The most concise description of the Republican government was given by a  radical hippie named Isaiah (note the lack of a last name) who said something like:

Your leaders are traitors, and companions of thieves; every one loves bribes, and follows after rewards; they won’t protect orphans, and the cause of the widow doesn’t matter to them

You can find Isaiah’s words in the Bible, which the conservatives consider to be  just like the US Constitution – a source of rules to violated and principles to betray.

So when Sam Alito had the chance to champion the cause of a widow, he predictably rose to moment by supporting the powerful who were stealing from her and at the same time lining his own pockets and violating an oath. Alito had made a written commitment not to judge in cases involving Vanguard funds – since he had a lot of money in the funds. He broke his word, shamed the office he held, and ruled in favor of Vanguard against a widow whose money had been seized.  No wonder he is a conservative favorite.