and then it’s all over. Here’s a site that may help to diagnose the problem.
that you’re simply the BEST!?
Thank you Denim Blue — I will go check out that site, as I will most likely have to fix it myself!
Be sure to check the main page on refrigerators – it tells how to test various parts. My first move – if you haven’t tried it already – would be to unplug it for a couple hours and see if it’s a case of the compressor being too hot.
I don’t think I’ve told you all week:
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I missss youuuuuuuu!!!!
Cruz was in Chicago… I did not know that 🙂 I about pulled out my hair with worry 🙂
I haven’t been around so much this, work, life…
I miss you too! How’s the packing going?
ackkkk.. I have to buy boxes. Either from or budget or if anyone else knows a better deal(?)
Best boxes I ever found were at Shurgard Storage if you have one in your neck of the woods. Another possibility would be to get one of the Shurgard or PODS system containers; you pack everything in there and they’ll store it till you need it, then ship it up to your new place. If you and the family haven’t settled on a new residence yet, that might be the way to go, or at least worth thinking about.
If I can drag the spouse over to our space at Shurgard this weekend, I might have some HUGE plastic storage bins I can send up to you, free of charge; I’d bought them to store stuff that was in our big space that we had after our eviction (long story there), but after I went through the stuff, I decided 90% of the junk wasn’t worth keeping. Best part of them is you can use them up there for clothing rotation — packing away the cold-weather stuff in summer and warm-weather stuff in winter. (If you don’t take them, I’ll probably just have to send them to charity, and I’d rather pass them on to a friend!)
Packing is definitely a bitch… 🙁
Keep track of all your moving expenses — they may still be tax deductible (I Am Not An Accountant, but I did take tax accounting many many moons ago…).
Cali – I’m going to be in San Jose on Saturday 11/12 taking the grandkids to the Winchester Mystery House.
Maybe we can save some shipping costs and get to meet at the same time! Then I can drive them up with me to DJ’s house…
I’ll email you over the weekend after I check the box situation. We have a hockey game that evening (Dallas v. San Jose), but we could tentatively rendezvous at the Century Theatres parking lot right next door to Winchester House.
Just talked to spouse on his arrival home; we can swing by Shurgard after we get our flu shots tomorrow; will try to email you tomorrow evening, Internets willing. 🙂
but I’m thinking about Bailey’s & Coffee:30 in the not too distant future…(need to add tonic water to shopping list for Gin & Tonic:30…)
Hmmm, that sounds pretty good too.
How about that warm reception Bush is getting in Argentina today?
Chicken is in the oven and the kids are sacked out in front of the idiot box (PBS only!)and I’m thinking of opening a nice cold Labatt 50 to toast the end of another crappy week – wheeeeeeeee
last time I was North of the Border they said it was no longer available. Would you recomment the Labatt 50 as a replacement?
I haven’t heard of Uncle Ben’s – was it a local brew? I quite like Labatt 50…it’s an old man beer and you’ll get a look at the beer store. Just ask them to dust off a case and bring it to you.
You may have to go to Manitoba though as my friend in Saskatoon says you can’t get 50 there anymore…damn shame. My parents bring it down for me when they come. I’m happier to see the 50 than to see them. (I’m half joking….)
Manitoba had Uncle Ben’s… ooops some three decades ago… so that could explain why you ain’t heard nuttin’ about it, especially if’n you’re a somewhat younger whipper snapper.
Winnipeg is straight north of me about 4 hours, so # 50 lookout!!!
Whew! Gawd could I use a stiff one. (drink that is)
Hey… how come we don’t have those fuzzy footstools that looked like toadstools? Remember those from the late 70s??
You mean this stool; the rug over the electric cable spool?
For now I’ll leave you with a party basket to get things ready!
Well, Honey, I’ll put the tequila in the freezer. Being in So TX, I’ll supply the limes, fresh, please – no so-called “Margarita Mix” for this girl. I will take a tiny bit of sugar, but prefer Cointreau for a sweetener. Just fried up some home-made corn tortillas into chips, and the avocados are on the counter, ready to be cut up with lime juice, garlic, salt, onion, and jalapenos. Just tell me when to start shakin’ the ‘ritas!
