Subpoenas, indictments, indictments, subpoenas…step right up…you could be the next contestant in the Corruption is Wrong (and indictable) game.
Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) has received a subpoena for documents he has related to the Abramoff scandal.
Abramoff was recently indicted on wire and mail fraud charges in Florida stemming from his acquisition of a casino boat chain. He remains under investigation in Washington by a task force of federal agencies led by the Justice Department. The Senate Indian Affairs Committee and Senate Finance Committee have also been conducting separate inquiries into Abramoff.
Ney has been an Abramoff shill for quite some time:
* “In 2000, he inserted statements into the Congressional Record on two occasions that may have helped Abramoff in his dealings with Sun Cruz, the Florida casino boat chain. In one statement, he praised Abramoff’s then-partner Adam Kidan, who was indicted with Abramoff in Florida earlier this year.”
* “In August 2002, Ney accompanied Abramoff on a golfing trip to Scotland paid for by Abramoff’s Indian tribe clients.”
* “Ney has also been accused of trying to insert a provision into the 2002 Help America Vote Act that would have helped one of Abramoff’s Indian tribe clients, the Tigua tribe of El Paso, reopen its casino. The provision was never included in the bill, but Ney did receive over $30,000 in contributions from the Tiguas.”
* “After Ney approved a 2002 license for an Israeli telecommunications company to install antennas for the House, records show the company paid Abramoff $280,000 for lobbying. Records obtained by the Post show the firm donated $50,000 to a charity Abramoff used to hide payments for lobbying activities.”
He was duped!, Ney says. Duped!
Speaking of Abramoff’s tentacles, one of our favourite indictees (is that a word?), Tom DeLay, was further exposed as an underhanded ass in the NYT today:
Representative Tom DeLay asked the lobbyist Jack Abramoff to raise money for him through a private charity controlled by Mr. Abramoff, an unusual request that led the lobbyist to try to gather at least $150,000 from his Indian tribe clients and their gambling operations, according to newly disclosed e-mail from the lobbyist’s files.
read excerpts from the e-mails in the NYT article…
Winning contestants in the Corruption is Wrong (and indictable) game are given an all-expense paid trip to jail along with several special perks including: new t-shirts and runners (shoe laces not included), a pad of paper to scribble “this is all the Democrats’ fault” all over, a new (big) friend named “Bubba”, a job in the prison laundry where they can sweat off their excess scum, a Bible (so they can actually read what it really says), and eventual conjugal visits with their Stepford spouses.
Good times…good times…
Update [2005-11-4 22:23:20 by catnip]:: In case you missed the news, FOX News paid almost $14,000 to have Tom “my tastes are very expensive” DeLay fly to Sugarland, TX in October – the weekend Tommy appeared on FOX News Sunday after his indictment. It’s listed as “officially connected travel”, but we already knew that FOX was “officially connected” to the Republicans via their continual propaganda IV drip.
(via the folks at PoliticalMoneyLine)
Good to know that DeLay will have someone sending him canteen money in prison. We can all sleep well now.
Oh my, the trail of slime-nificence will be inescapable for them. It reminds me of the horror movie ‘The Blob’. Once it has escaped the confines of the laboratory it grows as it consumes all in it’s unforgiving, revealing path.
agreed,…good times, good times
No offense to all of the decent guys named Bubba out there. I wouldn’t want to be seen as promoting Bubbaism.
Can we throw in Faux News here? According to reports they paid Delay $14,000 in travel expenses to appear on Faux News Sunday after his indictment. I didn’t know plane tickets were so bloody expensive.
We sure can. I’ll post an update.
I might’ve missed it but is Mike Brown and his narcissistic fashion obsession in there anywhere? I couldn’t believe those emails at the height of Katrina’s stranding people.
Nitpicking: Ney is the Rep for the 18th District of Ohio. And, beloved of the John Birch Society, Family Research Council, and the Christian Coalition (musta’ missed the Sunday School lesson about Thou Shalt Not Steal?)
Have you seen any of the emails uncovered in the Abramoff investigation? Those guys were heartless, insulting and mean in their references…and that was how they talked about the Christian base.
