Liberal California church rec’d IRS warning regarding tax status because of pastor’s antiwar statements. Double standard much? nerdified link as DTF would say. I wonder if Dobson, Robertson, etc. will be receiving theirs soon…
OK, let me get this straight. It’s fine and dandy for the Patriot Pastors to support the killing in Iraq, and the curtailment of civil liberties in the so-call Patriot Act, and stir up anger and prejudice in regard to gays and lesbians in this country BUT let a socially active Church call for an end to war, hunger, disease, and poverty and it’s time to call in the IRS?
S’cuse me, but which Churches seem to have a better handle on “What Would Jesus Do?” Or, is the next thing the Rapture Right’s going to tell me is that because Jesus recruited a tax collector that he’d be on the side of the IRS?
I got hit with those symptoms within 6 hours of having my flu shot. The nurse says “coincidence”, but my daughter and son-in-law say that they felt like they’d been hit by a freight train the day after their shots. I got my shot on Friday, spent Friday night & Saturday feeling majorly miserable, slept around the clock and seem to be ok this morning. Anyone else having repercussions from their flu shots?
I teach physiology, so this is something I cover. A lot of what “feels bad” about the flu is not caused by the flu virus itself – it’s caused by your own immune system fighting the flu virus. Some of the chemicals produced by your body – like interferon for instance – are produced in order to signal other parts of your immune system to get to work. They also happen to make us feel achy, feverish, tired. This is not a bad thing, really, since feeling bad causes us to rest – letting our energy be used for fighting the invading pathogen instead of our ordinary daily activities.
The flu shot (or any other immunization) works by basically faking out your immune system. It causes your immune system to gear up to fight a harmless version of the pathogen (like a disabled flu virus that can’t actually make you sick). You make antibodies and mobilize T-lymphocytes specially tailored to fight the “disabled flu virus” which also fight the real thing if you should become infected by it.
If you are infected by the real thing, your immune system is already ready to go – no waiting for a week to 10 days to produce enough antibodies and T-lymphocytes specially designed for influenza virus. Result – no immunization – sick for a week or so while the immune system builds up enough fighters to go after the viruses that are in the meantime multiplying and causing damage to your cells and tissues, plus the aches and pains that go along with the building up of immunity at the same time. Immunization – the pre-made antibodies and T-lymphocytes destroy the invading virus before it can do any damage, so you never even know you were infected.
So your symptoms are not at all a coincidence – they are a sign that you are building immunity. Lots of people experience this, some more than others. Having survived (though there were times I was wishing I wouldn’t) the Hong Kong flu and a couple of other nasty ones, I’ll take the achiness, etc that follows a flu shot any day . . .
Thanks for that info., J! Do you know of any places that are doing reasonably priced flu shots in Austin, and will do kids under 9?
The hub and I usually get ours from UT, but so far they don’t have any and have no clue when they will be getting any, and this year of all years, we can’t afford to go to the doc’s office and pay a $25 copay times 4 to get the family their flu shots….
Well, I looked around a bit, but it looks like only the high risk groups can get them. I’m personally screwed because I’m too young to get a shot and too old to get the FluMist.
HEB and Walgreens were going to have flushots, but I’m not sure what they’ll cost or if they are restricted to the high risk groups. I think our best bet is to hope that there’s still vaccine left after the high-risk folks have had their chance and that the county makes it available to the rest of us. Here’s the link to the Health Department where they post this stuff, if you don’t already have it. Let me know if you hear that it’s available to the rest of us and I’ll do the same.
Thanks, Janet. I was beginning to think I was nutso. I vaguely remember the Hong Kong flu – at least I remember fainting in the bathroom in the middle of the night, the rest is a little hazy – and I remember getting the “flu” after every vaccination in college. It was one of the reasons that I avoided the shots until the Swine Flu scare during the Ford Administration and again until this year. But now I have to care for my elderly mother and getting sick (& perhaps giving it to her) isn’t an option. I must be one of those who reacts strongly to the flu shots so I’ll keep that in mind and try to schedule them when being down and out for a couple days won’t be a problem. This time it meant that I couldn’t go over to Mom’s and fill her pill minder as usual on Saturday so I’m not sure if she got all her meds on Sunday or not. In the future, I’ll be sure that and any other time sensitive tasks are taken care of before getting the vaccination.
I can go on for about twenty minutes ranting about the Hong Kong flu – including pets that went unfed for several days and had no choice but to piss and shit in the house. Cause I was delirious and hallucinating from the 105° fever and could no more have gotten out of bed to feed them or let them out than I could fly. I don’t think I could have crawled anywhere and I sure as hell couldn’t get vertical. (Really not good to be living alone in a cabin in the woods when you’re that sick.)
But it was worrying about my mom as she got into her 70’s and 80’s, with weak lungs anyway, that made me a fanatic about getting a shot every year.
I once scammed a flu shot out of my doctor by convincing her that since I taught a lot of students who were LVNs and nurses aides in nursing homes that we couldn’t take the chance that I’d bring flu germs to class and they’d pass them on to the old people.