That sounds so yummy dksbook!
If I could handle the politics I’d love Texas cooking!
One of the happiest years of my life food was Southern California…Margaritas and real nachos and homemade salsas and…oh yeah and I was happily newly divorced that year!
1554 Ale by New Belgium brewing company in the fridge…and it’s calling my name. What’s that you say, 1554? It’s not even 4:20 yet? Arrgggh.
It’s noon somewhere….
(I know, it’s supposed to be ‘it’s five o’clock somewhere’ but I’m Canadian and we start early)
When I am at my Dad’s cottage my brother-in-law and I open up “Dave and Stephen’s Pub” at 11:15 am promptly each day…
That is when we start getting lunch ready around there and, of course, keep in mind that when we are there we are on vacation…
MMmmm…I love Beligan ales…only one?
I apparently drink one six-pack a month. Don’t tell my old high school buddies.
Okay, but don’t you tell anyone that the reason I’m allowed to buy Chimay by the case is because I make it last all year. ssshhh!
I’m gonna go drink a few good beers on the beach with some friends.
You live in CA or FL? I’m landlocked in CO.
MA, not tropical here!
hey, don’t ya know life’s a beach everywhere these days!!
from the last farmers markets of summer, with a cinnamon stick and some cloves and a big shot of rum. That’s what I’m thinking. Until I get me some rum, I’ll settle for the usual cheap red wine.
I going home and having a nice cold home brew. My Husband makes the best beer. I’m going to try and forget this horrible week.
How have you been? Good to see you around here again!
I’m doing ok. It’s been a rough few months. My Bosses are spliting up thier partnership and I’m going with one of them and the other is retiring. It’s very tense around here. My 16 yr old daughter is due in Feb. and I’m not happy about that. I’ve just been hanging at home with my hubby and my adorable little basset hound
If you are new to the Booman Tribune and you don’t post an intro here… Well eventually we start making things up about you! (lol jk)
And sometimes we make things up about you anyway! 😀
BTW, the Jazz Jam is finally up – sorry for the delay. Got home late, then had HTML dyslexia while spellchecking…
Hey, I saw that.
I figure whatever you all make up about me would have to be far more exciting that my life really is. Give some obscure, menacing ties to Suncruz or something….not too menacing though.
Can I run a tab here?
Hmmm…first one’s on the house, if you make up somethng about yourself and tell us…
I’ll get the second round and say I’m pretty much an open book when it comes to my life. I’m not good at deception or manipulation and I think that’s what got me going in getting all fired up against the BushCo spin.
From what I’ve seen here, you all have a great community with some damn good people and honest communication regardless of occasional differences. Thanks for letting me stumble in. Respect for humanity and a sense of basic human dignity was something I saw here that I highly value.
I might be a little quiet until I figure out the subtle standards and if I happen to blurt out something completely unexpected, please don’t take it too seriously. I’m passionate for my ideals, ones that are common here, but I don’t take life more seriously than I have to. My sense of humor might not translate well at times so an insult from me would be rare or nonexistent.
It’s good to meet everyone.
We’re delighted to have you!
Feel free to embellish my life with rumor or innuendo to spark it up if necessary.
It’s good to meet you and this is the place for the unexpected. We love that.
Coming down!
Me too. I’ll get the mop and clean that up. I’ll work on the timing issue between the holler and the slide if the mug.
Just for paying attention (HOw can you miss the front page invitation, eh?) you get a free 4 AND we decided that all of those rumours about your uncle’s-siter’s-kid on your mother’s side of the family certainly couldn’t be true! (Or was that your Aunt’s-Brothers-kid on your Dad’s side? Something like that?)
As for the Tab? Well, you can run it up as high as you want since the FBC keeps everything you ever get in the back of your own fridge. (How convenient!)
Here’s another tidbit. I’m old enough to remember the real Tab that awful, poisonous beverage and it was in a bottle that required a machine to open it.