There’ll be hell to pay for those when they circulate.
Yes! and you’re right. This seems just simply the Politics of Greed. “Screw Both Sides and Make Money in the Middle.”…and then they got around to calling the Native Americans “troglodytes.”
Abramoff, Scanlon, Norquist, DeLay, Rove ….all o them and countless more insulted all of us. Besides the derogatory names for those they were extorting they passed off the ‘pay to play’ sold access as politics as usual. I saw in places where someone got pissed that Grover (shrink and drown) took a higher percentage cut off the top for his services, as time went on. This is like 10-20 grand out of a $50-$75,000.00 fee to have access to the White House. It wasn’t that the Democrats haven’t had a plan. They haven’t had the money required to buy into it.
It’s like the folks trying to defend DeLay’s actions. It seems pretty simple, what he did. If the corporations could give money to the Texas candidates, they would have. They couldn’t, so DeLay found another way to get the money to them. That’s called laundering.
DeLay – Yes money laundering in Texas but also nationally on a huge scale.
In May I followed 5 large amounts of money from DeLay to Abramoff or vice versa to Bermuda back to Political PAC’s. Looks like, smells like, talks like…..
Someone more proficient then I could probably lay it out. Mine was just a crude follow with arrows as I am no financial wizard.
Wonder when the Federal government will finally make this public, if at all. After all Gonzales A/G office is another Repug stronghold.
It’s rubbing off and makes me feel slimey and I haven’t done anything corrupt.
I can barely breathe anymore…
Original post :: Summary of 5 Diaries
Rhode – Wurmser – Larry Franklin – AIPAC – Abramoff – DeLay
Wed Oct 26th, 2005 at 10:15:19 PM PST
Extra information I have diaried recently, I’m convinced Patrick Fitzgerald will combine these investigations.
Wed Oct 26th, 2005 at 05:02:53 AM PST
Cheney aide David Wurmser passed Plame’s name to Libby, Hadley, those close to leak investigation say
(RAW STORY) Oct. 24 — With the possibility of indictments just days away, sources close to the investigation into who outed covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson provided a more detailed account into how and why Plame’s name was leaked and what role the Pentagon and the vice president’s office played.
Those close to the investigation say that Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has been told that David Wurmser, then a Middle East adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney on loan from the office of then-Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs John Bolton, met with Cheney and his chief of staff I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby in June 2003 and told Libby that Plame set up the Wilson trip. He asserted that it was a boondoggle, the sources said.
Organizing for Combat :: WHIG link to Blair-Campbell ◊ pdf file
Fri Oct 21st, 2005 at 02:30:40 AM PST
Robert Ney and Tom Feeney To Follow??
Extended coverage is justified, as is seen so far :: The DeLay Cartel – Abramoff – Norquist – Ney, amazing how broad the indictments went last month!
More to come, perhaps Robert Ney (R-OH) and Tom Feeney (R-FL). WOW – I didn’t realize the sleaze went so deep it touched SunCruz Casino and a murder wrap.
So our nominees for “The Abramoff 6” are Tom DeLay (TX), Bob Ney (OH-18) Conrad Burns (R-MT), Dave Vitter (R-LA), Tom Feeney (FL-24), and Dan Rohrabacher (CA-46)
Mon Oct 17th, 2005 at 11:16:07 AM PST
Al-Qaeda and Mohammed Atta in Europe —
Tue Aug 9th, 2005 at 07:51:48 AM PST
Sat Aug 20th, 2005 at 12:08:41 PM PST
Thu Oct 13th, 2005 at 03:35:20 AM PST
Thu Oct 6th, 2005 at 11:51:16 AM PST
Pentagon analyst is guilty of spying for Israel
ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A top Pentagon analyst pleaded guilty Wednesday to giving classified information to an Israeli diplomat and members of a pro-Israel lobbying group, saying he did it because he was frustrated with U.S. government policy on Iraq.
Lawrence Franklin, 58, a policy analyst whose expertise included Iran and Iraq, pleaded guilty to three felony counts as part of a plea bargain. In exchange, federal prosecutors dropped three other felony charges.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”