Today is Election Day 2005. This is the first day of the rest of our campaign to restore sanity to America’s political process. The World is waiting…
To illustrate the point, I met two Dutch women last night at a Philadelphia restaurant. They happened to be present where my college alumni association chapter had gathered for a reception and dinner. As the alums made their way upstairs for the dinner I peeled back for a moment to introduce myself to Ineke and Maria. (I had noted their Dutch accents in passing.)
Ineke is on a temporary work permit, lives in Hoboken, N.J., and has no intention of establishing residency in the U.S., while Maria is “on holiday” with her American-based friend. I told them I was a Progressive Democrat running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. Their response was hopeful, curious, and a bit skittish.
When I asked Ineke if she was a citizen, she quickly demurred, saying “I cannot vote for you, so I can be no help.” I then handed her my campaign card and told her she could be a much greater help than she might imagine. “Most Americans,” I added, “recognize that our nation has gone off track, and the fearless among us know that the only way to find our way back — to unite as Americans and as global citizens — is to stand up for what matters.”
I didn’t have to say anything more. Ineke and Maria smiled. I smiled. And we parted on a hopeful note.
The lesson for me? My new ambassador friends from Holland want America to return to its responsible and forward-looking mission. The stakes are far too high for any other outcome.
Today is Election Day 2005. Act like it matters. The World is waiting…
Today is also a tremendous opportuntiy to keep spreading the word about my pro-choice, -stem cell, -Iraq exit strategy, -living wage, -universal health care candidacy far and wide. Anyone who shows at the polls today will almost certainly do so again for the May 2006 primary. So please talk up my candidacy and our campaign — no matter where you live. And put some literature in their hands and our e-mail address ( in their minds.
As I continue to travel across Pennsylvania, my hopes soar daily that we are not only in the process of winning the Democratic Primary (May 16) and General Election (November 7), but we are also in the midst of retaking the Democratic Party, the U.S. Consitution, all three branches of the federal government, and US-Global relations.
All that stands between us and our worthy and winnable goals is believing. It really is that simple.
Today is Election Day 2005. Vote like it matters. The World is waiting…
Yours in solidarity,
Forgive me taking off right now. I am dashing to work the polls in lower Bucks County and Philadelphia.
I likely won’t be able to respond to your comments until late this evening.
Still no tanks in the streets…Let’s keep it that way!
All the best,
Chuck Pennacchio
move to Pennsylvania to vote for you next year — Philly’s got their new contract, so the spouse could find a job… lol
Wishing you good luck, which is more than you’ll get some places…
Hey Chuck…good to see you here again. I invite you to drop your campaign and move to the 50th district in SoCA! We need a good progressive, responsive candidate to take Mr. Real Estate Cunningham’s place. I like Busby but am somewhat miffed at this time. All her meet and greets so far have been at donor’s homes and you are asked to contribute alot of money to attend. Guess she doesn’t realise there are alot of the grassroots folks out here willing to work for her but don’t have the big bucks to contribute. Before I work for her though, I would like to hear her speak in a twonhall setting. I know she needs the money to run but ignoring the base is a big mistake.
I have the feeling alot of candidates figure we are so fed up with the repugs that will will vote auto dem. Don’t make that mistake Chuck. Too many of us are pissed at the dems too.
You are right on point. It is a rare Democratic office holder, official, candidate, or pollster who openly admits the anger rank-and-file Dems feel toward their own party.
As the only Senate candidate in the country (as far as I know) to have attended the recent anti-war march in Washington, I heard that disappointment, bitterness, and frustration time and again vented at the Democrats — especially Senate Democrats — on Capitol Hill.
As for fund raising, I have never required an “entry fee” for any event we’ve hosted. Indeed, to your last point, without the base, the Democrats remain a minority party for as far as the eye (and calendar) can see.
Finally, I know your district pretty well, having organized in and around San Diego as a teen (13-17), and having family in El Cajon, Temecula, and Pacifica. Thanks for spreading my message –“conviction wins” — all over Southern Cal.
Thanks for the well-wishing. Had a great day in Bucks County and Philly yesterday. We recruited lots of new volunteers and voters.
Beyond that, who knows, maybe you will end up in PA in the spring — even to help us with GOTV on May 16th. Mark your calendar…Best, Chuck