We reached one million visits today!!
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Whoohoo! Congratulations!
Considering I just hit my 22,000 visit, I feel very happy for you and just a little jealous. 😉
How can you tell how many times you’ve visited the site?
If you stay perennially logged-in, will each time you leave and come back still count?
I have no idea. Sorry.
Congrats Boo!!!!!!! I think I account for at least 100,000 of those visits, ha ha….
Who is bringing the champagne….!!!!! I can’t find mine.
Right behind ya Diane with the thousands of visits. This is HUGE!I remeber not too long ago we were lucky to get 3000 a day and we were all worries about the Future of Boo. Now it is more like 15,000 a day! WOW!
To Booman, Susan and Catnip I can only say Bravo. To the community of folks here a standing ovation. You are light up my journey. We may not always agree and that is to be expected. The discourse is 98% civil and respectful and THAT is what really makes this the best blog around!
Hats off to all!
Same here! And you’ve been such a huge part of all this, Diane … helping to build such a warm community of people.
Hugs and bubbly, all!
I’m pooped from long drive to see mom today … more later 🙂
…I raise a glass to your continued success..to you and Susanhu and catnip, et al…
FYI…your front page is teriffic.
almost as terrific as the user diaries! 🙂
Best blog ever!
Did you expect anything less…..:o)..<<<wink/nod>>>>>
YOu and your crew are doing an excellent job. This is why I stay here….Hugs and waiting for my glass to be filled, Diane……anyone!!!!!!!!!???????????
Does that mean boo has to do a million shots to celebrate?
Congrats on the momentous occasion!
I keep quoting chocolate ink: It couldn’t happen to a nicer site. Thanks to Boo, Susan, Catnip and all the regulars, lurkers, and newbies for making this such a smart, civil, funny, touching, fun, dramatic, wonderful place to hang out.
We had quite the fireworks show over in the Cafe when it happened!
At least this is one quote of mine that is family friendly and not one of my more, many more profane utterances.
Did we quietly pass the UID#2500 mark?
User ID #: 2526
Country: United States of America
Homepage: http://scoop.epluribusmedia.com
remember Under 500 Club – UID1000 – UID1500 – UID2000
BooTribbers still partying from the best month’s performance ever – even surpassing the June glitch!
What’s Booman Tribune About? ◊ by BooMan
Sun Jul 3rd, 2005 at 02:18:19 AM PST
BooTrib Etiquette ◊ by BooMan
Thu Jun 23rd, 2005 at 01:09:55 PM PST
The 3000/1000 Club ◊ by BooMan
Tue May 3rd, 2005 at 03:47:33 PM PST
The Under 500 Club ◊ by Mindmouth
Tue Mar 29th, 2005 at 10:09:54 AM PST
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Congrats, Boo. Richly deserved, my hats off to you, and to SusanHu, Catnip, and many other regular diarists that I enjoy reading every day.
I’m so happy for you and us.
Yay, BooMan!! Is “visits” page hits or unique visitors? either way, YAYAYAY!!
I am currently watching my Hokies — can I get a little mojo for the defeat of Miami!?!
Dammit, they just turned the ball over — this is tough folks, I can feel EVEYone in this town wanting the Hokies to lose. My mojo needs pumping!
katiebird, where’s the open mike?!?
it is unique visitors, although I’m sure we all get counted each day.
Page views are nearing 4 million.
Yippie!! BooMan — that is so awesome — really, really, really!
Thank you for making this space this space!
Hey, it’s open!
Come on over!
Thanks for a great website with up to the minute breaking news and a place where we can always count on finding a sane, supportive, community!
I love this place.
Thank you.
Congrats Booman, you have really built something great here.
That is really quite phenomenal, given how young this community is. Congratulations Boo!
Big number. My refresh-clicker finger is tired though.
Can you get a little sign with “Bloggers Served?” Like McBooman’s.
As in ‘you got served’?
Like when I serve Armando? j/k
Some of us DO keep track of those!! uh he heh eheheh…zzzzzzz BOOSWARM!
[looks around] what who me??? I’m just watching football!
Woohoo! You da man!
Or da frog!
That’s fantastic.
Congrats to Boo and the Tribbers.
Here’s to much more frogmarching 🙂
Congratulations! Of course, we all knew this place was going to be great from the first time we visited. 🙂
Joe Wilson is on Larry King — repeat — tonight. He was very good.
I’ve just started reading his book, which is very interesting.
yeeehaaaa! It’s a great place to be on the web. The numbers show it. Here’s to looking forward to ten million!
Congrats Booman! And congrats to SusanHu and everyone else who makes this such an awesome place.
