MSNBC reports Fox News hit with sexual harassment lawsuit

NEW YORK – The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit in federal court against News Corp.’s Fox News Network LLC.

The complaint contends that Joe Chillemi, a Fox vice president who supervised its advertising and promotions departments, sexually harassed and subjected Weiler and other women to a hostile work environment, routinely using obscenities and vulgarities to describe women or their body parts.

Fox’s true colors are coming to light. I often wondered why the name ‘FOX NEWS’ as it is a bit odd, but after reading this definition of “fox” it kind of makes sense.


pl. fox·es , also fox

Any of various carnivorous mammals of the genus Vulpes and related genera, related to the dogs and wolves and characteristically having upright ears, a pointed snout, and a long bushy tail.
The fur of one of these mammals.
A crafty, sly, or clever person.
Slang A sexually attractive person.
Nautical Small cordage made by twisting together two or more strands of tarred yarn.
Archaic A sword.
foxed , fox·ing , fox·es

To trick or fool by ingenuity or cunning; outwit.
To baffle or confuse.

To make (beer) sour by fermenting.
To repair (a shoe) by attaching a new upper.
Obsolete To intoxicate.

To act slyly or craftily.
To turn sour in fermenting. Used of beer.

Just another example of why words are important.