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Froggy Bottom Cafe
Froggy Bottom Cafe
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Don’t forget to vote!
Good luck to all progressive candidates
Please share your local election news throughout the day
We have an important city council election today here in Tucson. The Dems have two strong challengers against incumbent Repubs, let’s see what the day brings us.
Good morning!
I feel so lazy and content, because our election was last week (it’s a long story . . . ).
But I’m sending lots of good progressive energy out to the rest of the country. Up with school bonds! Down with codifying prejudice!
Hi ManEe!
I’m going out to vote in a bit. Luckily, the local Republican committee sent me a list of who not to vote for, cause the Dems seem to have been asleep at the wheel this year.
Our local party was pretty organized for this one, they were out canvassing, running commercials (one got them in trouble, hehe), and holding neighborhood forums. I hope it pays off. Which positions are you voting for?
I’ll go vote after work tonight…but hubby was #1 voter in our precinct this morning. It could be an interesting turnout here…cold and rainy. Our Dem groups are very active so I’m pretty confident in our local results. Statewide – who knows – but the polls are promising.
We have only the CA propositions on our ballot…straight no vote.
May the Gropinator propositions go down in flames!
Keep us posted Sallycat! Let us know if you hear any preliminary results
No elections here. But in other breaking, important news, we got our copy of the Compete Calvin and Hobbes! It’s got to be the most gorgeous printing of a comic strip ever — three volumes of exquisitely reproduced images on high quality stock and so heavy that each book should have a warning on the cover for people with bad backs. Calvin and Hobbes fans who don’t have this yet should immediately add it to their Xmas/Hanukkah lists.
A landscape worthy of Calvin’s outer space fantasies
Valley of the Gods, near Mexican Hat, Utah
Ooooh, I love the Monument Valley area. I’m amazed at nature’s ability to have such vibrancy in color and character. Thx for sharing Andi!
cause when I look at Andi’s majestic photo… all I can think of is..
Holiday Roaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!
I recognize that this must be something from one of the “Vacation” movies but I have to hang my head and admit I’ve never watched one of them so I don’t get the allusion.
OTOH, you were supposed to be thinking like this:

I totally got the Calvin image 🙂 Love Calvin and Hobbes. Big fans in this house. YOung and old 🙂
Yup Vacation movies. My son LOVES them.
Vote!!!! Get out there.. oh wait.. I don’t have to tell you guys that 🙂 Whew!
Sierra Club Petition:
To: House Majority Leader Roy Blunt and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
Re: Opposition to Arctic and Coastal Drilling
We the undersigned Americans do not want the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and America’s coasts sacrificed for oil and gas industry profits.
Danni is home today – she feels “barfy”.
Moving… starting to feel that marital stress crapper.
“hello, how are you”
“What do you mean by that huh?”
“So what are you trying to say?”
Lovely day…. GUH!
Thx for the link to the petition. Barfy? Can I steal that word? I hope Danni feel better soon and good luck with the move!
The Move… The boxes arrive next Monday. Hopefully their won’t be any “mercy killings” before then! 🙂
Morning, Everybody!
There’s an interesting article on MSNBC about women sneaking in to take some power in violence-torn countries.
LINK: Women.
Apparently there’s some rumor about how women tend to be more peaceful and how they like to spend more money on education than on war? Golly! Who’d a thunkit? I thought this part was esp. interesting: Are women actually more peaceful than men? Looking at Cameroon, Bolivia and Malaysia, a recent World Economic Forum study found that when women have a greater say in spending priorities, they spend less on the military. “When women reach 30 or 40 percent of government, you get much more funding for health care and education,” says Hunt. And according to Harvard psychologist Rose McDermott’s simulated-conflict studies, the more money a country spends on its military, the more likely it is to go to war. Based on 500 hours of interviews, the Initiative for Inclusive Society reports: “Women are particularly adept at bridging the ethnic, religious and political divides.”
I should do a diary on it, but we know I’ll never get around to it. Maybe somebody else will be inspired.
