The rightwingers have turned up their fog horns, blasting the massive demonstrations yesterday in Argentina during Bush’s visit to the fourth Summit of the Americas. The leftie blog reports are few. Those that did post — such as Left of the Dial, ThinkProgress, The Agonist, and one of’s own Cruz Del Sur, reporting in from Argentina — remind us that there is another America, unlike the United States, that is vibrant with participatory politics and increasingly progressive.
The “big boy” liberal blogs would never be caught publicizing popular demonstrations (‘cept, rather naively, the orange Ukraine demos).
Hell, the big boy blogs don’t even much acknowledge that there is another America. And certainly not especially where — and we know that only the aging hippies love this crap — the protestors wave banners with Che’s posterized handsome face. (Even I’ll admit that if Che had been a homely dude, his visage would not have lived on.)
John Hinderacker is on the story at Powerline, a major ‘winger blog, with “The Usual Suspects, This Time in Argentina.” Some of Hinderacker’s points are pretty funny:
The protesters are, in effect, pro-poverty. Here they are: [PHOTO of demonstrator kicking in store window.] … A rational person, of course, would wonder what “stopping Bush” has to do with kicking in a plate glass window. […]
These people presumably would be embarrassed to carry around a picture of Ted Bundy, but for some reason they think Guevara is OK. […]
UPDATE: The New York Times isn’t fooled–it’s all about Karl Rove! This is one of the dumbest news stories I’ve read in a long time. The Times adopts the point of view of the “populist” Hugo Chavez. Pathetic.
Then there’s Astute Blogger‘s “MAR DEL PLATA RIOTERS LOVE TYRNANNICAL (sic) TROIKA”: “[T]hose who oppose trade and foreign investment [love two] murderous tyrannical Leftists – and one aspiring one [Hugo Chavez]! Castro and Che bequeathed nothing but suffering: When Castro took over Cuba it was the richest nation in the Caribbean – now it is the second poorest – only Haiti is worse.”
One of the truly outstanding posts from the left, ThinkProgress‘s “Summit of the Americas: Then and Now,” compares Bush’s reception at the 2005 Summit with that of President Bill Clinton at the 1998 Summit of the Americas in Chile:
At one point, Clinton walked in hazy sunshine down Gran Avenida, a busy commercial street lined with thousands of people, including schoolchildren in blue and white uniforms, many of them chanting “Clinton, Clinton.” A few bystanders chanted “Kennedy,” … [CNN, 4/16/98]
To be fair, there were also protesters when Clinton arrived in Chile, but we have yet to witness any indication that there is any popular support for President Bush in Argentina.
Great point. There is no evidence of any support for Bush.
Besides our Cruz Del Sur’s Re: The Summit and her additional comments here, the best post on the Summit and the demonstrations in Argentina is from The Left End of the Dial … BELOW:
I love LeftDial’s title:
The day George Bush came face to face with Latin America’s revolt
By Naomi Klein. A few grafs to whet your appetite:
All of this is happening because the indigenous movement in Cauca, as in much of Latin America, is on a roll. In the past year the Nasa of Northern Cauca have held the largest anti-government protests in recent Colombian history and organised local referendums against free trade that had a turnout of 70%, higher than any official election (with a near-unanimous no result). And in September thousands took over two large haciendas, forcing the government to make good on a long-promised land settlement. All these actions unfolded under the protection of the Nasa’s unique Indigenous Guard, who patrol their territory armed only with sticks.
In a country ruled by M16s, AK47s, pipe bombs and Black Hawk helicopters, this combination of militancy and nonviolence is unheard of. And that is the quiet miracle the Nasa have accomplished; they have revived the hope that died when paramilitaries systematically slaughtered leftwing politicians, including dozens of elected officials and two Unión Patriótica presidential candidates. At the end of the bloody campaign in the early 90s, the Farc understandably concluded that engaging in open politics was a suicide mission. The key to the Nasa’s success, Rozental says, is that they are not trying to take over state institutions, which “have lost all legitimacy”. They are instead “building a new legitimacy based on an indigenous and popular mandate that has grown out of participatory congresses, assemblies and elections. Our process and our alternative institutions have put the official democracy to shame. That’s why the government is so angry.”
The Nasa have shattered the illusion, cherished by both sides, that Colombia’s conflict can be reduced to a binary war. Their free-trade referendums have been imitated by non-indigenous unions, students, farmers and local politicians nationwide; their land takeovers have inspired other indigenous and peasant groups to do the same. …[…..]
In other words: people power.
Here’s another great post from the How This Old Brit Sees It … blog. And Anna at Daily Kos tells me that her husband covers both Americas at his blog, Annatopia.
CNN is reporting that pirates are firing on cruiseships off Somalia and attempting to board. Aaargh.
Huh. MSNBC hasn’t said a word about it. I love pirates.
More Naomi:
P.S. Cross-posted at Daily Kos.
CNN & Wolf Blitzer are approaching Fox News in their stage-managed/ sanitized version of the truth.
Yesterday, Blitzer was heard repeatedly deriding and painting ALL the Argentine protesters as “thugs.” Sure, there were people committing acts of violence and vandalism, but there were far more (thousands,more) protesting in a principled and peaceful manner.