Damn, that even sounds old.
Fresca was pretty good though.
I’ll need some pointers on the voting procedures. If go without voting it’s not a subtle statement. I just haven’t figured the damn thing out yet. I start to look for tips and then get distracted reading something else interesting instead.
Hey? Wait a second? That would make many of us here at BooTrib old if you use remembering Tab as a standard!!!
Oh well… So be it.
Riots? Where? They aint seen nuthin’ yet, especially with the FBC on the Frontpage of the Frog Pond.
Can I just admit that I thought something was wrong with my computer at first when I saw the FBC on the front page…”How did that get there?” 🙂
After that “Frivolous Friday Open Thread” madness nothing will surprise me today…
Maybe Boo did it to annoy Armando?
(See FF-OT if you didn’t get the joke).
and delighted to find this lovely cafe! I’m recovering from being sick, but thinking perhaps a nice little glass of something would be a good change of pace from the Nyquil. Couldn’t hurt, could it?
Welcome back! How about a nice hot spiced cider with a little rum in it?

That sounds awesome! I may even have the fixings for that in the house!
Well, that’s just fucking great. The spouse just called, claimed he got neither my voice mail or email about the ‘fridge situation, and has been over at friends’ since he got off of work, somewhere around 4 o’clock, doing what the fuck ever. He calls me to ask if I will gt the kids, apparently because he’s doing some important drinking or whatever, and even after I say, well, ok, but we’ve got food going bad here, doesn’t seem to give a flying fuck.
I would have gone out and gotten the ice myself, excpet you see, I had to have my debit card cut off becuase someone was changing their cell phone bills to it — we JUST got the $$ refunded into our account three days ago, so I haven’t gone over to the bank to get a new one. In short, I have no access to the little amount of money that we DO have.
Jesus, now I’m not tired, I’m fucking pissed off. And since I’m being a total drag on the mood around here, I’ll just fucking stop. I need to go out and get the kids here in about 20 minutes, and need to be in a good mood by then.
Thanks for listening and sorry for venting all over the party!
Thats what these cafes are for. Don’t every apologize for dealing with daily matters.
I was called a “drag” because my son almost died last December. I was no longer the life of the “chat party” as I watched my son waste away after 3 months of sheer hell due to dental matters gone awry. Wesley could have DIED and my “friends” said they needed to “cancel the subscription to my issues” 🙁
I left that chat and never went back.
Bri, you VENT. You vent as much and as often as you need to!!!!
I’m sorry about your fridge. Been there, darling. Lost a fridge and then the next week the oven then the dishwasher about ten days later. Then a few months later the washer and dryer died. ACK LOL
Thanks, Janet, it’s not so much the fridge as it is my husband complete and utter refusal to be involved in any meaningful way with “shit he doesn’t feel like dealing with after a hard day at work” — lately, this is his excuse for piing EVERYthing on me:
I work all day ev ery day and you don’t do shit.
I have been drivien crazy by this for months. Never mind that I get the kids up and off every morning, never mind that I ALONE put the entire bankruptcy application together, he only came to meet with the lawyer one time, because he had to. Never mind that I pay all the bills and get snapped at every time that I dare to mention that we HAVE TO stick to a fucking budged. Never mind that I would love more than anything to be working but have been told that at this point any income-earning activities on my part could endanger all or a part of the bankruptcy discharge.
I am losing my fucking mind and this marraige, while never the best of the best in the first place, just fucking sucks at this point. Just sucks. I know what it is like to be alone and I would MUCH rather be feeling alone when actually ALONE, then when having to deal daily with someone else’s bullshit.
Whew. There was a lot under there, huh? I gues it’s a good thing I have to go get the kids….
Love you, lady, thanks!
oh wow!
Sounds like the Mister needs a pinecone enema.
I do know that when I’m stressed out – it’s not the time for me to make decisions… sounds like you need to set some time aside with a good friend and write out the pros and cons to this marriage. EEK.
