Absolutely must-see, though abhorrent, documentary from Italian tv.
It really is disgusting to watch – the U.S. used white phosphorus and MK77 (similar to napalm) in Fallujah and unquestionably inflicted civilian casualties en masse. So here we sit, having invaded Iraq over Saddam’s chemical (and other) weapons stockpiles in violation of U.N. resolutions, ourselves employing chemical weapons in violation of U.N. resolutions and international law.
We need a word for “sad and livid all at once.”
Update [2005-11-8 2:4:46 by Cedwyn]:Apparently, neither MK77 nor white phosphorus is classified as a “chemical weapon.” Technically, they are “incendiary weapons,” which seem to be prohibited under the Geneva Conventions.
Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (with Protocols I, II and III)
Geneva, 10 October 1980
Protocol IV,
Vienna, 13 October 1995
Protocol II, as amended,
Geneva, 3 May 1996
…Protocol III on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons prohibits, in all circumstances, making the civilian population as such, individual civilians or civilian objects, the object of attack by any weapon or munition which is primarily designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons through the action of flame, heat or a combination thereof, produced by a chemical reaction of a substance delivered on the target.
I say “seem to” because there is conflicting language on the use of incendiaries.
Even lawful weapons may be used unlawfully. Examples: rifles to shoot POWs, strafing civilians, firing on shipwrecked mariners or downed aircrews
— Recent treaty developments
—- Conventional Weapons Convention of 1980
—– Incendiary weapons are presently legal.
Protocol III to the Conventional Weapons Convention places restrictions upon their use in certain instances
I’m not sure how specifically they define these “certain instances,” but I did find this notation:
H. If civilians are in the area, close air support (CAS), white phosphorus, and incendiary weapons are prohibited without approval from above Division level.
This indicates that incendiaries are, theoretically, limited in application, but not outright illegal. The real wiggle room, though, appears to be that the U.S. did not sign on to those protocols banning incendiary weapons; we retain the dubious distinction of being the only country to not repudiate such weaponry.
So, yes; they’re prohibited under the Geneva Conventions, but we didn’t adopt those protocols, so we don’t have to pay attention to that part. Can’t let something so “quaint” and “obsolete” interefere with 21st century warmongering, you understand. Technicality or no, the use of incendiary weapons is appalling, especially since we’re the Good Guys™.
hat tip to the orangeness beyond
Highly Recommended.
Hypocrisy at it’s worse.
I saw a segment somewhere.. where they were talking about how it wasn’t actually Napalm… but a sort of napalm-LITE… OMFG!!!!
We are sooooooooooooo not the good guys in this.
Thank for the heads up Cedwyn! xoxo!
yes…they interviewed a brit labour rep who quit in protest. her money quote: “the hypocrisy is positively stinking.”
Utterly. Fucking. Nauseating.
[commence daily head asplosion]
Did you post this over at the dkos?
no…dkos is “the orangeness beyond” where i found it.
ahh, yeah write after I saw the video I saw it was the top diary at dkos, but didn’t bother going into to comments at that point to look for a video. Regardless, thanks for posting it here.
actually just the a just-the-video diary is the top recommended diary, maybe you shoulda taken my advice!
..uh, edit comment.
Video Clearing House – Fallujah The Day After
dKos Diary :: Fallujah: Napalm By Any Other Name
by Avila ◊ Sun Nov 21, 2004 at 01:29:37 AM PDT
I submitted a dossier on Fallujah and implied US War Crimes which included Avila’s diary with graphic photos last December 2004. I dropped both a hard copy dossier, as well as by email, the info on Fallujah at the offices of PM Balkenende, leading members Dutch parliament sitting on Foreign Relations Committee, and for the coalition partners VVD and CDA. At the time a decision had to be reached for extension of Dutch troops under British Command in Southern part of Iraq.
To everyone’s surprise the Dutch government decided to disengage in Iraq and divert troops and other assets under NATO control in Afghanistan as I have previously written.
Dutch soldiers work in co-
operation with Iraqi locals
A small group of Special Forces (SF) are in Afghanistan under US Command to search for Taliban and Al Qaeda members. Apparently the Dutch SF were being targeted wearing their desert camouflage uniforms, which made them difficult to distinguish from US forces. The solution was to wear their green jungle camouflage uniforms, no problems with sniper fire now.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
What is Berlusconi up to?
He is very astute politician…. kinda like a Rove and a Bush in the same body…wily yet stupid and uncouth.
He held on through the kidknappings and shooting of Italians in Iran… now he is dumping Bush… and in a hurry.
first it was this:
A man that control 90% of the media in Italy is “allowing” this… /this is beginning to sound like the Kennedys and the Mafia… Was Berlusconi double crossed…?
(crossposted to other diary on this topic)
i confess…jimstaro’s diary is way better. i was just too utterly speechless to do much beyond posting the video link.
Don’t delete this one, I think they both deserve exposure. This is sick and makes me want to scream, “NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! THIS CAN’T BE!”
I feel scandalized. [sigh]
Hey Cedwyn.
I think both the diaries are very important–the more exposure on this, the better.
White phosphorus is a chemical, and it is used as a weapon, but it is not what people mean by “a chemical weapon” (for example, nerve gas). It isn’t even banned. Calling white phosphorus a chemical weapon creates a false issue, distracts attention from the real horrors, and undercuts credibility. It can change a discussion about Fallujah into one about words.
White phosphorus, like napalm, is termed an “incendiary”. Using it on people is indeed a horror.