I finally got the paint color in the kitchen right. I wanted the color of green on BooMan AFTER you’ve clicked on the diary, not the bright green before.
I took my laptop down to the paint store and had a lovely lady help me match the color.
The WSJ is reporting that Libby’s ditched the “I forgot” strategy and has moved onto trashing the press. Challenging the credibility of all prosecution witnesses is a bad, bad move. Is a jury to believe that all the witnesses are liars and the man indicted for lying is really the only one telling the truth?
Yes, Miller and Novak are full of shit, but they’re full of Libby’s shit. If the defense tries to challenge the credibility of Russert, Miller and Cooper, isn’t the defense challenging the credibility of their sources? Which brings us back to Rove and Libby.
Interesting defense when the information Libby leaked was indeed classified. Puts Libby in a box and makes him look like an idiot any way you slice it. “Yes, I knew the press was unreliable and irresponsible. That’s why I told them about Valerie Plame,” or, “I had no idea, who’d a thunk it?”, or, “They’re all lying, they knew way more about the CIA then Dick Cheney and I did.”
The upside is pure Rove. Look out Judy Miller, you thought the 85 days in jail was bad. You’re about to get the full-on Joe Wilson treatment.
Since the GOP’s talking points are “everybody thought there were WMD”, and Judy Miller is the poster girl for those lies, and says she cannot remember who gave her the name “Valerie Flame”, she’s a shoe-in for the journalistic fall girl. Judy’s stuck with her “reporting” and her grand jury testimony, unless she’d like a perjury and obstruction of justice charges thrown her way. What’s she gonna say?
She’s in this up to her buggin’ eyeballs. If it comes down to burning her, whose gonna argue?
Judy can’t remember the name of the person who told her about Valerie “Flame”, so now I’m supposed to believe that Ms. Miller is dumb enough to go to jail for 85 days to protect a name she can’t remember?
Judy thinks we’re dumb enough to believe she went to jail for 85 days as a champion of the First Amendment.
Ya know in Judyland, “freedom of the press” really means she’s free print whatever the government wants her to print, and cover their tracks with labels like “a former Hill staffer”.
Liberal California church rec’d IRS warning regarding tax status because of pastor’s antiwar statements. Double standard much? nerdified link as DTF would say. I wonder if Dobson, Robertson, etc. will be receiving theirs soon…
Wait a minute, now churches are supposed to support killing, torturing, and maiming innocent people?
I guess IOKIYAE (It’s okay if you’re an evangelical)?
OK, let me get this straight. It’s fine and dandy for the Patriot Pastors to support the killing in Iraq, and the curtailment of civil liberties in the so-call Patriot Act, and stir up anger and prejudice in regard to gays and lesbians in this country BUT let a socially active Church call for an end to war, hunger, disease, and poverty and it’s time to call in the IRS?
S’cuse me, but which Churches seem to have a better handle on “What Would Jesus Do?” Or, is the next thing the Rapture Right’s going to tell me is that because Jesus recruited a tax collector that he’d be on the side of the IRS?
Let’s see ’em go after the Catholic church for those bishops sayin’ they wouldn’t give Kerry communion or any Catholic who voted for ‘im!
Selective prosecution much?
I have the flu and I hate it. Chills, fever, sweats, dizzyness. Yuck.
Rolfyboy…feel better soon. Lots of fluids and bedrest for you kiddo!
I got hit with those symptoms within 6 hours of having my flu shot. The nurse says “coincidence”, but my daughter and son-in-law say that they felt like they’d been hit by a freight train the day after their shots. I got my shot on Friday, spent Friday night & Saturday feeling majorly miserable, slept around the clock and seem to be ok this morning. Anyone else having repercussions from their flu shots?
I teach physiology, so this is something I cover. A lot of what “feels bad” about the flu is not caused by the flu virus itself – it’s caused by your own immune system fighting the flu virus. Some of the chemicals produced by your body – like interferon for instance – are produced in order to signal other parts of your immune system to get to work. They also happen to make us feel achy, feverish, tired. This is not a bad thing, really, since feeling bad causes us to rest – letting our energy be used for fighting the invading pathogen instead of our ordinary daily activities.
The flu shot (or any other immunization) works by basically faking out your immune system. It causes your immune system to gear up to fight a harmless version of the pathogen (like a disabled flu virus that can’t actually make you sick). You make antibodies and mobilize T-lymphocytes specially tailored to fight the “disabled flu virus” which also fight the real thing if you should become infected by it.
If you are infected by the real thing, your immune system is already ready to go – no waiting for a week to 10 days to produce enough antibodies and T-lymphocytes specially designed for influenza virus. Result – no immunization – sick for a week or so while the immune system builds up enough fighters to go after the viruses that are in the meantime multiplying and causing damage to your cells and tissues, plus the aches and pains that go along with the building up of immunity at the same time. Immunization – the pre-made antibodies and T-lymphocytes destroy the invading virus before it can do any damage, so you never even know you were infected.
