With all the protests and dislike for Bush there and here, I wonder if he’ll make it out alive.

Or maybe Bush is scoping the area for this:

The Pentagon has begun contingency planning for potential military conflict with Venezuela as part of a broad post-Iraq evaluation of strategic threats to the United States.

The planning has been precipitated by general and specific directives issued by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and his civilian policy assistants.

Internal documents associated with the 2005 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) and preparation of the fiscal year 2008-2013 future defense plan identify five specific “threat” countries in three groups requiring “full-spectrum” planning.

The first group includes North Korea and Iran, both justified for their involvement in the development of weapons of mass destruction. China is listed as a “growing peer competitor” and threat of tomorrow. Syria and Venezuela are listed as “rogue nations.”


Bush is like a wild ping pong ball. I’m not quite sure where he’s headed.