It’s an interesting article and an interesting idea but it’s based to some degree on some gender essentialism that I don’t really buy (Margaret Thatcher, anyone). I think it might have more to say about what those without any power might try to do if they get some — what they want to do is to better their lives and women in developing countries know better than just about anyone that war never betters their lives or their lives of their children.
Yeah, though I think the actual results they cite render their gender essentialism somewhat irrelevant. It’s like they start with the premise of a cliche, and the stats appear to support it, but we don’t really have enough data to know what it means in the long run, or when enough women have enough power for a long time. There surely would be a goodly number of Thatchers around, but would they be outfoxed by the unThatchers? I would hope so, but I dunno. We’ve all seen what can happen when a very few bully types get the reins. Still,the stats are mildly encouraging. Personally, I’d go for almost anything to get the power out of the hands of violent men, even if it meant piling on the cliches about women being more peaceful by nature.
If none of the above holds together, you can blame it on the fact that I haven’t eaten yet. I’m about to tear ManE’s breakfat photo off the screen and devour it.
If you are in the mood for a salad, here’s something to ease the craving:
Looks awfully healthy, she said doubtfully.
What’s in those bowls in the breakfast photo?
breakfast quiche methinks. We’re also serving turkey breast
I used to be the Salad Girl at the Kansas Union. Ahh, the memories come rushing back.
It sure looks good.
My son opened my eyes about Salad bars.
I didn’t understand how he could HATE something so much. Then I saw them through his eyes.
People line up… which means you have people on either side of you – thus meaning you are made to feel like you should “hurry up”.
Have you seen what people do while waiting in lines??
They fidget.
They touch themselves. You’d be amazed how much this goes on. I think most of us tune it out.
After touching themselves, they put their hand over the food.
Then while USING the tongs or spoon to put the food on their plate, and if you WATCH, you’ll see people will pick food OFF the TONG and toss it off. Like if they didn’t want that pepper. They sort through what’s on the tong with their fingers. Picking out the best cherry tomatoes.
Then usually someone sneezes, wipes their nose with the back of their hand and then, you guessed it, reaches in for more salad fixings.
All the while feeling the need to “hurry up”.
I’ll order a steak. Thanks
Then again, the spouse and I never use our hands at the salad bar, unless it’s to pick stuff off our own trays and eat it.
I admit to being a salad bar fanatic, because most prepared green salad has stuff I either (a) can’t stand, like red cabbage or cucumbers, or (b) can’t eat, like raw tomatoes to which I’m extremely allergic.
My usual Fresh Choice/Sweet Tomatoes salad:
Lettuce (Romaine and Iceberg)
Shredded carrots
Lots of sliced mushrooms
Corn and/or peas
Pickle slices
Dressing on the side, to add as needed…
Wesley helps me sees things like that 🙂
But.. he doesn’t like people touching his food at all. LOL
bad day here… long story and I’ll share tomorrow. I voted. And Wesley, although he was bullied at the bus stop coming home – all his stuff in his pack is back and his glasses are okay… he’s fine now. Just was totally freaked out :*(
Came back to see Sally had tried to call yay 🙂 and you all make me smile..
I know I’m supposed to be an adult…but I so want to beat the crap out of the kids that bullied Wesley. Can I..please?
but ought not to focus on gender but on class and status. I don’t think a poor male farmer in a developing country is necessarily any more warlike than a poor woman farmer.
What happens is that we (the developed world) go into these places and our governments support those who are most like them (males who want power and control). So we go to Afghanistan and give the power to the warlords instead to the poor villagers. And nothing really changes for the poor.
* shill * Want to see an organization that understands giving power to the powerless. Check out the programs of Women for Women International
I think we can have it both ways. As with any generalizations about humans, there can be a solid trend in one direction with plenty of variability for individual exceptions.
Anyways I’ve seen what a male leadership has done to America over the past half century. At this point I think we’d be better off with ducks.
lol! I love Daffy. He can be my president anyday. Oh, wait. . .
