Today in Austin we did just that to speak out against the K. K. K.’s endorsement of Governor Perry and Constitutional Amendment 2.
We marched down the 1st Street Bridge and grouped at the end about 75 feet away from where the Klan with their faces covered spewed their line of hatred and bigotry.  

The rally started with some singing by the crowd.  Most of the songs the young people did not know. So us old folks had to do the best we could.  We started out with a few hundred people and by the time the rally was over there were more than 1,000 people standing in the middle of the bridge singing “We Shall Overcome”.  A 12-year-old girl who, along with her mother was there to show that even straight people think this amendment is wrong led us in the closing song.

There were several speakers.  Glen Maxey spoke of growing up in a small town in Texas where there were no role models and how many things have changed.  Marti Bier spoke of the work the College Alliance has done to organize college students across the state and how even the young republicans have worked with them to defeat this trash.

The highlight of the day was hearing Rev. Peter Johnson. A leader in the civil rights movement, who worked along side Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., speak out against this amendment.  I have heard speeches that Rev. Johnson has given in the past and was thrilled to be able to hear him again.  I will share some of the most memorable quotes.

When asked by other ministers how he can work for gay rights and what Bible is he using, his answer is ” THE HOLY BIBLE! It teaches us to love not hate, to forgive, not judge.”  

He pledged to work with us till there was “Freedom for Everyone in America.  If they come for you in the morning, they will be coming for me that night most likely.”

He spoke of attending Rosa Parks’ funeral and having worked with her in the past. ” Rosa Parks will not rest in her grave while there is injustice in the world.  She will not rest in her grave while Gays are being abused and mistreated in the world.  Rosa Parks will not rest in her grave while young men and women die in Iraq.  Rosa Parks will not rest while there are homeless people wondering the streets of any city.  Rosa Parks will not rest in her grave until there is Freedom and Equality for all God’s Children.”

I cheered till I was hoarse.  I cried so much there were tear tracks on my face and loving strangers were walking up and offering me their tissues and bandanna to try my tears.  I hugged; I laughed and promised to do everything in my power to keep working for Equality for everyone in the world.

I want to close this my sharing the lyrics to a song that inspires me every time I hear it.  It was written in memory of Matthew Shepherd, a young gay man brutally beaten to death for being different.

” Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found. Was blind but know I see. Once was lost but now am found.  Was blind but now…

You were the brightest angel heaven had ever seen. You walked in with a story to tell and 10,000 tongues to scream. And you said. Doesn’t your heart beat the same as mine? Haven’t I told you a thousand times?  Isn’t the air in my lungs the same air that you breathe?

So who cares whose arms I’m all wrapped up in. Who cares whose eyes I see myself in. Who cares who I dream of. Who cares who I love?

Heaven, help me for I am lost. What a price for love’s deep cost. Here I am standing strong and I am free.

And didn’t we share the same sunrise and do we all sleep in the same moonlight and tell me isn’t the blood in my veins the same blood you bleed.

So who cares whose arms I’m all wrapped up in. Who cares whose eyes I see myself in. Who cares who I dream of. Who cares who I love?

When I die. When they lay my body down. The peace that I will find that’s the peace that brings you all around. Brings us all around
Tell me, doesn’t my mother cry like everyone, My father grieve for his lonely son. Isn’t my name wrote in brighter because
So who cares whose arms I’m all wrapped up in. Who cares whose eyes I see myself in. Who cares who I dream of. And know it doesn’t matter who I dream of cause in the end all that matters that I was loved – that I am loved. Love has no favorites. Love has no favorites. Love has no favorites.”

Amazing Grace/What Matters by Randi Driscoll