Just remember that there are alot of us in this place we call Booman that care and can offer you either a shoulder or some advice or both.
Just for this weekend… don’t make any decisions. Just try to keep from imploding… and keep your food cool 🙂 xoxox take care!
Yeah, you’re right about the decisions thing — this has just been going on for a LOOOOONG time and, to top it all off, all the the friends I have here locally have been sort of taken over by him, I lived here before he did and as far as I can tell, he, in 5 years, has made no friends outside of the ones I introduced him to….For example, the friend’s house he is over at tonight. There was a time when she would be the first person I would call — I suppose though, that she and her husband have more in common with my husband than I do at this point and, as he is THERE right now, that would be an awkward place to put her in!
Anyway, I feel wierd talking about this here….but it good to know that you’re out there and will listen — you don’t know how much I appreciate it.
Bri, if I were in your position, I think I’d find my thoughts going something like:
Empty, useless refrigerator. Infuriating husband, snoring on the couch. Refrigerator. Husband.
Is anybody else thinking what I’m thinking, or did I just watch too many episodes of “Alfred Hitchcock Presents”?
(Not at all trying to make light of your situation. Sometimes a macabre chuckle is the best therapy. I’m really dismayed. You hang in there.)
Maybe it’s because I was named for Hitchcock’s blondie in the shower.. but yeah… I like the way you think!!
I have some freezer bags and some bungee cord.
Laughter is the best medicine and has no side effects and the damn FDA hasn’t found a way to profit from it or make it illegal yet.
That was awesome, no3!! That chuckle was just what I needed!! (and, yes, there was snortage!)
Fortunately for him, he is not in the house right now, or that ‘fridge/husband/’fridge/husband thing might take on a life of its own and I LOVE Aflie, simply adore the man and his works!! Did you see Jon Stewart use clips from The Birds in his bird flu bit last night? Simply brilliant it was!
Please don’t be dismayed (but I appreciate you saying so!), one thing I know is whatever happens, I am a survivor, always have been always will be, and I’ve got these two little kiddos to think of, that’s what’s mostly tearing me apart at this point — what is best for them?
Really glad to hear about the chuckle. It seemed like you could use it!
I didn’t see the bit you’re talking about because we don’t have cable. As often before, I’m hearing about a great TDS bit and going, “Dang, there’s another one I missed. I’ve got to get hooked up.” The very idea of juxtaposing The Birds with the bird flu furor … I’m sure it was hilarious.
Anybody who reads here knows you’re a survivor. That’s part of what bugs me. Why do survivors have to survive (in the sense of endure) so frigging much?
Your kids are in good hands.
oh and they were tired of my poo poo politics and my drive to stop the health scare madness.
You make my troublesome spouse sound like this side of heaven…when he doesn’t make it home, it’s usually because he fell asleep in the car or other places (one time he found a quiet corner at Borders, and it was ZZZZZ City!).
Oh, and if push comes to shove, we could all probably come up with several good alibis… 😉
And if you need a lawyer, I’m here for you!
A lawyer AND an artist, wow, how lucky is YOUR family?!?
You do divorices? My parents were divorced when I was 7, so I know nothing about them outisde of that….are they costly? Definately have to wait until after 11/8 and see if the most stupidly written constitutional ammedment ever passes, if it does, I will simply submit that I am, by means of being a citizen of Texas, included in the “state of Texas” and if I recognized or sanctioned my marriage, I would be breaking the law….or something like that!
How’s that first grader of your doing?
brin, sorry to hear about your husband and the fridge. Take some time and think about things and then see how you feel. I’m sure that things will get better.
Yep, I’m one of those damned lawyers. Right now I’m woking in family court with child support issues.
My son is doing well. He’s on his way to becoming a real liberal. Today he said that if he had some wishes he would use one to help the people in NOLA.
Your son sounds like a great kid…good job!
No lawyer who works in family court is a damned ANYthing! I wish I had known you back when I was pregnant with my elder son (my first grader!) and was trying to see if I could get help to determine who his father was for sure….I threw up my hands at that one, what a fucking waste of my time and dignity THAT was!
