An answer to an offer made by Meteor Blades in a comment on my recent post They are ALL going down where he said:

OK. I’ll bet on it …$25 says we get only 1-3 indictments, total. And that they “all” don’t go down. C’mon. You’re one-third of the way there already with Libby’s indictment in the can.

And I answered:

Re: OK. I’ll bet on it …

Not talking about indictments.

 Talking about resignations.

 Talking about a completely collapsed administration and Ratpub Party.

 HOWEVER it happens.

 Talking about leaving Iraq, no matter what face is put upon it.

 Talking about 2006 Democratic wins. Lots of them.

Read on.

Cheney IS going down.

 One way or another…Cheney is GOING down.

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 Just like Watergate…PUBLICITY is the necessary engine that will drive this thing.

 Not rule of law…that is just an empty vehicle without popular approval. And “popular approval” has turned. The system that Rove put into place over the last 12 years or so…the dirty tricks/media control system…has finally broken down.

 And Cheney is going down.

 The queen of this nasty set of red chess pieces.

 Senator Reid said after the Senate throwdown on Tuesday  “Nothing happens regarding intelligence gathering … unless it’s signed off on by the Vice President,” he said. “[Senate Intelligence chairman Pat] Roberts couldn’t do it”–i.e., Roberts couldn’t conduct a full investigation without Cheney’s approval. When I asked Reid whether he meant to state so flatly that Cheney was personally and directly stalling the Intelligence Committee’s work, he didn’t pause a beat. In fact he almost stood from his chair. “Yes. I say that without any qualification … Circle it.”

 I repeat.
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 Circle it.

 Cheney is surrounded.

 Draw up the wagons.

 There is not a GODDAMNED thing that they can do about it now.

 If someone blew up half of Chicago…if a REAL terrorist using REAL WMDs attacked the United States…by this time no one would believe it. Not ENOUGH people, anyway. That’s how far into Fuckupville these criminals have ventured.

 Chicken Little done cried wolf tickets once too often and now the sky is going to fall.

 One way or another…it’s going to fall right on Cheney’s head.

 Right where it belongs.

 Now he might escape prosecution…bad for business, don’tcha know…but one way or another he is through, through, THROUGH.

 And yes. I WILL bet on it.

 BET on it.

 Whatcha got, Meteor?

 I forget where you live, but I travel enough so’s I’m almost EVERYWHERE sometime, and I live in NYC which is pretty easy to find.

 I will bet you a good meal in a good restaurant that Cheney is out of office before the ’06 elections.

 Provided of course that there are any good restaurants left if he takes it to the wall and successfully starts pushing red buttons.

 Which I do not think that he can or WILL do.