Wolf “brought in” Cafferty(?) to get his impressions on the protests and he said (I’m paraphrasing):
“Truth be told, Wolf, they were far more people protesting peacefully, and for what they hold as just cause…I’LL PROBABLY BE IN TROUBLE NOW WITH SOME PRODUCER WHO WILL COME TALK TO ME AFTER THE SHOW, BUT THOSE ARE THE FACTS.”
Wolf quickly jumped in and nervously said: “No, that’s fine, we’re interested in the truth here.”
Did anyone else witness this State-run media episode gone awry?
That is sad and rather telling isn’t it that someone like Cafferty believes that if he tells the truth or the facts he will be getting a call from the producer-very telling in that it implicitly states that our news is very slanted.
And Olberman is the only news person I know who has let us know that the WH does monitor all news casts and frequently calls his show for instance about any number of stories he has done…or even call and tell him what questions to ask certain people.
check here for a rundown on who is a ‘journalist’ and who isn’t.
Don’t you dare call me a journalist
Thanks for that link-great article and lots of good links in it also.
“[W]e’re interested in the truth here.”
Thank God someone like Cafferty has the guts and integrity to inform viewers of the kind of self-censorship that goes on in the MSM. If CNN had a few more correspondents like him, they’d probably be shocked at how popular the network would become.
Love the comparison with Clinton. Was the same at the Popes Funeral. Clinton walked the streets and was treated like a movie star. Bush appeared on the outdoor Television screens and their was all sorts of negative reaction and Boo’s.
I have noticed a pattern. Repugs need all kinds of security – ie. Bolton at his Alma Mater Yale-had Secret Service and Condi needed “Security” while buying her Feragamo shoes during the Katrina Disaster. Dems seem to be able to mix freely with “We the People”, security is not necessary, and the Dems survive their contact with the masses without harm.
Has anyone ever questioned this, or even asked what the increase in “security costs” are for the last 5 years compared to Clinton and Dem’s first 5 years? (Adjusted for inflation of course).
I’ve been wondering about what bush is costing us for several years. His penchant for leaving almost every weekend to get out of D.C. and up and away in helicopter alone must be costing us a fortune.
It seems like quite awhile ago I read that he has also hired private security contractors to guard him when he goes out-guess he doesn’t trust our SS or the noble military now does he. Just like we’re paying contractors to guard officials in Iraq and Afghanistan instead of regular military. Which really pisses me off.
Plus it seems bushie has a nice little lawsuit going against some company that provided bullet proof vests for him/Laura and others which they say are defective.
Lots of things I wonder about compared to Clinton for example..bush took 5 chefs for his visit to England and my understanding was the Queen was not amused. How much of a slap in the face is that anyhow to your host.
a chef for every kind of jelly they have for his PB&J’s?
oh yeah, quite the ‘gormot’ isn’t he.
He has what? He has hired private contractors? WTF?!! And we’re supposed to pay for that? Isn’t that what we handsomely pay the Secret Service to do?
I can’t remember where I read that susan but it was quite awhile ago-I wasn’t even sure if it was true but I wouldn’t put it past him to hire people like that. Now when I see him out in public like in gulf states I try and see if I can ‘spot’ guys who look like contractor bodyguards.
I llike t be honest, so let me say that Bush does have suppor in Argentina. 10% does support him.
But of course Bill Clinton had a 75% approval. Since 2001 Bush squandered the good image this country had.
I’m laughing … that is so pathetic. Let me guess who the 10% are .. old regime military torturers, and the like?
Those who committed the “disappearing” vote consistently with Bush. The Galtieri “dead-enders.”
That and the elites of course.
The good thing is that Bush lost one more opportunity to gain some positive image.
Nah. he never had a chance. If he had said thathe would stop subsidizing US agriculture the would have raised so much hell that wouldn’t have compared to Harriet Meiers’ revolt in the Republican Party.
He is such a looser
“When Castro took over Cuba it was the richest nation in the Caribbean – now it is the second poorest – only Haiti is worse.”
I hope he’s being disingenuous with that statement, because even the dimmest bulbs are aware that Cuba has always been an impoverished nation, with virtually no natural resources, its economy dependent almost entirely on tobacco and sugar cane products (including rum). After WWII, Meyer Lansky opened a number of casinos, sex shows, (such as the guy with the huge penis called “Superman”) and whorehouses that catered to well-to-do Americans. If this is his idea of national wealth, he’s an idiot. In any event, most of the cash that went to Cubans ended up in the pockets of the small clique of Batista’s cohorts, who ran the country as a resource they could exploit rather than a society to be governed.
Cuba was also a useful offshore bank for the CIA to launder money, and a staging area to run operations meant to control other countries in the region. No wonder they’ve always hated Castro so.
The Forum, Republican owned, largest daily in ND, has Summit of Americas protest photo approx 6″ x 8″ on top center front page. Underneath photo “Protests greet Bush” and under that a 4″ x 5″ photo of Diego Armando Maradona with a fist salute along side of a smiling Hugo Chavez. T-Shirt on Armando has photo of Bush with “War Criminal” on top. See it Hereto believe it. (thumbnail of front page is on the left side scroll down to find it.)
