Some people say that public knowledge of secret American gulags and our use of banned chemical weapons in Falluja marks the final straw, the pivot point in this illegal war, and illegal Administration. It’s over.

Absolutely not.
This Administration’s longstanding war plans, their open theft of US elections, their dropping tons of white phosphorous and jellied gasoline on civilians in urban settings, their wholesale abandoning of storm struck US citizens, their seeking to exempt the CIA from torture bans, their relentless construction of a police state, and their hidden gulags all indicate clear top down directives and vast institutional organization.

Their secrecy and stonewalling on all these topics indicates a cold blooded determination to proceed, and win, at any costs. Ask yourself, what kind of people does it take to drive so hard to do all these things?  Only people who are absolutely certain of their direction can do these things.

You know, diehards. True believers. Fanatics. You know, neocons.

It’s not a political or military campaign to them.  It’s a crusade, and they are on a mission to put their America atop the world, permanently, by force.

To admit discouragement or defeat is beyond their ken, for they live and breathe in a better world than we do. A world where it is all so simple, so clear. So easy to see what must be done. What must be done at any costs.

All these revelations about their messy war and their hidden agenda becoming public knowledge does not mean it’s over. Not at all.

What it means is that there are other crimes and projects not yet in the daily papers, which they will now protect and pursue even more zealously. There are plans they will hurry into motion, lest they miss the opportunity to do so.

These people aren’t swayed by moral arguments or considerations any more than Ted Bundy was. They know absolutely that they are right, and have the absolute right to make history. They have no qualms. They also know that universal absolution and acclaim will come later, after they win a better world for one and all, under American royalty.

It is in this inspired state of mind that they are preparing to invade Syria, with a view to toppling Bashar’s regime. It is one project on their agenda of destabilizing the Middle East so that these Muslim countries do not band together against our interests.

It is in this inspired state of mind that they are preparing to bomb Iran, with a view to toppling the mullah’s regime and physically occupying Iran’s oil rich eastern province. It is one project on their agenda of destabilizing the Middle East so that these Muslim countries do not band together against our interests.

Saudi Arabia’s teeming hordes of unemployed youths will kick the House of Saud out at some point, and a radical Wahabbi regime will take their place. This Administration has military plans to invade and occupy Arabia in that event. It is one project on their agenda of dominating the Middle East so that these Muslim countries do not band together against our interests.

After the Middle East, there is Russia, China, South America, Africa. No banding together against our rule will be tolerated. No one can stand up as a nation before the great nation, America.

Even a wholesale public appraisal that ‘it’s all over’ is of no concern to the architects of this Iraq war and these other wars to come. When you’re right absolutely, you’re absolutely right — you do what must be done, and tell the public what they need to hear, no more.

At what point did Pol Pot or Hitler give up and admit it was over? Certainly not when the public was running merely 70% against them. Or 90%.

The cowboys in this Administration don’t see themselves in a fix, or hiding in the barn, or in fear of the sheriff, or of any man.

They see themselves reloading.