So your symptoms are not at all a coincidence – they are a sign that you are building immunity. Lots of people experience this, some more than others. Having survived (though there were times I was wishing I wouldn’t) the Hong Kong flu and a couple of other nasty ones, I’ll take the achiness, etc that follows a flu shot any day . . .
Thanks for that info., J! Do you know of any places that are doing reasonably priced flu shots in Austin, and will do kids under 9?
The hub and I usually get ours from UT, but so far they don’t have any and have no clue when they will be getting any, and this year of all years, we can’t afford to go to the doc’s office and pay a $25 copay times 4 to get the family their flu shots….
Well, I looked around a bit, but it looks like only the high risk groups can get them. I’m personally screwed because I’m too young to get a shot and too old to get the FluMist.
HEB and Walgreens were going to have flushots, but I’m not sure what they’ll cost or if they are restricted to the high risk groups. I think our best bet is to hope that there’s still vaccine left after the high-risk folks have had their chance and that the county makes it available to the rest of us. Here’s the link to the Health Department where they post this stuff, if you don’t already have it. Let me know if you hear that it’s available to the rest of us and I’ll do the same.
Thanks, Janet. I was beginning to think I was nutso. I vaguely remember the Hong Kong flu – at least I remember fainting in the bathroom in the middle of the night, the rest is a little hazy – and I remember getting the “flu” after every vaccination in college. It was one of the reasons that I avoided the shots until the Swine Flu scare during the Ford Administration and again until this year. But now I have to care for my elderly mother and getting sick (& perhaps giving it to her) isn’t an option. I must be one of those who reacts strongly to the flu shots so I’ll keep that in mind and try to schedule them when being down and out for a couple days won’t be a problem. This time it meant that I couldn’t go over to Mom’s and fill her pill minder as usual on Saturday so I’m not sure if she got all her meds on Sunday or not. In the future, I’ll be sure that and any other time sensitive tasks are taken care of before getting the vaccination.
I can go on for about twenty minutes ranting about the Hong Kong flu – including pets that went unfed for several days and had no choice but to piss and shit in the house. Cause I was delirious and hallucinating from the 105° fever and could no more have gotten out of bed to feed them or let them out than I could fly. I don’t think I could have crawled anywhere and I sure as hell couldn’t get vertical. (Really not good to be living alone in a cabin in the woods when you’re that sick.)
But it was worrying about my mom as she got into her 70’s and 80’s, with weak lungs anyway, that made me a fanatic about getting a shot every year.
I once scammed a flu shot out of my doctor by convincing her that since I taught a lot of students who were LVNs and nurses aides in nursing homes that we couldn’t take the chance that I’d bring flu germs to class and they’d pass them on to the old people.
I finally got the paint color in the kitchen right. I wanted the color of green on BooMan AFTER you’ve clicked on the diary, not the bright green before.
I took my laptop down to the paint store and had a lovely lady help me match the color.
Does that mean I spend too much time here?
Via TalkLeft
The WSJ is reporting that Libby’s ditched the “I forgot” strategy and has moved onto trashing the press. Challenging the credibility of all prosecution witnesses is a bad, bad move. Is a jury to believe that all the witnesses are liars and the man indicted for lying is really the only one telling the truth?
Yes, Miller and Novak are full of shit, but they’re full of Libby’s shit. If the defense tries to challenge the credibility of Russert, Miller and Cooper, isn’t the defense challenging the credibility of their sources? Which brings us back to Rove and Libby.
Interesting defense when the information Libby leaked was indeed classified. Puts Libby in a box and makes him look like an idiot any way you slice it. “Yes, I knew the press was unreliable and irresponsible. That’s why I told them about Valerie Plame,” or, “I had no idea, who’d a thunk it?”, or, “They’re all lying, they knew way more about the CIA then Dick Cheney and I did.”
The upside is pure Rove. Look out Judy Miller, you thought the 85 days in jail was bad. You’re about to get the full-on Joe Wilson treatment.
Geez, I sure hope you are right with this one!!!!!!!! It would make my day, as a matter of fact, it would may my year!!!!!!!!!
Since the GOP’s talking points are “everybody thought there were WMD”, and Judy Miller is the poster girl for those lies, and says she cannot remember who gave her the name “Valerie Flame”, she’s a shoe-in for the journalistic fall girl. Judy’s stuck with her “reporting” and her grand jury testimony, unless she’d like a perjury and obstruction of justice charges thrown her way. What’s she gonna say?
She’s in this up to her buggin’ eyeballs. If it comes down to burning her, whose gonna argue?
Judy can’t remember the name of the person who told her about Valerie “Flame”, so now I’m supposed to believe that Ms. Miller is dumb enough to go to jail for 85 days to protect a name she can’t remember?
Judy thinks we’re dumb enough to believe she went to jail for 85 days as a champion of the First Amendment.
Ya know in Judyland, “freedom of the press” really means she’s free print whatever the government wants her to print, and cover their tracks with labels like “a former Hill staffer”.