I’ll be ok. I need to just, well, I don’t know, right now, I just need to fix the fridge! 😉
Anyway, I wish our sons lived near enough each other to play together — he sounds like a great kid!
The bitch of it is, I LIKE the guy, you know? I don’t wish him any harm, we just infuriate each other all the time now. He is a nice guy, he’s a good dad (most of the time, his temper worries me at times, well, not his temper exactly, but his inability to control himself when he’s angry and I am hypersensitive to this given my past experience with abuse, but the boys love him to death), laid back and used to bring out good things in me as well.
But, lately, I don’t know, it’s like all the trust is gone, we aren’t even being good friends to each other, let alone good spouses, we have massive trouble communicating even about the simplest simple things and he is ALWAYS on the defensive. Shit, this last year, I have been feeling less than worthless, and I’m not doing the best that I can do either, but this just isn’t working for me anymore.
I want to go get us some outisde help, but he refuses. He says if we can’t fix our own marriage than it isn’t worth fixing — I don’t know what he is so afriad of. My comeback to that is, well, if we are capable of fixing it, then why is it that you think we have chosen not to do so for the last 3 years? How fucked up is that? He will say, well, I think we haven’t really tried. I say, well, I feel that I have tried and I’m at the end of my capabilities to make anything better between us. It’s like banging my head against a fucking wall.
Just wanted to say that you are not alone in this… I swear! What you just described sounds like what is starting to happen with the Hubby and I…. If I find out something I will let you know!
/crosses fingers
do you have Tattoo You??
If you do, put on side B, or start at the track called ‘Worried About You’ and play it through to the end.
On another note: does anyone remember the SNL skit when Dan Ackroyd played Jimmy Carter taking calls from the public?
Some kid calls up because he is wigging out on acid, and Jimmy tells the kid to drink a beer and put on the Allman Brothers. Then he tells the kid that he will be fine if he just remembers is one with the whole ecosystem and universe.
Great fucking advice.
Tatoo You is about the only Stones I don’t have, but I went and found the lyrics and read them…
Are you saying he’s worried about me and that’s why he’s acting like an ass? Or something else?
Hey, that’s what I need — some halluciningens, maybe I can go out to Bastrop and find some cow shit….
No, I wasn’t implying anything about the lyrics of that song as it relates to you. I just think that side B of Tattoo You is one the best things to listen to when you are feeling down about your relationships in life. It always makes me feel better.
Of course, if it is really bad I recommend Derek and the Dominoes.
Any other recomendations?
And thanks for caring. Been thinking about you and WW today — hope your doing ok!
thanks Bri, and you’re welcome.
Right now I am listening to the absolute sickest Stella Blue from 1973, and the guitar is so beautiful that I can’t believe it.
Which show?
Oops, it is a 1974 show.
09-10-74 Alexandra Palace, London, England (Tue)
Oh, wow!! Another Grateful Dead fan – now I really feel at home <g>.. I like all the albums, but Europe 72 is probably my favorite, back when Pigpen was growling the blues. Do you have the double Jerry Garcia album, Boo? The 2nd CD has some of the most incredible guitar I’ve ever heard. (It’s too bad we had to lose Jerry when he was still young, but 10 years ago people were just learning the dangers of sleep apnea which probably had something to do with his death. If anyone out there has a significant other who quits breathing during the night, run – don’t walk – to your doctor and ask for a sleep test. My hubby was diagnosed about 5 years ago and my daughter got her CPAP last month.)
my friend.
Sleep apnea took my good friend Bobby Sheehan, the former bass player for Blues Traveler. Well, that and a fifth of whiskey and some other odds and ends.
Jerry probably died out of a combination of diabetes, obesity, and a irascible heroin addiction.