I’d vote for the Marmot in the park of flowers. 🙂
didn’t you.
Feel the Marmot Power!! 🙂
I’m snatching that photo! For hockey marmot mojo 🙂
Ah, one of my favorite characters. My kids point out that I say I like Bugs Bunny, but it’s usually Daffy who I quote.
“Still lurking about!”
“No more for me thanks, I’m driving.”
It always slew me that Mel Blanc had enough of an ear to say “du” in that line.
Boy doan’ stop talk-in’, he’s gonna git his TUH-UH-UHngue sun-burned!
No elections in my precint today. It feels kind of weird.
I’ve been spending my whole morning doing one of my least favorite parts of the writing job–marketing stuff. In this case, emailing the big name folks I know who might have the time to read the new book and who might like it enough to want to say something nice about it for the book jacket. I know it’s a nice problem to have, but it’s still no fun. Bleah.
No tea today. I’m trying to do a caffeine detox. Bleah again.
spell check then post, and keep repeating. Sigh.
Asking for blurbs and going without caffeine ON THE SAME DAY? You, sir, are a masochist!
It’s more a case of if I’m going to be miserable anyway I was might as well get it all over with at once.
I hear ya. Good luck. But don’t read Gooserock’s next post.
I’ll have a 2nd cuppa Earl Grey, and some soft pickled herring for my pre-work breakfast snack.
Ooo, this is a cruel post to follow Kelly’s!
I was wondering if there might be an internet-savvy person out there who could do me a HUGE HUGE favor and help me figure out how to track down the owner of a website or news group where someone is publishing libelous slander? I tried emailing them at the address given, but have received no reply. Thanks in advance!!!! 🙂
I don’t know much about this stuff, but you could see if Whois.net turns up anything.
Good tip, thanks! 🙂
Now monitoring MSNBC…big news — the Democrats are calling on Bush to not pardon Libby or anyone else found to be involved in the Plame leak case. Now that idiot Tony Blankley from the Washington Times is whining about how this will “prejudice the jury pool” or some such rot. What an ass…
Now I’ve got to have lunch…just a bit under the weather, mainly female-type issues. 🙁 Spouse will bring dinner home tonight (craving the tostada salad from Baja Fresh anyway), tomorrow will be chili in the slow cooker. Still a bit grey today, good day to stay in and watch our democracy inaction… 😉
Now I have a craving for Baja Fresh (I’m partial to steak quesadillas)… and there’s one only three blocks from my apartment, once I finally get home this evening….
is my favorite, although I usually don’t eat the bowl (just the part at the bottom where the beans soak through, yum.
I leave off the guacamole because I don’t really care for it (not a big avocado fan), and I can’t have the tomatoes or the pico de gallo because I’m extremely allergic to raw tomatoes (but not cooked/processed ones, oddly enough). So I just end up with the steak, romaine lettuce, beans and sour cream. Since the spouse gets there so close to closing (doesn’t get there till about 8:20), I think they throw in some extra lettuce and beans to make up for the lack of other stuff, and probably so they have less to throw out at the end of the day. Very cool…
All my voting is now done by absentee ballot, according to my last US address. I have to admit that in the frenzy of becoming a mom, I failed to get a ballot. Grrr..
In the school district where I teach, there are two school board seats and a millage renewal on the ballot. I just have to wait to see how it goes, if it doesn’t pass, I may a full-time stay-at-home mom for a while.
Not much is more important than voting, but I think “new mom” wins that competition hands down. 🙂 I hope your election turns out whichever way is best for you and your family.
I work in a crazy district, so I have to admit that I don’t know how I feel. I don’t want other people to lose their jobs. I do miss the classroom, though. It’s just all the other crap that wears me down: idiot administrators, testing, etc.
I make more money than my husband, so financially, it made the most sense for him to take the longer leave. I am feeling pretty torn.
how about an Election Night cafe, since this one’s sinking down the chart? Anyone have any good voting stories to share?