Will Bunch is reporting that the outfit, Private Capital Management, that bought 19% of Knight-Ridder stock and is threatening that K-R be broken up and sold has been a huge donor to Bush/Cheney and the RNC.
Quoting Bunch:
My initial research shows that top executives of Private Capital Management donated $112,000 in late 2003 and early 2004 to help President Bush and Dick Cheney get re-elected. On Nov. 6 and 7, 2003, in what would appear to be a coordinated effort, six PCM executives each gave the maximum of $2,000 to Bush-Cheney ’04.
Then on the same day, April 8, 2004, the head of PCM, Bruce Sherman, and company executive Gregg Powers gave $50,000 each, or $100,000 total, to the Republican National Committee. Company executives gave no money to Democrats during the 2003-04 cycle, according to the data base of Political Money Line. link
For sure, investors tend to be conservative and avaricious and those traits could explain everything.
However, Knight-Ridder to its credit was perhaps the least craven major press outlets on the runup to war. Could this call for a breakup be political?
Interested readers skilled in this sort of thing may want to keep their eyes on Private Capital Management and their top executives.
Regards, Hal C
Isn’t that one of Abramoff’s front companies? Maybe it was a variation of the name but it’s close to the one that he’s used before. Is that a Carlyle Group entity if not Abramoff’s?