If I remember the news stories at the time, a nurse at the clinic mentioned that he was snoring heavily and that the snoring would stop from time to time which can be a sign of apnea episodes. I grew calluses on my elbows from nudging my hubby when he quit breathing during the night. Back then the standard test was something like “Do you fall asleep while driving?” He didn’t because he was going through two pots of high octane coffee (I swear it would melt a spoon if he had to stir it, but he takes it black). The other problems didn’t help, but neither would apnea. I’m just thankful that some of the things my daughter & son-in-law mentioned about her sleep problems this summer let me suggest that she check into the possibility of apnea and she’s now being treated.
Yes, take care of those breathing issues…very important. Meanwhile…
I’m up to this:
Comes a time
when the blind man takes your hand
says: don’t you see?
got to make it somehow
on the dreams you still believe
Don’t give it up
you’ve got an empty cup
only love can fill
only love can fill
Been walking all morning
Went walking all night
I can’t see much difference between the dark and the light
And I feel the wind
And I taste the rain
Never in my mind
to cause so much pain
Comes a time
when the blind man
takes your hand
says: don’t you see?
got to make it somehow
on the dreams you still believe
Don’t give it up
you’ve got an empty cup
only love can fill
only love can fill
From day to day
just letting it ride
you get so far away
from how it feels inside
You can’t let go
cause you’re afraid to fall
till the day may come
when you can’t feel at all
Comes a time
when the blind man
takes your hand
says: don’t you see?
got to make it somehow
on the things you still believe
Don’t give it up
you’ve got an empty cup
only love can fill
only love can fill
That was my pick from that second set. A personal favorite.
I think it must be very common considering how little we hear about it in the major media. I know 4 or 5 people with it.
I snored for a while and made mr katiebird tape me so I could make sure I was breathing. I was lucky and was.
My mother in law has it…has to use a machine at night to force her to breathe. I am starting to suspect that the Hubby has it as well. Just can’t convince the man to see a DOc about it…
So I guess he is having a good time — hope he doesn’t drive drunk. [shrug]
I’m not mad anymore, now I’m just sad…they boys are safe and healthy, and right now, in this moment. That is all that matters….
He says, so, how much ice do you think we need? I brought one bag of ice.
I said, just look in the firdge for whatever you think is savable, it is probably too late for most of it. Then he called me “slothful” — yeehah another Friday night.
I’m late and you’re probably gone, but here’s a hug {{Brinnainne}}
thanks for the hug!!
Cool! Glad to see you — I was just stopping in, but with this great conversation, I can’t tear myself away.
You missed oh four twenty as well 🙂
You’ve haven’t missed vodka:30…we were waiting for you!
Heck, any drink that comes with a foreward by Scott Ritter is… oh, wait a minute…
Welcome to the lounge, Levity!
(and inquiring minds want to know: Which color of absinthe?)
I confess I really just downed a Squirt, so my Absinthe is whatever color that is in the ad.
I was just trying to introduce a little lighthearted sexiness on the ‘I object to the Absinthe boobs’ thread, when I probably should have been here partying with y’all.
Man, ever since the pie fight it’s like that movie PCU – “Is he implying that you, a womenist, participated in a phallus naming?!” Lighten up already.
CabinGirl, I like you already.
The (sort of) funny part is that wry is a guy!
Advertising. Pfft…even my kids have noticed that every ad seems to be about sex anymore.
Late, late, late to the party. No alcohol today, I’ll have coffee, black with a little sugar, please. What an exciting life I have!
Not so late, there will be a last call on that coffee.
are you drinkin’ tonight, Booman?
and this is just for you Cabin Girl
Lightly sung, her song is the latch on the morning’s door
See the sun sparkle in the reeds; silver beads pass into the sea
She comes from a town where they call her the woodcutter’s daughter
She’s brown as the bank where she kneels down to gather her water
And she bears it away with a love that the river has taught her
Let it flow, greatly flow, wide and clear
Round and round, the cut of the plow in the furrowed field
Seasons round, the bushels of corn and the barley meal
Broken ground, open and beckoning to the spring; black dirt live again
The plowman is broad as the back of the land he is sowing
As he dances the circular track of the plow ever knowing
That the work of his day measures more than the planting and growing
Let it grow, let it grow, greatly yield
What shall we say, shall we call it by a name
As well to count the angels dancing on a pin
Water bright as the sky from which it came
And the name is on the earth that takes it in
We will not speak but stand inside the rain
And listen to the thunder shout
I am, I am, I am, I am
So it goes, we make what we made since the world began
Nothing more, the love of the women, work of men
Seasons round, creatures great and small, up and down, as we rise and fall
Old Times…
That brings back many a happy memory…
Now I’m listening to set two of this:
09-28-76 Onondaga County War Memorial, Syracuse, N.Y. (Tue)
That second set sounds fun.
