by Patrick Lang (bio below)
DITSUM No. 044-02, February 2002. This would be “Defense Intelligence Terrorism Summary No. 044-02.”
This document from the agency I worked for (DIA) threw cold water on the information provided by al-Libi, a key source in the US government’s attempts to “connect the dots” between the Iraqi government and AQ.
This was in EARLY 2002!!! Al-Libi’s claims to know all about the supposed connection between Saddam and AW were judged by DIA to be doubtful way back then.
How did Jehl get this document? Looks like someone in DIA has had enough abuse and “isn’t going to stand for it anymore.”
Pat Lang
“In an interview on Friday, Mr. Levin also called attention to a portion of the D.I.A. report that expressed skepticism about the idea of close collaboration between Iraq and Al Qaeda, an idea that was never substantiated by American intelligence but was a pillar of the administration’s prewar claims.
“Saddam’s regime is intensely secular and is wary of Islamic revolutionary movements,’’ the D.I.A. report said in one of two declassified paragraphs. “Moreover, Baghdad is unlikely to provide assistance to a group it cannot control.’’ Douglas Jehl, NYT
Col. Patrick W. Lang (Ret.), a highly decorated retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces, served as “Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, South Asia and Terrorism” for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and was later the first Director of the Defense Humint Service. Col. Lang was the first Professor of the Arabic Language at the United States Military Academy at West Point. For his service in the DIA, he was awarded the “Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive.” He is a frequent commentator on television and radio, including PBS’s Newshour, and most recently on MSNBC’s Hardball and NPR’s “All Things Considered.”.
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
Let’s hope that a flood water of leaks from people who have heretofore kept their mouths shut is about to hit.
It’s sweet … but it will take a lot of leaks in order for this to filter down to the everyday people who don’t read the NYT.
I think one of the problems of the opposition in 2004 — including all those generals, diplomats, and others who spoke out so eloquently and passionately against Bush — was that their messages never filtered down to everyday people.
Something about the Valerie Plame case that has worked is that it’s easily comprehensible to people that one shouldn’t OUT a CIA agent for political reasons.
Col. Lang:
Was this document written by a member of Doug Fieth’s group over at the Pentagon or someone outside that politically tainted group?
If such an admission of bogus intel was actually written by the political commissars under Fieth, then it is even more damning evidence against its use because then even the true believers recognized the lack of a causa belli.
In his newsletter today, Keith Olbermann has this listed as his #1 story.
In his newsletter today, Keith Olbermann has this listed as his #1 story.
Good. Too bad he’s practically the only voice of sanity on cable news.
Is it just a coincidence or am I the only who reads that name as ‘alibi’. How did they pass off a source by the name of ‘curveball’ anyway? Didn’t that raise a few red flags?
I don’t mean to be facetious but this assessment sounds like using common sense. That’s one reason many of us regular folks doubted the runup to war.
I thought Saddam would have that paranoid-no competition attitude that would virtually eliminate the possible threat of renegade terrorist groups in Iraq.
I held that opinion and I didn’t have any intelligence at all to work with…..still don’t, but I try.