This is the so called “Heartland” folks! I’ll think I’ll frame it. [No, no, not that kind of framing… the behind the glass type…]
Pienso que las personas de Arbusto tienen un problema.
Okay … I have had this thought … see if you agree with me.
Were the protests highlighted so much by the rightwing media and blogs in order to build sympathy for Bush?
Heartland people don’t think much of protestors, right?
Then there’s that patriotism thing — they’re attacking the U.S. of A.! How dare they, after all that foreign aid we give them all the time.
That they showed this to show our president as a “victim”. They went on and on how he was safe and not to worry and kept calling the protestors names like thugs.
They did this to rile up the rednecks.
But… this week my own Grandma said I should have been shot in the head in public since I am a traitor and any and all who don’t support George are traitors and should be made an example of…
Wolfe pandered to my grandmother and those like her.
I’m beginning to wonder:… since the news will only report the violent protests maybe ….
I think that was the common denominator that our media was trying to convey-sympathy for our sainted bushie and those nasty commie/socialist protesters. Although surprisingly Lou Dobbs was on a real rip about how bad this made bush look and how stupid politically it was -my impression was he wished bush hadn’t even gone cause it was going to reflect so badly on bush and show him to be so hated for his policies…all his policies. Did anyone else see Dobbs or get that impression from him? He was on some segment of Wolfie’s when he was going off on this.
It may be difficult for me to come to a very realistic analysis of “Heartland people” all on my own with regards to your thoughts, susan, due to my very obvious left bias. I’m headed out to the coffee shop soon for a survey.
The Forum hardly covers national news let alone world news. So I’m suspecting an agricultural angle, since it appears our farmers (sugar beet in this case) are getting the SHAFTA with CAFTA. The sugar beet industry is a huge factor in the state’s economy, particularly along the Red River Valley (of the north).
Over fifty percent of farm net income in ND comes from subsidies. [Please let’s not discuss subsidies here today. It’s just a fact of the situation here.]
If FTAA goes through there will be pressure to cut those. There’s already tremendous pressure to cut the current farm program to free up dollars for other budgetary needs, like more tax cuts, etc.
And then diesel fuel, (farm tractor, truck fuel) is still around $ 3.
So with regards to all that I’m not sure what my fellow citizens reaction would be to this front page.
And of course they will never mention that the real reason for the anti bush protests is the war on Iraq, as well as the image that flooded the world’s media of the New Orleans catastrophe, and the indiference the administration demonstrated to it’s people.
They will never mention that.
That is the reason why they are labeling him a terrorist.
That is why the people there change their mind about the US.
Hah, and on the back page of the A-section, yet another great 6 x 8 photo of the protesters in the streets with signs. I’m stupefied!!!
creo que tienes razon.
There’s a huge photo of people marching with banners on the front page of the Oregonian today. A pdf is here, but it takes forever to download, so be wary if you’re on a slow connection.
Of course, they also included a smaller picture of someone throwing a Molotov cocktail.
While it’s great to see this, it leads me to ask a larger question: Why is it that when people demonstrate against Bush in Argentina, it’s news, but when many more demonstrate against Bush in Washington, it’s buried in a small article with no photo in the back of the section?
Must be time to write the public editor again…
Hell, the big boy blogs don’t even much acknowledge that there is another America.
And they don’t much acknowledge the other country in North America: Canada, except for BoomanTrib.
Well, the war criminal left the country a short while ago. I athink he had to thoughts in mind.
1- Don’t cry for me Argentina….
2- Glad to leave this country…Finally some good PR for me…
Well, I still haven’t checked what the preparations for Bush’s welcome are, but my predictions are that he is going to have such a great welcome as the Argentines did 🙂
Ohhhh! Surprise , surprise.
There ae the same expectations as before he arrived to Argentina. I will go walk my puppy, and start looking for a radio there to keep us informed.
Now they cant blame the commies in Argentina nor Chavez speech. I will using this diary to update 🙂
Brasil prepare for Bush.
I know to everybody’s surprise, Brazil has been protesting in preparation to Bush’s visit to that country. The newspaper Journal do Brasil has published this morning yesterda’s events:
“Protests against the visit of the American President George W. Bush began before his arrival to the country.
Yesterday in Rio de Janeiro, a protest in front of the American Consulate of the United
States was marked with confusion. Approximatedly 300 people threw stones and were repeled by the military police clubs.
In Brasilia the National Union of Students headed the protests.In front of the american representation the protestors burned an image of Bush with mostaches similar to Hitlers.
There were several Aartist and muscicians. People would stop to watch the protests. Some of the artists said that they were there to show their rejection to Bush. They also said that Brazilian preident Lula would invite them for diplomatic reasons, but that they would recive Bush as the rest of the world did with protest.
Students vowed to continue the protests and to try to break the fence and the security mounted by the Americans.
They also said that they would not give Bush a second of rest until the President left Brazil.They will try to perforate the security to show up close their opinion on Bush.”
Also I remember that several years ago Rio’s Major had declared Bush “persona nongrata”
Sarava Brasil!!!!!