Did it turn out okay in the end? 😉
(sorry for the bad puns…)
Fortunately there were no problems found. Yahoo! I’ll party tomorrow when I’m less drowsy. Upon leaving, they advised that I should not make any important decisions or operate heavy machinery. Too bad, I was hoping to get in some time on my earth mover today. 😉
(((Boran2))) you can get back to the big rigs soon 🙂
What totally disables me is the eye dilation. Those drops they put in your eyes. I turn into one of the undead or something. “ACKKK my eyes, the sun.” and I’ll be useless for a few hours due to it.
I know what you mean. That’s another test I’ll need to look into shortly.
Hi everyone, missed all of the FBC’s today, what has been going onnnnnnn!!!!!!! Love to see the old cafe on the f/p but I did have a hard time finding it. lol
I went shopping at Costco today and stocked up on a lot of food and plenty of dried raspberries, my latest food addiction…Feels good to have a supply of food.
This from a woman who normally has just a bit of this and that.
Hi Diane! I’ve been thinking about you and your upcoming move today. How are things going with that? How close is the new site to your kids? (I think I might have missed this earlier this week)
Hi Cabin and thanks for asking!!
I have written all about it on VB.(running saga)..but it is right across the street from where I am now and address will be 911….First it was to be a mobile home, then travel trailer, then mobile home again, now iffy…it has to be max 12 x 36 but less width would be preferable for more outside space surrounding and for all my plants. Actually I am thinking I might like it much better than where I am now, my space is really small so 12 x 36 will be bigger. I wanted 60′ feet, ha ha…no such luck, they need all the space they can get for business equipment. And if I get a half way decent kitchen and bath….my kitchen here is tiny with almost no cupboard space.
I get lost navigating the thread here so I thought I’d put a post near the end and leave an offer to answer any questions anyone might have.
…or, feel free to make shit up about me and swear it’s true. It’s all good.
My comments are all collapsed and I’ve lost track — have you been served? I’ll pick up the TAB on the next drink!
I keep getting lost too. I walked into the other lounges three times trying to find my way back to this post. My sense of direction is unrivaled….;)
goes to this lounge any more, it’s too crowded.
Cabin Girl, do you want to open the banquet room and bring out the champagne?
I was just hinking that might be a good idea…give me a minute to find the glasses…
are always hinking 🙂
hinking??? Boy I have never seen(read) you in the cafe so much…nice to have you here Mr. Booman…
okay, so my spelling goes out the window with a few martinis…
so it is not a cohinkydink?
Ahem, BoxerM, I mean, BooMan… 🙂
How come nobody told me before that it’s pk to hink here? Now, that’s some Friday night excitement, that hinking.
…it’s because I’m new, isn’t it? I understand. Hide the goodies from the newbie.
This places is getting crowded…come on over to the new lounge!
Hey all! Don’t really know if most of the regulars remember me…posted alot after the “second crossing”, and then dropped off for a bit. RL has been quite hectic look for a diary soon. 😉
tonight’s drink is:
Cruzan rum and ginger ale on ice…real smooth on the tummy 😉
haven’t read the thread yet…just thought I would drop in the cafe and see if my comfy chair is still around…
Of course your chair is waiting for you! Great to have you back, lookin’ forward to that diary 🙂
Wassup Manny!
Yeah…that diary will more than likely be a long one! Lot’s of stuff to bring everyone up on.
thanks for saving my chair! 😉