I came here, took a peak, and dove straight into the pond.And, I feel right at home.
Boo, you did GREAT. This community is awsome.
I don’t drink but to celebrate I will have a small glass of wine and toast to all of you.
that one million visits is just an artificial mark on the wall, the one millionth lurker, poster or diarist who clicked BooMan is just as important as the first to click and will be just as important in the last to click in this war against evildoers who hate women who throw pies.
Caught in BooMan’s diary May 3 ::
Currently, we are averaging 1,315 visitors a day. That is very good for a site that is not yet two months old. In fact, we’ve seen a 33% uptick in traffic in the last two weeks. But I need to get to 3,000 fast.
We currently have 780 users. I am very surprised at how quickly we have grown the registered user base. I’d like to make a push for 1,000 users as part of a plan for getting to the 3,000 visitor goal.
BooTrib is off to a great start, and I love the small feel, as I know many of you do as well. But if the site is going to be viable, it has to grow, and I think we can get to 3,000 visitors and 1,000 members if we all pull together and give a little push.
I really want to thank everyone in advance. We have maintained such a nice atmosphere, and everyone seems to get along very well. You are all trusted users to me, and we’ll need all of you when the trolls finally make their appearance.
Thanks again,
BooMan on Tue May 3rd, 2005 at 03:47:33 PM PST
What’s A Troll?
Rhymes With LOL!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I remember those days well, and Oui can always be counted on to find the diary or comment….Hi Oui…
… (((hugs))) and congratulations to all!
It was 02:00AM local time, so I needed some shut eye. I’m glad I didn’t miss the party!
It was fun to read Mindmouth’s diary – March 29 – with no newbies around, just the good old oldies!
I had just tip toed into the pond, water was fine and felt more like a soothing experience for body and mind.
If that is possible, a combination of a Scandinavian sauna with Oriental incense.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Congrats to you all.
Congratulations Boo and to the rest of you for making this place much more than just another blog!
And thank you Boo for reaching out to me when I had doubts about sticking around way back when. You’re an inpiration and you run this place in such a respectful way that it can only get better from here on in.
hugs to all of you!
It’s Open Mike Poetry Night
With plenty of Drinks, Salty Snacks & Conversation.
Congratulations BooMan! I think that I probably made half of them myself! And probably while I was at work. < boran2 looks over his shoulder >
we were naming the Frog..Congrats to Booman, Susanbohu, Catnip, Diane101 (WelcomeWagon & Froggy Bottom gang) and all the diarist, commenters and lurkers, oh hell..even the trolls. I hope people are still spreading the word to their friends & neighbors to come on over and join the Pond. 2 Million is not that far away.
I’m sure it was mine. (:o
(slight blush)
Great graphic. I feel better already.
I thought I paid you enough money not to bandy about my picture in my best party girl mode but I gotta tell everyone that lolling around in a giant cocktail glass isn’t really as much fun as it looks. And do not even ask how I ended up there in the first place…..although it did involve lots of kaluha and coffee and umpteen brawny men doing a pyramid to get me up there. Luckily this is the only picture cause you really don’t want to see what happened when I tried to get out. But glass slivers in the ass are no fun let me tell you.
Congratulations Boo and to everyone here who makes this place a party every day. If I started naming names of all the regulars who helped make this place great I’d be here all night…Party on.
WooHoo and congratulations!
If the past is any indication, it can only get better. And I’m not ashamed to admit it – I’m completely addicted!
BTW, the average visit length (1:41) is in minutes I assume? That seems quite short. There must be a lot of 5 second visits to offset the amount of time I spend sponging here.
Thanks BooMan, SusanHu, Catnip, and everyone for making this such a great place!
I can swear on a stack of Bibles stolen from a series of Holiday Inns that I was the millionth visitor.
What’s my prize?
One million visits–Wowser! Just the other day, we were naming the frog, setting up the cafe, doing all the little bits and pieces of organization (Organization? Nah, not here).
Where does the time go?
Oh, right. It goes here <click> and there <click> and over there <click, edit, comment>.
Best blog ever, especially with Spellcheck.
Congratulations to BooMan and all of you, and all of us.
Congratulations BooMan, Susan, Catnip – everyone! What a great place to hang out!!!
Congratulations Booman, you done did good sir. I salute you for building a great community!
But congratulations, Booman. Like so many others , I love reading and posting here. A more amazing group of people would be hard to find, online or off.
Congratulations BooMan!
Congratulations Susanhu!
Aim for a trillion hits! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Here’s to the next million!!!
I couldn’t imagine hanging my cyber hat anywhere else :o)
Congratulations to our Blog-Father!! (I kiss your ring…)