Today we gathered at the south steps of the Texas State Capital to speak out against Amendment 2. The crowd started out sparse but grew to at least 1000 people by the end. There was music, singing, some impromptu dancing and lots of good will…
except for one nut group that showed up in support of the amendment. They number all of 15 deluded idiots. Whenever they tried to show their signs, groups of people would stand in front of them holding our signs and blocking them.
The main speaker of the day was Rep. Senfronia Thompson. Her speech on the floor of the legislature has been spread across the Internet so many times it is almost legend as well it should be. Here are some of the highlights from today’s speech.
” I was shocked to see The Ku Klux Klan and the spearhead for this hate Amendment. That explains this bigotry.”
” Instead of a constitutional amendment about gay marriage why not spend your time working to get an amendment for equal education for all Texas children. An amendment to outlaw adultery. An amendment to out law domestic violence or better yet one to outlaw bigotry. Bigotry is something we can do without.”
She spoke of the early days of the Civil Rights Movement and how things use to be in Texas when she was younger. She handled the one heckler from the opposition like a true pro and he finally gave up.
We can win this fight. We just need everyone to vote and then call everyone they know to make sure they have either already voted or will on November 8th.
I know I have written about this a lot. I also know that this fight is not only about GLBT rights. It is about Equal Rights for all. I want to thank the people who have worked so hard and still are towards defeating this bigotry and ask yet again for any help anyone can give.
I will close with a poem I wrote this moring and wore on a shirt with my late Lover’s picture.
Our Love was a Pure Love
It was a Gift from Heaven
Yes, Love Exist
Our Love was a Strong Love
It Sustained Us
Yes, Love Exist
Our Love was a Miracle
It Survived Bigotry & Intolerance
Yes, Love Exist
Our Love was Magical
It was no Threat
Yes, Love Exist
S. Whichard
What those racist repukes was…..(I am so angry about the way they got the amendment on the ballot, I can not think straight.)
They can fix our school system but they could this measure through right before the end of legislation, that is just nuts. GAWD I HATE THOSE SICK RAT BASTA*DS!!!!!
I just hope Tom Craddick will go down just like DeLay.
We will work on getting rid of a few of them come 2006
What we also have to do, is find those fake Dems and replace them with true Democrats. The one I am thinking about is Henry Cuellar. People really don’t know what he actually did and how he helped the Repukes by taking out Rep Ciro Rodriguez. The move was the same thing the Repugs did to Sen Tom Daschle. Where as Daschle was the Minority Leader. Ciro was Congressional Hispanic Caucus, chairman and was about to be chairman again.
So why would the Cuellar go after Ciro Rodriguez? Because he is a mole for the Repukes. There was even rumor he was going to change Party, but he knows he can not be elected as a Repug and why else would Gov Perry appoint him as TX’s Secratary of State.
We have a fight alright in 06! Its time to clean our TX House.
You are absolutely right – time to clean House. And Senate. There are some good guys fighting the good fight against the Republican steamroller. People like Garnet Coleman, Eddie Rodriguez, Mark Strama. We need more like them – and to make sure that the good guys keep their seats.
The wingnuts are organized and mobilize their base – in a previous diary, wasn’t it pointed out that the highest turnout was in Chisum’s (sponsor of the Hate Amendment) district? Most Texans are disgusted by this Nonsense and see it for the pandering to bigotry that it is.
The challenge is to convince people that the answer is not just to be so disgusted by it all that they refuse to have anything to do with politics – including voting – but to get out there and throw the bums OUT!
I was really sorry to miss seeing you all – and Senfronia, truly one of my heroes. I had a chance to spend some time with my daughter and friends yesterday and couldn’t pass that up. I’m glad so many people were there.
Saturday the KKK (all 14 of them) showed up and 3000 came to say they want no part of them. Yesterday, again, it was a tiny group of haters and bigots vs. a 1000 people who came out to show that they believe in love and tolerance.
We’ve got to quit letting the bigoted minority make the decisions that affect us all.
One great thing about Senfronia is that she is willing and able to call the bigots what they are and to make it stick.
If you live in Texas and have not voted yet get to the polls tomorrow. This one is going to be closer than the right wing thinks. The turnout around campuses in early voting was phenomenal, and the kisd just do not understand this bigotry.
Every vote will matter.